Villain Retirement

Chapter 654 654: Murderer

Chapter 654 654: Murderer

5 years.

That was the last time Aerith has ever spoken to him.

Riley had done all sorts of evil things while dragging Aerith along with him, and yet at that time, not even a single word escaped from her lips. She refuses to speak with him or to any other people, not even once.

Riley thought she would stop him when he ma.s.sacred Elder Skeem and his entire people, but no—she just watched.

He also went back to Ahor Zai and tortured the Grand Elder; broadcasting it to the entire Known Universe, and yet Aerith remained silent.

And now, even as they were teleported to this mysterious planet—Aerith refused to speak. Even as their ship disappeared, making them officially lost—Aerith"s voice has never once again graced Riley"s ears.

"Do you want to die, Aerith?" Riley then breathed out, "If you do, then just tell me and I will join you after killing you. Anywhere with you, Aerith."

"..." Aerith finally moved from the bed as she glanced at Riley, looking him straight in the eyes. Her lips seemed to quiver, but before they could open, she just once again lay down on the bed and covered herself with blankets.

"Okay," Riley then sighed as he just returned to reading his book, "Maybe next time, Aerith."


Riley then stayed like that for hours, not moving even as the sun set. But as the once-populated city was veiled in darkness, Riley stood up and closed his book.

"I am going to kill someone again tonight, Aerith," Riley then whispered as he removed his cloak—revealing that dark suit hiding beneath it, "You are free to stop me anytime you want to."



Riley waited for Aerith to respond; even just a glance, but even after an entire hour, she remained still.

And so, with a small breath and a nod, Riley just casually leaped out of the window.



And as soon as he was gone, the sound of a tear quietly falling whispered through the room.


"Drinks are on me!"

Somewhere in the city, in a different tavern, the handler that managed the party that Riley was with earlier was celebrating. His joyful voice, thundering through the entire bar as he waved a mug filled with mead.

"Jerry, just how many fees did you manage to steal this time!?"

"Steal!? What steal!?" The handler, Jerry, pointed his mug at his friend as he heard his words, "This belongs to me in the first place! Do you know how much they are paying handlers these days? Nothing! These Porters are even getting paid more than us now!"

"Oh boy, here he goes again."


"No, no. Please don"t ask him aga—"

"Why don"t you just become a Porter, then?"

"What did you just f.u.c.king say to me!?" Jerry dropped his mug on the ground as he violently pointed at the one that asked him the question, "Did you just say I should become a Porter!?"

"f.u.c.k… you just had to ask him."

"More drinks for us if his mouth is tired from shouting."

"Porter!?" Jerry then stood up, stepping on his chair as he pointed at each of the people that were inside the bar, "You think I am going to risk my life inside a dungeon!? I have a wife and kids! A wife and kids!"

"Then doesn"t it make sense that porters get paid more than you?" His friends started giggling as they teased Jerry some more.

"Huwhat!?" Jerry"s saliva started flying everywhere as he clasped his head in frustration, "The Porters just lift and carry monsters! I do everything!"

"But you just stand outside Portals and—"

"I will kill you, you bas—eugh!"


"Jerry! Are you puking on my tables again!?"

"No, I"m not!" Jerry quickly wiped his mouth as he rushed away; his friends, just sighing and shaking their heads as they watched him almost tumble his way outside.

"That guy is corrupt as h.e.l.l."

"...Aren"t you doing the same?"

"f.u.c.k yes, these Porters think they can get paid more than us!? Drink, just drink, and spend the Porters" money!"

"To Handlers!"

And while his friends and the other people in the bar continued to sing and celebrate with his money, Jerry was almost groveling near the stables; his vomit, being pecked and eaten by the birds that were parked there.

"Ugh, go away…" Jerry pushed the head of the bird away—only for the bird to slam its head toward him, causing him to fall on his b.u.t.t.

"Ah, f.u.c.k… why am I so unlucky and underpaid!?" Jerry then groaned as he tried getting up; but alas, he was too intoxicated to even lift himself up from the dirty ground filled with dried-up vomit.

And so, the only thing he could really do was just let himself fall there—laying down as he looked at the stars above him.

"...Why am I so miserable?" Jerry then let out a long and deep breath; tears, trailing down his eyes. He quickly wiped his face, however, as he retrieved something from his chest pocket—a small painting.

"For you two…" Jerry then smiled as he looked at the painting of his wife and daughter, "...Daddy will work even harder. Just wait for me to come—hm?"

And before Jerry could finish his words, he felt a shadow veiling over him; completely covering the beautiful stars and moon that illuminated his resolve.

"What the…" Jerry then quickly returned the portrait to his chest, before looking at the person blocking his light.

"You… aren"t you the newbie from earlier?" Jerry squinted his eyes as he saw the crawling smile on the man"s face.


…I"m here to get what you owe me, Mr. Handler."


"Aerith, I am going to leave for work. Okay? I left some money on the table, you can just spend it however you want."


"Don"t worry, I didn"t kill the one who I got that money from. He gave it to me—It"s clean, Aerith."

The next morning, Riley was once again covered in a cloak—with only his abnormally pale white face exposed to the world. As for Aerith, she was just sitting on the bed, cradling herself as her cheek rested on her knee.

"...I"ll be back, Aerith." And even as Aerith completely ignored him, Riley still smiled as he left. And surprisingly, the tavern was completely empty; with even the innkeeper absent from her counter.

"Oh… I was hoping for a gla.s.s of milk," Riley could really only sigh as he made his way out of the tavern; before he could step out, however, the door in front of him opened, with the innkeeper almost screaming in shock as she saw Riley.

"...f.u.c.k! Stop startling people like that!"

"...I"m not."

"s.h.i.t…" The innkeeper grabbed her chest as she tried to recover her breaths, "...Anyway, sorry. No food this morning, it"s chaos outside and no one"s selling anything."

"Oh, what happened?"

"See for yourself," the innkeeper breathed out, "Everyone"s talking about it."

"..." Riley just looked at the innkeeper for a few seconds, before nodding his head and stepping out of the tavern. As soon as he did so, however, he saw a lot of people running and walking by; all of them, whispering loudly to each other.

"I heard he was drunk."

"I knew it, they should start banning alcohol in this city."

"You really think he did it?"

"I heard he hung himself after doing that."

"f.u.c.k, who wouldn"t? Have you seen the bodies? They were torn apart… that poor baby."

"I wonder what possessed him…

…to ma.s.sacre his own family like that."