Villain Retirement

Chapter 649 649: Anywhere With You

Chapter 649 649: Anywhere With You

"I… killed everyone."

Aerith chuckled. She didn"t know why, but the only thing that was escaping her lips right now was a chuckle—she couldn"t even get herself to cry anymore. She… wasn"t really even blaming herself.

"You didn"t kill anyone, Aerith…please, don"t believe that."

"..." Aerith only scoffed; the wry smile on her face, not disappearing as she turned to look at Paige, "I can hear it… all of your thoughts."

"...What?" Paige could really only take in a deep breath as she saw the look on Aerith"s face.

"I did this… me."

Paige recognized her face instantly—she had seen hundreds of them before back in her orphanage—the look of someone completely lost.

Lost from hope.

…Lost from reality.

And someone like Megawoman—for someone she idolized ever since she was a child, the only thing that Paige could really do was shake her head; trying her best not to cry as she looked away from Aerith.

And it wasn"t only her—everyone saw the emptiness in her eyes. It was so clear that they could see the quiet madness building up in them, almost lucid. Even Tomoe, who had been trying her best to force herself to hate Aerith, could not help but close her trembling hands into a fist.

All this time, she tried her best to stay distant from her. After all, Riley had a weird obsession for Aerith—as his subordinate, Tomoe"s task right now was to not empathize with the enemy—but she couldn"t stop herself.

How could she? When she looks at Aerith now, she doesn"t see Megawoman…the only thing she sees is a reflection of who she once was—desperate, alone, clinging to nothing.

…Was she even Riley"s subordinate now? He barely even talks to her—and right now, the reason why Tomoe was protecting Hannah is not that Riley ordered her to do so, but because she considered her as her best friend.

Is… it finally time for her to let go of the fantasy? Is it finally time to admit…

…that she was nothing at all for Riley?

"..." Tomoe turned to look at Riley, only to see him minding his own world as the corpses of the themarians floating above them started to fly away.

"You need to make them pay, Megawoman." And perhaps even unknown to herself, she suddenly blurted out something she thought she would never say, "Destroy everyone that is involved in doing this to you."

"...That"s right," Hannah looked at Tomoe for a few seconds, before turning to her mother, "You need to do something, mom. Let… let them know that there"s a price for—"

"....No," Diana did not let Hannah finish her words as she started stepping away, shaking her head as she returned to Esme"s side, "What I need to do is preserve what I can of my people. Let"s just…

…go home."

"...Back to Earth?" Hannah blinked a couple of times, "You"re just going to run away from this!? They killed your entire people, mom!"

"And your brother and I have done worse than that!" Diana could not help it anymore as she raised her voice—causing almost everyone there to flinch and take a step back, "And everything I have done was for nothing! I spent my entire life trying to save my people and now they are gone! Do you even have any idea how long that is!?"

"Diana…" Bernard grabbed his wife"s arm, "...Let"s just go home. Let"s go home, okay?"

"I"m tired, Bernard… I"m just tired," Diana breathed out as she turned to look at everyone there—and even at Tedi, who was just quietly floating around the ruined Theran, "...And I suggest every one of you go home too."

"I don"t think so, Diana."

"C… Captain?"

Xra"s crew, who had been quietly just standing behind her and showing their respects, could not help but look at their captain as she suddenly stepped forward.

"I told you, Diana—I will not leave until you resurrect my husband."


"I will just have to follow you back to Earth," Xra did not let Diana finish her words as she turned around and walked away back to her crew, "Alindor, you"re the captain now. But it"s my ship, so go find your own."

"...No, captain," Alindor quickly shook her head, "We follow where you go."

"We… will? But—R…right, of course."

"I guess I can show you my planet now, Moira."


And while Xra and her crew were busy discussing with themselves, Diana approached Olseyir, causing her to slightly take another step back; raising both her hands as she said,

"I…I"m not involved in this!"

"Olseyir. That"s your name, correct?"

Contrary to her worries, however, Diana"s words were calm.


"Do the other Elders know that we"re still alive?" Diana asked.

"I… don"t think so?" Elder Olseyir tilted her head to the side, "From the way the Grand Elder sounded, I think… they believe that all of you are gone."

"Go back to Ahor Zai—tell them we"re all dead…you can use my ship to leave."

"..." Elder Olseyir just looked Diana in the eyes, before respectfully bowing her head, "Do not worry, Caitlain"Ur—I will make sure that everyone would know of what they have done."

And with those words, Elder Olseyir flew away; trying her best not to glance at Riley as she did so.

"...What about you, Norinlad?" Diana then turned to look at Tedi.

[I wish to visit your planet and learn what I can, Caitlain"Ur. Riley Ross and I also have a prior engagement—I will follow you to Earth and build my research center near there.]

"...Anna," Diana once again placed her palms together, summoning a map of the universe.


"Take us ho—"

"What about you, Aerith?"

And before Diana could finish her command, Riley finally opened his mouth as he very slowly made his way toward Aerith—almost repeating the same words her mother said to Tedi.

"..." Aerith didn"t really respond. Just standing there even as Riley embraced her from behind in front of everyone; blinking her eyes very slowly as they reflected the ruined Theran.

"Where do you want to go, Aerith?" Riley then rested his head on Aerith"s shoulder; his arms, wrapping tightly around her.

"...Riley?" Hannah breathed out—her feet, very slowly and instinctively moving closer to her brother, "...What are you trying to do?"

"..." Aerith then glanced at Riley, before turning to look at Gary"s corpse and closing her eyes.

"Riley… don"t," Paige took in a small gulp as she started shaking her head.

"Riley, if you leave again, I won"t ever forgive you again. Never!" Hannah raised her voice as she rushed toward her brother.

"Riley…" Before she could do so, however, Aerith started to whisper,

"...Just take me away."

"..." And very slowly, a smile started to crawl on Riley"s face,

"Of course, Aerith…

…anywhere with you."

***Volume 6: END***



Somewhere in the expanse of the universe, freely floating away was a white silhouette—the stars reflected on the pair of he was wearing.

This silhouette then suddenly stopped flying; his long white hair, almost expanding as he turned to look behind him.

"Why did you stop, Riley?"

"I told you to just call me Professor…" Professor Riley"s then reflected the woman floating in front of her—and like him, her long golden hair expanded in the darkness, even more so than his. But further that, however, his reflected more silhouettes behind her—a thousand more,

"And I am just getting excited about what Boss" expression would be if he finds out I am siding with you…

…Queen Adel."

***Volume 7: START***