Villain Retirement

Chapter 418: I"m A Bad Guy

Chapter 418: I"m A Bad Guy

"So, this is Earth. It looks just like any other low-tier planet."

"...Are all the habitable planets similar?"

"Not at all, but this is like the textbook of what planets with any kind of base civilization look like. If a planet develops like this, then an intelligent civilization would sprout on it, no matter what."

Riley and company were now hovering in the skies of Earth with a ship made by Paige, and as always, powered by Riley.

But unlike previous iterations, however, they were no longer trying to hide the fact that it was a mixture of both their abilities; as the ship was basically just… a metallic box.

As for its interior, it was clear— one could see the Earth beneath their feet. By all accounts, Riley could have probably just lifted them to the planet all the same, but Vera and Val were still royalty. It would be rude not to give them the proper treatment, Riley said.

As for their deal with the princess becoming his subordinate… she obviously refused. Saying that she didn"t really need a tour and will just instead follow wherever Riley is. After all, it became clear to her that it wasn"t the planet or the civilization itself that was important— it was the inhabitants themselves, the so-called supers.

It was no wonder that Aerith and another unnamed themarian were staying here, the humans were a welcomed curiosity to them, no doubt.

"How many planets have you been to?" And while they were taking their time to leisurely reached the surface, Paige has been asking the princess several questions now. She didn"t seem to mind, however. If anything, she seemed to even like the queries.

"Probably a hundred or so," Vera shrugged, "And this isn"t racist or anything, but there are even species out there that are… too ugly to be alive."

"...How is that not racist? That"s like… beyond normal discrimination."

"Oh, I said it in a place of love," Vera only chuckled as she waved her hand, "They"re cute large oafs, those Map"qins. May their ancestors bless their hearts."

"...I see."

"Is it really alright for the two of you not to be in the ship, or at the very least, with Admiral Varen?" Tomoe then broke her silence as they got near the surface, "I feel as if you are only going to bring trouble to master Riley… with respects, princess."


"It is fine."

Val thought he finally found the chance to speak. But alas, Vera disrupted him before he could even utter a single word,

"If he needs me and I need him, we could just quickly run to each other," Vera shrugged.

"There is no need to argue or discuss about that, Princess Vera."


Vera then quickly turned her attention to Riley as he also broke his silence, "How so?"

"Because we are going to the place where he is."

And as soon as he said that, the ship they were on suddenly withered away; their feet, gently touching the ground as they find themselves in front of a large gate.

"...Does your species have giants?"

"We have a few that could turn into giants," Paige chuckled, "But no, that"s just how large the gate is— it"s the Mega Academy, after all."

"Academy?" Vera"s eyes widened, "I can see your kind values learning. That is good."

"...Actually, based on all the stories I"ve heard about it, they do more mock battles there than they read books."

"You did not attend this Academy, Paige Pearson?"

"...No," Paige breathed out, "Wrong timing, I suppose?"

"Hm. You—"

And before the princess could say another word, the large gates of the Academy opened.

She initially thought they were there to welcome them— but seeing as more than a dozen people suddenly surrounded them carrying slightly… perturbed expressions on their faces, she was starting to think it might not be so.

"...Is this how your kind welcomes each other?"

"No," Paige once again let out a chuckle, "This—"

"This is how they welcome master Riley," Tomoe was the one to finish Paige"s words as the ground beneath her started to freeze and turn dark,

Free web novel "His t.i.tles that I introduced him as were not for show, princess. It is better for you to learn that master Riley is not a man to be trifled with— he is not a man at all."

"..." Vera could really only squint her eyes, before looking at the people that were surrounding them. Soon, however, her eyes settled on… a man whose entire silhouette exuded a golden brilliance.

"So it was you, Riley Ross. It has been a long time since we last exchanged words."




The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before Bulwark raised his hand. And as soon as he did so, the people surrounding Riley and his group all dispersed; some, rushing back to the gates with all their might.

"You would have to excuse them, they are all still very much afraid of you— as they should," Bulwark then said, "May I ask what brings you here again?"

"I just feel like being here, Bulwark," Riley nodded, "I also have the prince and the princess of the evaniels tagging along with me. I figured I would bring them here."

"...What?" Bulwark could really only blink as he turned his eyes towards the two silver-haired individuals behind Riley, "I… was not aware of a princess."

"Oh, I just got here," Vera then stepped forward as she stretched her hand to Bulwark as the two exchanged greetings to each other.

"Are… you here to see your Admiral? He is exploring the Academy as we speak."

"I am afraid that depends entirely on Riley Ross," Vera smiled and shook her head, "As he stated, my brother and I are just tagging along."


Bulwark wished he could have been surprised by this sudden development. But no— perhaps out of all the people in the world, he was the one who was most used to the… anomalies that surround and follows Riley. After all, he was the first one who accepted and presented him as just a natural calamity to the world back then.

"Then please," Bulwark then said as he stepped to the side, "Us humans are always looking for a new friend."

"...Forgive me, I thought you were not a human at first. You looked like one of the other races— but you have a nose."

"Your Admiral said the same," Bulwark laughed, "Sadly, I am as human as the rest here."

"Don"t believe him, Princess Vera," Riley quickly commented as they started to step inside the Academy, "He is more than 4000 years old."

"...You humans are the weirdest species I have ever met."

"Hopefully not as weird as the clovians, princess," Bulwark breathed out.

"Clovians were here?"

"As invaders. It"s a long story. And sadly I have other matters to attend to," Bulwark sighed before turning towards Riley, "May I request… you don"t create trouble here, Riley? At the very least, try not to kill anyone."


"...Well, I"ll take my leave then. Princess Vera, I hope you find me after our duties."

"As I said, I am just tagging along."

"Hm. If you wish to find Admiral Varen, he should be in one of the learning about our people"s history," and with that, Bulwark flew away, leaving the group on their own without even as much as a guard or surveillance.

"So… you"re a bit of a troublemaker on this planet?" Vera then let out a small chuckle, "So, what did you actually do for everyone to be scared of you?"

"Living, Princess Vera," Riley said as they continued to walk.


Riley didn"t really add anything to his words, leaving the princess slightly confused. She looked to Paige and Tomoe to know what he meant, but they too, just remained quiet; their eyes, slightly showing hints of melancholy… and conflict.

And so, she could really only follow— her eyes, almost devouring all the supers they met as she tried to guess what their abilities could be.

And very soon, they reached the insides of the Academy, and then into a hallway that was filled with people— not even allowing anyone to walk through it.

However, as soon as someone noticed Riley, the crowd quickly dispersed— almost like c.o.c.kroaches that were suddenly exposed to the sun.

"I guess we know which cla.s.s Admiral Varen is sitting in," Paige said as the group walked towards the opened door, "Don"t you guys find it weird how quickly people in this Academy move on, though? It was only weeks ago that almost half the population died."

"It"s not that big of a deal," Tomoe shrugged, "No one probably even remembers the Seven Planes incident."

"...It kinda is?"

"I see Admiral Varen!"

And finally, after what seemed like hours of not being allowed to speak, Val found the chance to do so as he pointed at Varen, who was seated at the edge of the cla.s.s hall.

And suffice to say, everyone quickly turned their heads towards Val and the others.

"O… oh… Hi? We—"

And before Val could finish his words, Admiral Varen suddenly appeared in front of him, pulling him away from the others.

"What are you doing, Admiral?"

"Princess Vera!? You"re here!?" Varen"s eyes then turned wide as he saw their princess casually standing beside Riley,

"S… stay away from him, Princess! He is dangerous!"

"...Relax, Varen. We"re trying to build relations here," Vera let out a slightly chuckling breath, "You"re embarra.s.sing me in front of my new friends."

"No! Riley… Riley is…" Varen did not finish his words, and instead… he pointed toward the large screen in front of the cla.s.s.

"Oh," Riley was the first to react as he stepped into the cla.s.sroom,

"That"s me."