Villain Retirement

Chapter 368: New Face

Chapter 368: New Face

"I don"t like my name being used."



"...And cut!"

A collection of deep breaths echoed through the air as Ellie"s brother, Elliot, cut off the stream. Paige"s breaths were perhaps the most notable ones, as they continued to stutter as the luxurious drapes behind them disappeared, replacing it with the view of the Paige and Paragon building lobby — the large desk in front of them, also disappearing.

As for John and Ellie who were standing behind like some sort of statue, they also unstraightened their backs; with Ellie removing her

"Are… you sure about this, boss?" John quickly approached Riley; his voice, slightly meek, "You gave us a new life, but you abandoned yours for your old one… that doesn"t seem right to me."

"I don"t need a new life, John," Riley said as he shook his head. And as soon as he said that, Paige once again held his hand.

"Bonkers," Ellie clicked her tongue as she unb.u.t.toned her suit, "First day at our new office, and we"re already about to be overworked."

"I apologize, Ms. Elli. Would you like to rest for today?"

"h.e.l.l no," Ellie scoffed, "This beats aimlessly sitting at the farm watching John failing to milk cows. Besides… those House of Super t.w.a.ts are making my blood boil."

"T… that"s good and all, but where exactly do we start?" Paige then commented as she looked at everyone, "We have no idea where they could be."

"We start anywhere," Riley muttered as he looked at John, "I suggest the two of you just kill everyone you suspect to be a member of the House of Super. Start from here, and then explore the country."

"...Why are you making it sound like we"re just going for a run, mate?" Ellie once again scoffed.

"Is… she okay with this, boss?" John then looked at Paige.

"...Why wouldn"t I be?" Paige only tilted her head, slightly confused with John"s question.

"You… are a hero, right? Are you okay with us just killing people?"

"The House of Super is bad," Paige shook her head and sighed, "The world will be a better place without them."

"Boss and I are also bad people, the worst of the worst."

"Riley is my friend," Paige casually said.

"..." John could really only blink several times at Paige"s words. He seemed to want to say something, but just chose not to.

"Before you venture out…"

Riley then handed phones to both John and Ellie, "...Use it to stream online while you kill and torture the members of the House of Super."

"...I don"t really know how to feel about that," Ellie sighed as she grabbed her phone, "But I suppose that"s the job description. Ms. Paige has a point, though. Where do we even start?"

"P… please, just call me Paige."

"...You"re my boss," Ellie breathed out, "The company literally has your name in it."

"I… is that so? If… if you insist."

"..." Ellie could really only squint her eyes as Paige started giggling.

"There… is something seriously wrong with this girl", she thought. No wonder she and Riley clicked.

"..." Wait, but John is Riley"s clone… doesn"t that mean that something was also wrong with her?

"You seem to be thinking of something deep there, chief."

"It"s none of your business, you c.u.n.t," Ellie quickly waved her hand as she walked away, "Let"s go hunt us some t.w.a.ts."

"...What did I do now?" John could really only furrow his eyebrows as he followed Ellie.

"Elliot, you stay here with Ms. Paige. Is that okay for you, Ms. Paige?"

"Yeah, it"s cool. I have… more of a support role anyway."

"Eh… but I want to go with you guys," Elliot raised his voice.

"We… actually have the new PS5, I can set it up."

"P…Plash Speed?" Elliot"s voice stuttered as soon as he heard Paige,

"Ah, what… what"s this… I feel ill all of a sudden," he then said as he started coughing, "I… I think I need to stay here and rest instead."

"You"re free to kick him if he misbehaves, Ms. Paige," Ellie raised her index and middle finger at Elliot as she started walking away, "Let"s go. I"m itching to stretch my powers. John, don"t do anything and just protect me, a"ight?"


"What do you mean why? If you join, there would be nothing left for me to do."

And with those words, the two finally left the building.

"What about you, Riley? Where are you going?" Paige immediately asked as soon as the two were gone.

"I"m going to stay here."

"...But you just declared you were going to hunt them."

"Yes," Riley nodded, "But we"re supposed to be the Boss. They are supposed to come to us."

"...That makes sense," Paige shrugged, "What… about your sister and the Baby Crew? What will we do once they arrive?"

"They won"t come."

"...How can you be so sure?"

"Because besides my sister…" Riley then looked Paige straight in the eyes,

"...They are all afraid of me."


"If they are going to visit, it wouldn"t be without a plan."

"...Hm," Paige nodded, "Elliot and I will be upstairs. Call me if you need anything."

"I will. Thank you, Paige," Riley then also nodded as he finally stood up; making his way to the piano on the corner of the lobby. He raised his finger while walking, and as he did so, his long black hair lifted up… before tying itself into some sort of ponytail, with strands still flowing on the side of his cheeks.

"..." Riley checked the entrance of the building if anyone was already arriving, before starting to play the piano.


A second.

A minute.

An hour.

And finally, after 3 hours — the door opened.

Riley continued to play as the silhouette stepped forward; each of the silhouette"s steps, making some sort of metallic thump. And soon, the silhouette was beside him.

"Mr. Riley Ross."

"Greetings," Riley instantly stopped playing the piano as he looked at his first visitor, "I have been expec—"

But as soon as he saw who it was, he blinked.

"..." His first visitor was wearing a knight that seemed like he came out of the medieval era; wearing full armor slathered in red, and a large sword on his back.

Crimson Paladin, one of the Pope"s guards.

"The leader of the House of Super… is the Pope?" Riley quickly muttered; his eyes, showing a visible sign of shock. He certainly did not expect something like this.

"What? No,"

The Crimson Paladin"s monotonous tone seeped from his helmet, "He just ordered me to come here."

"...Why?" There was a hint of disappointment in Riley"s breaths as he looked at the Crimson Paladin.

"I don"t know," the Crimson Paladin shrugged, "We"ve actually known of your existence ever since you first appeared on the news," he then said as he pointed at where his eyes should be behind the helmet.

"X-ray vision," Riley breathed out, "You can see even through the screen?"


"Interesting. You"re not here to kill me, I a.s.sume?"

"I"m not stupid enough to think I can kill you," the Crimson Paladin scoffed, "He just ordered me to watch you."



"Then please, make yourself comfortable," Riley then gestured the Crimson Paladin to sit on the sofa near the piano, before starting to play again.

"..." The Crimson Paladin did not really say anything as he just took a seat; his entire body, almost sinking due to his heavy armor — his gigantic sword, poking through the floor as he placed it beside him.


"..." And true to his words, the Crimson Paladin just watched Riley in silence; not even uttering a single word.

Soon, however, a phone started floating in front of him.



"...What"s this?"

"It"s a smartphone, Crimson Paladin."

"I know what a phone is. What is it doing floating in front of me?"

"I surmise someone with x-ray vision is good with the camera, Crimson Paladin. Please, operate it since you are here. It"s already streaming, you just need to point it to your desired angle and—"

"I"m not your a.s.sistant," the Crimson Paladin tried swatting the phone away, but it immediately dodged.

"I can pay you for your time, Crimson Paladin. Aerith has a lot of money."

Why do you think I would do— Yes, I can hear you," the Crimson Paladin then suddenly slightly tilted his head to the side, seemingly talking to someone.


"Yes. Yes. What… His Holiness told me to do what?"


"Are you serious?"


"Fine," the Crimson Paladin then clicked her tongue as she suddenly removed her gauntlets — revealing her hand that was covered in calluses. And with a slight pause, he shook his head before removing his helmet… revealing a somewhat small head that was completely out of proportion compared to his bulky armor.

A brown skin that was filled with scars; black s.h.a.ggy hair that reached just below the eyebrow. And the most noticeable of all — eyes that were sewn shut by a golden thread.

That"s weird. Riley remembered seeing the Crimson Paladin"s eyes before through his helmet.

"I am only doing this because the Pope ordered it," and then… a high-pitched voice — Crimson Paladin is a woman.



Riley did not really say or ask anything as he just continued to play the piano; with the Crimson Paladin now pointing the camera at him.



And soon, the door once again opened.

"!!!" Crimson Paladin quickly stood up as she pointed the camera to the door, zooming it on the three people that entered.

The group was wearing red masks similar to what one would find in a j.a.panese festival — a Tengu mask.

Crimson Paladin then zoomed in on each of their faces, before uttering something,

"Robert Harrison, Kirsten Stuart, Taylor Lauder."

"W… what the f.u.c.k!?" The only woman in the group quickly looked at the Crimson Paladin, "How… how does she know our names!?"

"..." The Crimson Paladin didn"t really answer as she just pointed the camera to the one who spoke up. Of course, she knows who they are --- she has memorized all the faces in all of the registries in the world; from their and right down to their birth certificate.

The Crimson Paladin... is very dedicated to her job.

"It doesn"t matter! Get that camera!"

The woman from the group nodded, before the floor beneath her started to ripple — and with a smirk, she suddenly sank down and disappeared.




However… nothing happened even after a minute. There was no sign of the woman showing herself, causing the remaining two to just look at each other.

"Well…" And then, Riley stood up and removed his hands from the piano — but even then, the keys continued to move as it played by itself.

This time, the melody that played from the piano became faster and heavier as Riley stepped down the stage.

"...That"s one down."