Villain Retirement

Chapter 67: The One Cursed by G.o.d

Chapter 67: The One Cursed by G.o.d

"You… haven"t joined any of the events yet!"


With her sister"s loud voice screaming into his ears, the only thing that Riley could do was take a few steps back, causing Gary, who was floating unconscious above and slightly behind him, to hit his head on the wall of ice that Tomoe planted several times.

"This is a great opportunity!" Hannah then clapped as a smile slowly appeared on her face, "You"ll be replacing the r.e.t.a.r.d, isn"t this a good chance to show off!?"

"The reason I will not partic.i.p.ate in any of the events is that it would not be fair for the others if I joined, sister," Riley then slowly stepped back as she saw the look in his sister"s eyes, "I need to take Gary back to his room, Katrina will take your--"

"No," Hannah"s tone then became cold; her eyes not leaving Riley"s for even a second, "Mom told me to make sure you"re enjoying your stay here in the Academy. You"re joining the tournament whether you like it or not."

"I have my hands full with the Police Force--"

"Don"t speak thy bulls.h.i.t to me, brother," Hannah then smirked as she grabbed her phone from her pocket, "Hurricane Katrina joined the Race event even though she"s also in the Police Force; I am going to call dad to make last-minute changes."

"..." Seeing his sister laughing menacingly, one could not help but wonder if she was really doing this for Riley"s enjoyment…

...or for hers.




"I overheard from the instructor just now, the Ghost would be joining the Combat tournament."

"Is this true?"

Seated in front of one of the Academy"s booths, a group of students with an African flag attached to their costumes were eating some sort of chocolate dessert, "I thought that we already asked around and he is not in any of the events?"

"No, he just joined earlier."

"I… see," the man called Jamba then stood up from his seat, his head going way past the kiosk"s roof, "Then I suppose it is my destiny to eradicate the curse from this world."

"Yes, brother. We shall support you."

"You have our spiri--"

"...Seriously?" Another African student, who was much darker in complexion than the rest of the group, could not help but blurt out as he saw 3 of his cla.s.smates huddling up,

"You guys from some sort of tribe or some s.h.i.t?" The male student then said, "It"s the 21st century, my brothers-- stop being weird and talking about curses and s.h.i.t."

"You do not understand, Duma. The white man is--"

"Brother, stop," Duma then stood up as he paid for his dessert, before pointing his hand towards the student called Jamba, "Because you"re sounding super racist right about now."

"We are not racist!" Jamba then raised his voice as rushed towards Duma, hitting his muscular chest with Duma"s also muscular chest, "We are just doing the duty given to us by--"

The students who were watching from the side could not help but stop in their tracks as soon as they sensed the testosterone that was building up roaring in the air. It truly was a blessing that the Festival happened, they could all see all sorts of Supers from around the world fighting each other-- or in this case, even students from the same team.

""Kay, "kay, "kay," Duma raised both his hands in surrender as he took a step back; the mocking smile on his face, however, showed that he truly was not backing down, "That"s what all the racists say."

"You dare call us racist when we are standing in a country that is literally filled with them!?" Jamba roared as he lightly pushed Duma away, "This country had people that oppressed us hundreds of years ago, we were slaves until Mega Woman appeared!"

And finally, the students gathered around them let out Oohs and Aahs of excitement as they would once again get to see another fight break out. Although none of them knew what the group was fighting about, the curiosity in their faces was still fully alive and well.

"And we weren"t even talking about white people!" Jamba added as he backed away, "We were just talking about the one Cursed by G.o.d! Let"s go, let"s leave this patronizer by himself."

"...Right," Duma could only let out another deep sigh as he sat back in front of the booth as Jamba and his group turned to leave.

Duma would lie if he said he didn"t know what his cla.s.smates were talking about. Even in his city, where most people had already been swallowed by the modern world, there was still a very small minority similar to Jamba and his friends that believed in the existence of The One Cursed by G.o.d.

The One Cursed by G.o.d.

The old tribes that were scattered all around their continent have told its story-- The One Cursed by G.o.d would bring forth ruin to the world; he brings with him destruction as his long white hair flowed freely in the sky; its snow-white skin, capable of turning anything it touches into ash.

Of course, like many old stories, their ancestors probably just saw an albino for the first time and thought of it as something evil since its skin is different from the rest of them.

It was also a popular folklore that was effective in keeping kids from roaming during the night.

But still… to think there were people in this day and age that still believe an old wive"s tale; Duma could not help but laugh at the thought as he continued to eat his dessert. But before he could take another bite, a voice called for his attention.

"Good evening, foreign student."


Duma quickly looked behind to see who it was, only to see the very same individual that they were just talking about earlier. But that wasn"t all--

"S… sorry, was that Swahili?"

The ghost-like individual in front of him was talking in a language that was eerily familiar to him.

"It is."

"I… I can"t really understand it that much anymore," Duma could not help but stutter as he tried his best not to stare at Riley.

Now that he was looking at the person in question, it was no wonder Jamba and his group of friends immediately thought of The One Cursed by G.o.d. Even in the terms of people with albinism, the one in front of him looked… different.

Was he even albino in the first place? He just looked like a very attractive person showered in white powder. And even though there was also a very voluptuous young woman with a glorious pair of b.r.e.a.s.t.s behind him, Duma"s eyes were like magnets that could not resist looking at Riley.

"Very well, foreign student," Riley then once again spoke, this time in English, "My name is Riley Ross of the Police Force, and the one behind me is Hurricane Katrina, also of the Police force. We are here because of reports that some students from Africa are fighting, may I ask if you were involved in it?"

"A… fight?" Duma once again stuttered as he remained staring at Riley, "Well… It was more like a debate, really."

"Ugh, seriously?" Katrina, who was standing behind Riley, could not help but drop her shoulders as she let out a long groan filled with frustration, "Why are people reporting every single little thing!? And it is also starting to feel like we"re actually the only ones doing our duties, Riley!"

"I am afraid that is just our fate, Katrina," Riley then said before asking Katrina to interview the onlookers and ask them about what really happened.

But after just a few people, the two concluded that it truly was nothing more than an argument between friends and proceeded to leave.

Duma, however, was left completely speechless. He truly was not one for superst.i.tion, but If The One Cursed by G.o.d truly was real…

...then he was sure that it would look like Riley.


"Ugh! Riley, can we just stop now!?"

"The day is not over yet, Hurricane Katrina."

Somewhere walking amongst the crowd of students, Riley was still searching for any signs of trouble. But as for his companion, her arms were now completely swinging lifelessly as she stomped her feet as she walked.

"This is the first day of the Festival, and we still have not done anything fun or bought anything from the booths!" Katrina"s steps then became faster as she walked in front of Riley, "That"s it. I officially order that our job for today is done!"

"I believe you have no authority to give that order, Katrina."

"Eh shush," Katrina then said as she suddenly ran to one of the booths.

"..." Seeing this, Riley could only let out a small but deep sigh as he followed her, "We really should be getting--"


And before Riley could even finish his words, Katrina put a corndog in front of his face.

"We"ve been keeping this place intact, the least we could do is at least enjoy the fruits of our labor," Katrina then said as she let out a huge smile, "And this is also my way of thanking you."

"...Thanking me?" Riley muttered as he took the corndog.

"For saving me during the 2nd day of cla.s.s. I was one of the people in the direct path of Gar-- of Dragon Monarch"s crazy laser eyes," Katrina then whispered, "So, thank you for that Riley Ross. You…"

And without even any warning, Katrina suddenly leaned closer to Riley, placing her lips on his cheek.

"...are my hero."

Katrina then let out a small giggle, before biting on her corndog and walking away. But before she could even take 3 steps, Riley plunged his hand through her chest.

...Or at least that"s what Riley imagined doing as he stared at Katrina"s back.

"Come on, Riley. We still have duties to do!"


And just like that, the Acquaintance Festival ended; with the Academy building a giant bonfire to symbolize the kind of fire that all the students would need to win the events to come.