Villain Retirement

Chapter 381:A Sudden Deal

Chapter 381:A Sudden Deal

"You… you"re not going to let my son go?"


It had been a few minutes, but Riley"s statement has continued to shut the mouths of everyone within the vicinity. The military, and even those that were trapped inside the transparent prison could only swallow in their gasps.

Forever? Were they supposed to take that literally?

What could that even entail for the military? They were only running on fumes right now since their chain of command was currently in complete disarray with Empress missing in action. Were they just… supposed to stay here?

By all means, Riley Ross should not have any authority to decide something like this— but with anarchy, the only word that matters is the word of the strong. And right now, that was Riley Ross.

Even Angela, who had already heard his plans, was starting to feel sorry as she saw the faces of the people trapped inside. But then, whenever she remembers what they did to the Vatican and their attempt on the Pope"s life— any pity she has for them goes away.

It was different, however, for their families that had no idea what they were doing. And now, one of them was practically kneeling in front of Riley.

"Until… Until when? Jonathan… Jonathan is just a stupid boy, please. He…" The female reporter continued to plead. Soon, however, Riley"s eyebrow slightly began to furrow, causing the woman to back away,

"I did not think I would be repeating my statement again and again," Riley"s long black hair waved with the air as he shook his head, "They will be inside forever."

Riley was about to walk away, but before he could take his 3rd step, a voice screamed from the base.

"Wait there!" It was the Caesar; each of his words, enough to cause the interior of the transparent prison to shake. Riley only glanced at the approaching Caesar, before letting out a breath and no longer heeding him any mind.

"I said wait!"

And without even any warning, the Caesar suddenly grabbed Jonathan; placing his mouth awfully close to his ear.

"If you don"t want this child to die, you will let us both go, Riley Ross. There"s only one— Where are you going!?"

"Wait, please!"


Riley could really only look at his arm as the female reporter suddenly grabbed him by the wrist; his eyes slightly twitched, causing Angela to almost flinch and pull away the female reporter. Luckily for everyone there, however, Riley only nudged his arm away as he looked at the Caesar.

"That"s right," the Caesar let out a small chuckle as he nodded, "Just one whisper containing a hint of my power, and this boy"s skull will turn into mush."

"Do… please do what he says!" The female reporter suddenly kneeled and groveled on the ground, "Please! Please save my son!"

"..." A small and subtle sigh escaped from Riley"s lips as he listened to the female reporter"s stuttering breaths. He then glanced towards Angela, who quickly nodded her head in response.

And then, for some reason; very subtly, a small smile appeared on Riley"s face.

"Very well," he then whispered as he looked the Caesar straight in the eyes, "Push the madam"s son out first."

The female reporter"s gasps almost turned into a yelp as she heard Riley"s words; her breaths, erratic as she stood up. Placing her hands together almost as if praying to Riley,

"Thank you… thank you."

"No!" The Caesar let out a small roar as he pushed the female reporter"s son"s head to the invisible wall, "We"re going to go out together at the same time and— Ah!"

"N… no!"

And all of a sudden… Jonathan"s eyes popped out from their sockets. His forehead could be seen bulging momentarily before it quickly started deflating like a balloon.

"N… no," the female reporter once again dropped to the ground as the blood of her son sprayed and showered on her face.

"W… what?" The Caesar stuttered as he took a step back, "But I… I didn"t even use my powers and—"

And before the Caesar could finish his words, he noticed the blood on the female reporter"s face.

The blood… went through the invisible wall? And as soon as the thought entered his mind, he didn"t even hesitate to leap forward to escape… only for him to almost break his nose as the invisible wall was actually still there.

The Caesar thought that Riley opened up a portion of the wall since the blood went through. But to think that— !!!

And then, once again, the Caesar realized something as he slowly turned his eyes towards Riley, only to see him also looking at him; a small and subtle smile, plastered on his face.

"Bravo, Riley Ross," the Caesar could really only clap as he shook his head, "Truly a beautiful masterpiece. We could have really made a great team."

The Caesar couldn"t even laugh or cry at his situation, he… was just in awe. The Caesar was able to ama.s.s a large number of people, controlling them and letting them do his bidding— he thought himself a G.o.d.

But right now, he learned what it really means to have someone in strings. And right now… he— no, they were nothing but a puppet that was playing on Riley"s hand.

"..." Riley watched as the female reporter"s colleagues dragged her away from the scenery of her son"s gruesome death, before once again glancing the Caesar straight in the eyes,

"How many members do you still have outside, the Caesar?"

"I don"t know. Probably a lot," the Caesar really only let out a chuckle as he answered Riley"s question without any hesitation, "Hundred thousand more? Half a million? A million? You can"t stop this, Riley Ross. We are already the next step in—"

And before the Caesar could finish his words, his face could be seen caving in as it was pressed into the invisible wall. And soon, it just popped; his skull ruptured open as bits of his brains scattered across the invisible wall.

Everyone looked at Riley— but it wasn"t his doing, no.

Instead, as the blood and bits of brain matter started to trail down the transparent wall, a palm could be seen. The owner?


Her face was bruised and several cuts littered her cheek and forehead; her clothes, completely tattered.

Her eyes, however, were almost bursting in rage.

"Get me out of this f.u.c.king s.h.i.thole."

"Oh…" Riley blinked a couple of times,

"...So this is where you were."

It wasn"t only Empress.

As it turns out, Butcher and some other people from the s.p.a.ce Station were inside the base of the House of Super as hostages and prisoners.

In the end, Empress chose to surrender herself without a fight on the condition that the others would be taken in as prisoners as well. Butcher advised against it, of course. But after the bombs wiped out a third of the human population, Empress wanted to save those that she could.

But of course, they didn"t surrender without a plan. They were just waiting for a chance to slowly infiltrate the House of Super from within and break it from the inside…

…but to think it was this kind of chance.

"...You said you were a Themarian."

"No, you said I was a Themarian."

"But you agreed. You even said that Aerith is your lover."

"I could still be, Empress."


Empress could really only let out an exasperated sigh. Her breaths, almost echoing throughout the tent they were now in.

With her now in command, the people from the media were quickly asked to move away— but not leave. They were allowed to set up camp, as long as they did not impede any government activity henceforth.

The military has also quickly set up tents just meters away from the colossal transparent prison, with their orders just to stand by and stand guard for now, and be prepared just in case more members of the House of Super start to retaliate.

"You…" Empress decided to ignore everything that"s been happening for a moment as she turned her attention to Angela, who was standing behind Riley like a tree, "Aren"t you one of the Pope"s guards?"

"Yes, ma"am," Angela quickly saluted, "I am unfortunately the only one left of the guards. They attacked the Vatican City."

"...Seems like a lot has happened," Empress once again sighed at her failed attempt to distract herself. She then turned to Riley; looking at him from head to toe,

"I still can"t believe Aerith lied to me, again. And f.u.c.k, I don"t believe I am saying this… but you"re not our biggest problem right now," she then said as she peered her eyes through the windows of the tent and looked at the House of Super.

"Ma"am. Since you killed their leader, I a.s.sume you have a more effective way to garner information?" Angela stepped forward.

"We… have someone working on the intel right now," Empress answered with a short sigh.

"May I ask what your plan is once you do find the other members still outside?"

"..." Empress did not really answer Angela"s question, and instead just turned to look at Riley,

"How long can you sustain this transparent prison of yours?"

"It"s an aquarium, Empress."

"How long can you sustain this G.o.dd.a.m.n aquarium of yours?"

"As long as I"m alive," Riley shrugged, "But you can decide, Empress."


"You are the leader of this planet, and I am a law-abiding citizen. Just tell me w—"

"f.u.c.k," Empress did not let Riley finish his words, "I forgot how troublesome it is to deal with you. You"re not pa.s.sing this to me, no— all of the things that happens in this… aquarium are your responsibility."

"Then…" A smile then suddenly crawled on Riley"s face, "If you find more…

…can we add it to the aquarium?"