Villain Retirement

Chapter 591: Reunion With The Giant

Chapter 591: Reunion With The Giant

[Welcome to Steam 4587, please observe the rules and regulations…]

"The two of you stay here, I"m just going to fill this thing up and have it checked out for any damages."

"What? No way, I am coming with you!"

A few hours after Aerith"s surprise encounter with her mother, the group found themselves at one of the nearest s.p.a.ce stations. Aerith initially wanted to go further before stopping; but alas, as this was the first time the ship was actually moving after hundreds of years being left in the cold, it needed some… timely maintenance before venturing out into the far distance.

"And are we sure your crazy mother won"t be following us?"

"She won"t—she"s never left Themarian territory, ever. And no, just stay here. I"m not going to go far."

"You"re not seriously going to leave me here with him!?"


Aerith turned to look at Riley, who was just casually sitting on the pilot"s seat…letting it spin him around again and again for some reason.

"He"s not going to kill you, I think," Aerith sighed as she shook her head, "And I can"t leave him in the ship alone, who knows what he"ll do."

"Then take him!"

"You think I am going to leave you with my ship? You tried to hijack Diana"s."

"Yeah, to get rid of him! Like you should be doing!"



"Fine," and after a few seconds of looking back and forth between Vera and Riley, Aerith rolled her eyes and gave up, "You"re coming with me. Riley, please…

…please promise me you"re not going to go out and cause trouble."

"I promise, Aerith." And even as he continued to spin around, Riley answered.

"Look at me and promise," Aerith, however, still approached him even as he did so, "The universe is a big place, but don"t forget you"re a wanted man. The people here might not recognize you, but as soon as a Lahestia spots you, their systems will detect who you are."


"The s.p.a.ce police—wait, don"t tell you forgot?"

"Hm," the seat instantly stopped and faced Aerith; Riley"s eyes, looking her straight in the eyes, "I promise, Aerith."

"You promise what?"

"That I am not going to go out and cause trouble."

"Good," Aerith took in a deep breath as she nodded, "Princess Vera, you follow me. Okay? If you just so much as move away, I will leave you in this station."


"You might think that"s ideal and someone will help you if you reveal who you are, but no. A lost princess far away from home also fetches an ideal ransom. You might be incredibly fast, but malicious people are quite creative whenever money is involved."

"I get it, Princess Aerith. I"m not a child."


And with that, Aerith and Vera stepped out of the ship…

…leaving Riley alone to fend for himself.



"Hm…" Riley stood up from his seat and looked out the window. The s.p.a.ce station they were in right now, Steam 4587, was built on a monster"s bone according to Aerith. Whatever creature it was, it was probably at least bigger than Elder Tedi.

This place, however, was probably the location with the least amount of people that Riley had been on in the expanse of s.p.a.ce. Riley could barely see any activity going on from the window—the buildings and platforms,


[What can I do for you, Guest?]

"...Guest," a small smile crawled on Riley"s face as he heard the ship"s words.

[If you are uncomfortable with the way I address you, would you like to register your name?]

"No," Riley shook his head, "But change my name to Aerith"s Lover."

[Changing Guest"s name into Aerith"s Lover. What else can I do for you, Aerith"s Lover?]

"Give me information about this s.p.a.ce Station, Gru."

[Steam 4587 is one of the 5000 Steam Stations in the Known Universe. Built primarily to connect with Themarians, Steam 4587 was made from the bone of a Jyaboros that unfortunately found its way inside Themarian territory. Since its construction, Steam 4587 has still not made contact with—]

"Stop. Give me more information about the Jyaboros."


"..." Riley turned around as a hologram popped out in the center of the c.o.c.kpit, showing a 3D image of what looked like a yellow mutated catfish with horns; its scales, emitting all sorts of different colors.

[A Jyaboros is the 6th largest creature known to the Known Universe. It primarily feeds on asteroids, and are notorious for accidentally swallowing ships. It uses its horns to—]

"Stop. What is the largest creature known to the Known Universe?"

[The Messengers.]

"..." Riley turned to look at the 3D image that replaced the Jyaboros, only to see a humanoid with a planet hovering between its palms. Unlike Elder Tedi, whose skin was completely silver, the humanoid in front of him had flesh-like skin… as well as an extra pair of arms.

[The Messengers are the oldest known species to still exist today, predating all of the Higher Races combined. There are accounts that they have been alive for billions of years, and were even present during the time of the G.o.ds. Currently, there are only—]

"Interesting," Riley placed his hand on his chin as he nodded, "Tell me about Elder Tedi."

[Elder Tedi—a deviant of the Norinlad. At a very early age, Tedi was discovered different from the rest of her species because of her size. She is believed to be an offspring between a female Messenger, and a male Norinlad, but proof has not been given until the current date. Tedi—]

"Give me more information about the Norinlad."

[The Norinlad—the most technologically advanced species in the Known Universe. One of the three only known species capable of turning their physical bodies into intangible matter. Their technological advancement is rooted in their innate ability to connect with all and any machinery and automation. They—]

"Stop…" Riley then started looking around the ship, almost as if he was making sure there was no one there,

"...Give me information about Riley Ross."

[...Searching for information about Riley Ross.]



[Riley Ross—a flower from the planet—]

"Riley Ross, the Outlaw."



[Riley Ross—a fugitive from the Unknown. Currently ranked as the 12th Most Wanted outlaw in the Known Universe. He first showed himself to the public by killing one of the Common Council"s Elders and proceeded to commit several accounts of genocide. He was captured by the Guardians but is believed to only be a clone of the original body. Not much is known about Riley Ross as of this moment, would you like me to keep searching more, Aerith"s Lover?]

"...Hm," Riley once again sat on the pilot"s seat; his eyes, still looking at his 3D image, "Tell me about Caitlain—"

[I found you.]

And all of a sudden, his hologram that was just rotating in the air suddenly looked at him and opened its mouth to speak; its voice, however, was feminine and monotonous—a familiar voice.


[What? No. Who is that?]

"...Nothing?" Riley stood up from his seat again; his hands, ready to "pavoom" at any moment.

[No…] Riley"s hologram became static as numerous snaps whispered in the air. And soon, his hologram turned into a mosaic, before once again clearing… but this time, showing a silver-skinned humanoid, [It is I…



Well, at least he wasn"t causing trouble outside.