Villain Retirement

Chapter 272: Hope Begins

Chapter 272: Hope Begins

"M… Megawoman!?"

"D… do you think you could just barge in here!?"


Decades ago, sometime in the early second quarter of the 1900s, Hope Guild was founded by members of the World Government. With only one purpose– a contingency against Megawoman if ever she becomes the enemy of humanity.

Megawoman"s popularity has been growing almost exponentially with the birth of long-range communications. And due to her stopping what could have possibly been a world war, her influence in the world… was now higher than even that of the leaders of the world.

Megawoman was the savior of the world– but what happens if one day, she decided to turn her back on humanity? After all, no matter how much they wanted it, Megawoman was an alien.

And so, the World Government decided to create the Hope Guild. And now, they have gathered all the 7 members they needed.

All super-powered individuals that could potentially and possibly restrain Megawoman when or if the time comes. Everything was ready as they met in a secured facility away from the rest of the world, with the government shaking the hands of each of the members of the newly established Hope Guild.

But then…

…Megawoman entered their so-called facility through the front door.

"Why… why are you here!?"

The government officials that were there all stepped back, their finely tailored suits, almost ripping from the sheer force of their anxiety. As for the seven supers that were gathered in the room, they quickly all put up their stance as their eyes all stared at Megawoman as soon as she barged through the door.

"How can I not be here when I hear you children shouting my name a dozen times?" Megawoman let out a small sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, adjusting her mask at the same time. Her outfit was not the same as it was in the present times, and was instead some kind of winter jacket that one could find in thrift stores.

"You… were nearby?"

"Yes, Stark. I was somewhere in Canada."

"...But we"re in Greenland."

"As I said, I was nearby."

Stark, the current and acting leader of the World Government back in those days, could only stare as Megawoman walked around the hall they were in; her eyes, seemingly scanning all the people inside.

"So…" Megawoman then took a seat on one of the chairs at the table, "...what"s all this about?"


The only one that dared to open his mouth was Stark. After all, amongst all the people within the hall, he was the one that knew Megawoman the most.

"...We"re just gathering exemplary supers, Megawoman," Stark then let out a small but deep breath as he too, took a seat. He also gestured for the others to sit… but sadly for one of them, Megawoman already had his.

"Hm…" Megawoman then once again scanned the supers that were now seated at the table, "...I see that. So what exactly are your plans for subduing me when I, as you said, started to become the enemy of humanity?"


And as soon as Megawoman said that, the supers that have already taken their seats all jumped, once again putting up their own stances as they looked at Megawoman.

"...Did you even train these guys?" Megawoman sighed and shook her head, "I am disappointed in you, Stark. I thought that amongst all those who have governed their people, you were different."

"We… may be friends, Megawoman. But that is exactly why I know you"re too dangerous,"

Stark then raised his hand, gesturing for the supers to calm down. However, none of them followed his order as they were too distracted in trying to gauge whether or not Megawoman was going to start something.

"That"s not what I am disappointed in, Stark," Megawoman shook her head; her sighs, echoing throughout the room, "If the time comes that I become the enemy, do not do anything…

…just run and hide."


"Talk," Megawoman once again sighed, "None of these children would even leave a mark on my skin, so just talk to me when that time comes."

"...How do you know we can even talk to you if you actually become our enemy?"

"Because the time I become your enemy… is the time that all of you would have lost your humanity."

Megawoman once again scanned the supers one by one,

"And you, children… never sacrifice your life to people that are just using you."

"..." The seven supers could only look at each other; their heads, slightly looking down as they heard Megawoman"s words.

"The very fact that they have tasked you to fight me is ludicrous," Megawoman then stood up from her seat, causing everyone in the room to flinch,

"The only creature that could kill me is trillions of kilometers away," she then breathed out; her words, followed by a somber silence as they all just watched as Megawoman seemingly looked towards the stars.

But after a few seconds, she turned to face one of the members of the newly formed Hope Guild,

"You, little girl."

"M… me?" And despite her head being covered by a hood and her face by a mask, it was obvious from her voice that she was perplexed from suddenly having been singled out by Megawoman.

"Come with me."

And with those words, Megawoman suddenly grabbed the female super, flying away and returning after an hour… bringing along multiple silver pillars with them.

"What… is this?" Stark squinted his eyes as Megawoman almost destroyed the table as she placed the pillars on it.

"A way to neutralize me if the time comes," Megawoman then smirked as she stepped back, "Something from my home planet."

"This!?" Everyone turned their eyes towards the pillars.

"Why…" Stark, on the other hand, just took in a small gulp, "Why did you give this to us?"

"Not to you…" Megawoman pointed at the female super and the other members of the Hope Guild, " them."

"But they work for us!"

"Give it a year or two," Megawoman chuckled, "I am sure they"ll part ways with you guys once they realize they are working for jesters."


"And you don"t have to worry," Megawoman then walked to the door, "None of you would gain the chance to use that…

…because I will never betray Earth."



"Because I will never betray Earth."

And before Empress could truly finish her story about Megawoman, Tempo interrupted her as he let out a small groan and finished the story for her.

"Do you know how many times I have heard this story? Probably a hundred times."

And despite being glared at by Empress, Tempo still continued to groan and sigh. They were already back in the base of the Hope Guild, with Aerith being confined in the lowest level.

"..." Empress was still glaring at Tempo; but after a few more seconds, she let out a long and deep sigh and started dismissing everyone.

"Riley Ross, you stay."

"Uh–" V was about to approach Riley as they were all stepping out, but could only grunt and sigh as she went ahead.

"It was a very nice story, Miss Empress," Riley then sat back to his seat as everyone else but he and Empress left the meeting hall.

"Rescuing Megawoman…

…we"re doing it tonight."