Villain Retirement

Chapter 635 635: A Little Too Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 635 635: A Little Too Calm Before The Storm

"I can"t risk sending them to their Eternal Deaths, Riley. I didn"t bring them to New Theran to fight, we"re not creating an army—they are here for a better life, making them fight a war isn"t the best way to start that."

"You didn"t bring them here, Princess Esme did, Aerith. If we want to wipe out the older generation, I believe my plan should be considered."

"...No one wants to wipe out anyone."

"I do. Please use my plan, Aerith."

"Riley, no—how many times do I have to tell you that the main purpose of this war is not to win the battle? It"s just a way to distract Theran while we rescue the people that we need to rescue. We get what we need to get, and then we leave."

"But the people left on Theran will die anyway, Aerith. It doesn"t matter if we kill them."

"How they die matters."

"True, we can make it more painful for th—"

"Riley, please. If you ever want to atone for the atrocious things you have done, let this be the start of it—help me rescue my people with as a little casualty as possible, if none at all."



"I will only try and kill 1000 people purposely during all the chaos. I might not even be able to achieve it, as themarians are truly hard to send to their Eternal Deaths."


"100. And I will make sure that all of them already have grays on their hair, Aerith."

"Y—Riley, just don"t actively kill people. But if you are left with no option but to do so, then do it—I won"t care if it"s a hundred or a thousand. Just don"t purposely seek out to murder people."

"What if I put myself in a situation where I would have no option but to send them to their Eternal Deaths?"

"...How many clones have you summoned now?"


Realizing that she was wasting precious time by talking to a brick wall, Aerith finally removed herself from the endless chain called stubbornness—something that she and Riley probably had an unlimited supply of.

And so, she just let out a short and deep sigh as she looked behind her. Right now, they were on New Theran"s endless sea of sand; an empty and desolate desert. And accompanying them there were half a thousand clones—all standing straight with their eyes completely blank like an army of robots.

"It is taking a lot of energy to create clones due to the unique composition of Theran"s basic materials, Aerith. It"s too hard and dense," Riley then said as he faced his clones,

"I"ve already opted to do it in sand, but it is still taking a toll on my body—but this also means that they are more durable."

"How… many more can you make?" Aerith asked.

"As much as you want and need, Aerith," Riley shrugged, "I would just die if my body gets exhausted, but I can start again after."

"Th… I thought each of your clones could create clones?"

"They can," Riley nodded, "But unlike me, they do not recover as fast and therefore will only have half their power—they will be completely useless against a themarian even with their increased durability. I know, I have tried experimenting during the first battle, as well as back on Theran when—"

"Riley, thank you."


"I know this sounds very selfish of me, but thank you for doing this—all of this," Aerith sucked in a light breath; the expression on her face, a little hesitant, "I am clearly just using you here, and I know you know that… so, thank you."

"That is why I am here, Aerith. For you to corrupt and taint yourself by colluding with the devil to save your people is something that I already expected from you."

"I… actually have one more request," Aerith then let go of her breaths as she looked Riley in the eyes, "This is something that I myself need to do, but they need me here—I want you to get my son out of Theran."

"You truly do prioritize other people more than your son, Aerith," Riley slightly squinted his eyes, "Is he just not important to you?"

"He is, of course, he is," Aerith said without any hesitation as she started shaking her head, "But… there are many more that need my help here."

"You don"t really need to explain further, Aerith. Not for me," Riley shook his head before a smile started to crawl on his face.

"...Hm," there were a lot of things that Aerith wanted to say, but instead just chose to nod her head as she looked at Riley. He was right—she was willing to make a deal with the devil to save at least a third of her people,

"Riley, this doesn"t make us—"

""Sup Boss!?"

And before Aerith could say what she wanted to say, one of the lifeless clones that were in front of her suddenly stepped forward and saluted.

"You will lead this group from now on, clone," Riley also saluted, "Obey Aerith above all else."

"No problem! Everyone…

…salute to the Princess!"

"Heil Aerith!"

And like thunder that raged through the air, all the lifeless clones that were just idling there all stomped their feet on the ground; their eyes, filled with only reverence as they stared at Aerith.

"Heil Aerith!"

"N…no. Make them stop, Riley!"

"They follow your commands now, Aerith." And even as Aerith"s tone seemingly started to panic, Riley was still as calm as he could be as his feet started to leave the sand beneath them, "I am leaving to save your son now."

"Wait, now?" Aerith looked back and forth between the clones and Riley, "Don"t you need to formulate a plan!?"

"I always have a plan, Aerith."--and with those words, Riley flew away, leaving Aerith alone with his clones, whose feet were already digging through the sand as they were still chanting her name and stomping their feet.

"Stop!" Aerith raised her voice. And without even waiting for her voice to travel the air, the clones quickly froze in place—leaving only their leader to speak.

"By your command, Boss!" The leader of the clones saluted as he stood right in front of Aerith."

"...You do know the plan, right?"

"This humble slave of yours knows the plan, Boss!"

"You"re not—" Aerith could not help but let out her frustrations with a groan, "Tell me the plan."

"The war that is about to happen will be over in a span of minutes, maybe even less. Once your mother sends an army to destroy Theran, half of us will completely ignore it as we will rush toward Theran to get those that want to join us," the leader of the clones raised his finger,

"The other half of us will join Diana in distracting them. As for the others and the themarians we have here, they will completely put their efforts into protecting New Theran until we have gathered everyone that wished to join us—all of this might happen in less than a minute."

"Good," Aerith nodded.

"To be honest, Boss. It"s not a plan," the clone leader shook his head, "But I understand, you can not really oversee a battle between themarians. It will always just boil down to who is stronger, and we have an Esme."

"The plan is to save as many lives as we possibly can without losing anyone," Aerith breathed out, "And once New Theran starts moving and circling around Theran, their forces would scatter."

"Hm," the leader of the clones shrugged, "We shall await your commands, Boss!"

"...Right," Aerith wanted to think for a few seconds before checking the others. But as soon as she noticed all of Riley"s clones staring at her with creepy smiles on their faces, she quickly flew away.

Elder Olseyir and Tedi have already paused in teaching the people of New Theran, accompanying Xra"s crew from a distance as they waited for the outcome of the war. As for the Pirate Queen, she was right behind Diana–not leaving her side for even a single second.

Princess Esme was with her people, most of them, getting ready to defend their new homes. Aerith talked about not wanting to involve them in the war; but in truth, she wouldn"t really be able to stop any of them if they wanted to join—she would just have to rely on Princess Esme to know what is best for them.

Princess Esme… she was perhaps one of the main variables that will decide whether they were successful here or not. Aerith still hasn"t seen what she was truly capable of, but she knew enough from the reports she had read that Esme was easily the strongest themarian here… but she was also the most vulnerable one.

And now, the one who even made all of this possible aside from Diana—Riley Ross.

One way or another, Riley was involved in everything and has been obedient ever since she met him again. Aerith knew there was a high chance that Riley was just pretending and preparing to do something, but there was also a chance that he truly just wanted to follow her.

But if he was indeed just following her around from now on, what was she even supposed to do? Will he just forever follow her like some sort of puppy?

Riley has this sick obsession with her. And even though it was clear that she has been using him, he doesn"t even flinch.

He is getting too obedient that it was starting to scare Aerith. Just… what does he want at the end of this?

What… does he want from her?


"We have never really gotten the chance to talk, mother-in-law."

"You…? How are you here?"

"I am friends with Princess Tifa, Queen Adel."

Somewhere deep within the castle of Hel, in what seemed like a ceremonial bathhouse…

…Riley was currently standing in front of a naked queen.