Villain Retirement

Chapter 539: Princess Tifa

Chapter 539: Princess Tifa

"Was it really alright to taunt Princess Aerith"s son like that, Professor Riley?"

"It is fine, he needs it. But where did you go, Star Sergeant Zac?"

"I hid. I truly do not want to get involved in any more trouble as it is."

And once again, the three found themselves walking through the hallways of the large castle. This time, however, all the servants and maids were looking at them. After all, how could they not, when Riley was covered in blood?

Zac"s guess was right; the servants and guards were ordered to ignore their presence. But with how Riley looked—his long white hair and unusually white skin covered in blood—they found themselves just staring at him as he left prints of blood on the floor they just cleaned.

"Did you get any useful information from Princess Aerith"s son?"

"No. We should just leave him be," Riley sighed and shook his head, "Perhaps you should clap your hands lightly, Princess Esme? This way, the castle would collapse and we would not have to walk around—I am sure Aerith is one of the people that could survive it."

"Oh my, I would prefer our guests not do that."

And before any of the two could follow through to what Riley said, an old woman suddenly made herself known in front of them. And as soon as she appeared, all the servants that could not help but stare at Riley all walked away.

"Princess Tifa," and as soon as Zac saw who it was, he quickly kneeled and bowed his head, "It is a pleasure to be in your presence."

"So you say," the old woman just let out a small giggle as she gestured to Zac to stand up. Unlike most of the n.o.bility that Riley had met walking around the castle, Princess Tifa was not really wearing anything grande—just a long-sleeved blouse, as well as a skirt that reached her ankles. There was, however, a large blue gem hanging around her neck.

That wasn"t what Riley focused on, however. Princess Tifa"s eyes… they were closed.

"I heard you had an encounter with my youngest daughter?" Princess Tifa then let out a sigh as she looked at Esme,

"I hope she did not treat you rudely, Princess Esme?"

"She did not treat me as anything at all, Your Highness," Princess Esme also bowed her head and curtsied.

"Oh my," Princess Tifa covered her mouth, before gently grabbing both her hands and putting them together before clasping them softly, "I apologize on behalf of her. She is quite young and too different in age from the rest of her siblings—my brother also started doting on her ever since her rebellious daughter left. So please, do forgive her for her transgressions."

"That…" Esme"s eyes slightly twitched as she looked at Princess Tifa"s hands, "...I do not mind her behavior, Your Highness. I also have my fair share of rowdy older siblings."

"Hm," Princess Tifa just smiled and hummed; her eyes still remained closed. And after a few more moments, she let go of Esme"s hands and cheerfully faced Riley,

"And you—You"re quite an interesting little bird, aren"t you?"

"I am a human, Princess Tifa," Riley bowed his head, "My name is Riley Ross."

"I know, you put my daughter in her place, did you not?" Tifa then approached Riley. And although her eyes were still closed, it almost seemed as if she was looking Riley directly in the eyes,

"That is good. I would expect nothing less from a Champion Sergeant of the Order."


"Oh, you do not need to act so surprised," Tifa once again covered her mouth to chuckle, "Unlike everyone else here, I make sure to keep up to date with whatever is happening outside my domain. After all, someone has to, no? Hm?"

"Of course, Princess Tifa," Riley nodded, "I do find it unusual that none of you care more. Information is vital, whether it involves you or not."

"Hm. But we do not know how insects move," Tifa once again chuckled, "But I try, there is such… diversity we need to learn from the outside world, after all. Are you perhaps half evaniel, Lord Riley?"

"No, I am an abomination, Princess Tifa."



"Pft," Tifa, once more, let out another chuckle, "I did not know high-ranking officials of the Order can still jest. Perhaps it is because you have a clown as a subordinate."

"..." Zac could really only force a chuckle as Tifa suddenly glanced at him.

"We really truly are progressing as a people, to mingle with a race that is not our equal is so nice to see," Tifa continued as she also placed her hands on Riley"s shoulders,

"Ha… No matter," Tifa then finally stopped laughing and let out a long and deep breath. She then left Riley and once again stood in front of Esme,

"You"ve really grown the last time I saw you."

"Forgive me, Your Highness. But I can"t remember us meeting yet," Esme shook her head as she slightly took a step back.

"Oh, no. Don"t mind it; you were just... a tiny, tiny, little babe back then," Tifa waved her hand, "It was nice talking to your mother, it really gives perspective to how strong both our royal families are."


"Hm, how is she, by the way?" Tifa continued despite Esme not saying anything, "I hope the King"s other wives are not giving her a hard time for being a concubine?"

"My mother is well, Your Highness," Esme said as she looked to the side.

"Of course, of course," Tifa once again chuckled, "No, shall I bring you to your quarters? I do really apologize for the lack of reception, things have just been quite hectic in the castle ever since Princess Aerith returned, you see…

…so I had to personally set up your lodgings. I do hope you like it."

"I… appreciate you doing that for us, Your Highness," Esme bowed.

"Hm. Miryam," Tifa then suddenly clapped her hands. And before the sound could reach the walls of the hallways, a kneeling woman suddenly appeared behind Tifa.

"Your Highness?" Judging from what the woman was wearing, she was a maid of the castle. Unlike most of the servants that Riley had seen, however, this woman"s eyes were covered with a white blindfold.

"Bring Princess Esme and Sergeant Zac to their quarters," Tifa smiled, "And make sure they are as comfortable as possible and would not want anything."

"At once, Your Highness."

"As for Lord Riley…

…I heard you were a professor at Varoif?"