Villain Retirement

Chapter 763 Chapter 763: Return of the Underpaid Employee

Chapter 763 Chapter 763: Return of the Underpaid Employee

"Your grandmother is still in the Academy? I thought she would have left by now with everything that has happened so far. And also, why didn"t anyone just ask her questions in the first place? If you want answers regarding Riley, then Charlotte is one of the people to go to. But then again, even with my hundreds of thousands of other lives, Charlotte barely exists—and by that, I mean she lives a very secluded and quiet life away from the news."

"I do not remember you being this talkative, Chihiro."

"That"s because I wasn"t fluent in English yet when you knew me, and now I am sort of fluent in all sorts of languages, even not from Earth."

"Are you sure she"s not the crazy j.a.panese chick you told me about? And why is she even here with us? Shouldn"t you be in like some sort of rehab center or something?"

"I teleported away. I don"t really need the rehab, I am completely aware of how crazy I may seem to other people—because I am. Being forced to live a countless number of lives of countless different people kind of does that to you."

"Huh, I like the confidence and self-awareness. Anyway, Mega Academy… this is weird—I can"t really imagine a school like this dedicated to Diana."

Mega Academy. With it now existing for almost a decade, how it was when Riley and the others first enrolled in it existed no more—instead of an invisible dome protecting it, it was now wide in the open without even a protective wall protecting its perimeter.

And now, from the outside Alice, Riley, and Chihiro were approaching it in a car, with Alice the one driving. And as the view of the Academy got closer and bigger, Alice and Chihiro could not help but let out a small exclamation of awe.

"I"ve lived more than a billion lives, but your universe truly is the most special one, Riley Ross," Chihiro stuck out her head to get a better look, "Something here just happened…


"It is probably because I am here, Chihiro," Riley nodded his head as he just relaxed on his seat, "And I thought you have a Mega Academy in your world, Alice?"

"We do," Alice shrugged, "But it was made by Diana herself to promote young minds and all that—honestly, she just wanted to see if another Bernard could come out from us mere humans."

"Are you and Diana lovers, Alice?" Riley casually asked.

"Sort of, we"re best friends," Alice did not really seem to mind the question as she just continued driving without any hint of pause, "Well, more like I"m her only friend and she is my only friend."

"Hm," Riley glanced at Alice from the rear-view mirror, "I believe it is the same here."

"Oh, it"s the same in all the universes," Chihiro returned back to her seat, "If Diana and Alice exist together in one universe, they are bound to always be friends."

"Huh, how about that?" Alice softly chuckled, "I knew she wouldn"t survive without me. In the worlds you"ve been to, sweetie, how many variants of me are insane?"

"We don"t really get to interact that much, but one—here," Chihiro looked at Riley, "This is the only universe where you truly went insane."

"I guess we know the reason for that," Alice once again let out a small chuckle, "But do you know what I found weird? I probably wanted a child because Diana had one—but considering there are a lot of universes out there where he and Bernard, yuck, have a child, then why is this the only universe where… I wanted to have a child?"

"You do not want to have children, Alice?" Riley asked.

"Freaking no," Alice scoffed, "I mean, I like you now—but I would have probably thrown you when you were a baby. It"s just not for me, you know? Babies s.h.i.t everywhere, they cry to get your attention. But you? I"d probably adopt you, Riley."

"That would be a somewhat eccentric set-up, Alice," Riley nodded, "The Alice Lane of this world is my biological mother, and then I was adopted by Diana Ross. If I were to be adopted again by an Alice Lane of another universe, would that not be somewhat confusing in the family registry?"

"Hm," Alice shrugged, "Anyway, do we just enter this or what?"

Both Alice and Chihiro slightly leaned their heads to the side to get a better look at the road in front of them. And true enough, there truly was nothing protecting the Academy—the road just leads directly into it.

There were, of course, however, security guards.

"Please roll down your windows. Do you have a car pa.s.s, or are you here as a gue—!!!"

It took one glance from the guard before he immediately took a step back. His eyes, just staring at the people inside the car in front of him.

"What"s up?" Alice made a peace sign with her hand, "We"re here to see my mother from another Alice. And by that I mean Charlotte Lane—we were told she"s still here."

The guard continued to stare at Riley Ross, before just very slowly calling someone from his radio. His words were inaudible, but judging by the faces he was making, he also wasn"t sure himself if he understood whatever it was he was saying.

But after a few seconds, he just turned to look at Alice and gestured to her to move forward.

"You… you may go in."


"Why are we being asked to return to our rooms? It"s the weekend! This is tyranny! I still haven"t even bought what I need yet!"

"...You haven"t bought what you need because you don"t have money, dude. You have like 0 Mega Points."

"How could I even have Mega Points when all I can do is breathe fire through my nose when I"m nervous!?"

Somewhere in Mega Academy"s Mega Mall, all of the students that were inside were lazily and hesitantly walking toward the exit of the fun establishment.

Just a few minutes ago, they were all having fun just aimlessly walking around the mall and talking to their friends. But all of a sudden, they received an announcement telling—no, ordering all of them to return to their dorms underground. Of course, a collective sigh filled the entire mall; but alas, they had no choice.

"You just don"t know how to use your powers that well. By the way, did you hear? Scarlet Mage is back—well, she"s called Silvermoon now. But she"s back as a teacher, I heard she was really good during the first year of the Academy."

"...I"ve been hearing nasty rumors about her, though."

"Pft, stop believing everything you hear. There"s also another new instructor that—what the!? You"re breathing fire through your nose again!"

"T… that… that…!"


And due to a certain student breathing fire through his nose, most of the students that were walking away could not help but let out a small and not-so-subtle chuckle. Soon, however, they all turned to look at where the fire-breathing student was pointing to…

…only for their eyes to turn wide and their faces to turn pale.

Well, not as pale as the person they were looking at.

"That… Isn"t that Riley Ross!?"


"What do you mean Paragon!? He"s Darkday!"

"Pft, you believe that? That"s fake news."

"Wait, f.u.c.k that. I thought he was dead!?"

"I told you, you can"t believe the media nowadays. They"re all fake."

"Wow… you"re really famous, son."

Alice could not help but let out another breath of awe as she saw all the students looking at Riley. Be it with awe, fear, confusion, or outright idolization.

"But I thought the fact that you"re a ma.s.s-murdering genocidal maniac was already well-known? Why are these kids so calm with—Oh, right. Whiteking," Alice rolled her eyes and scoffed, "And what about you, Chihiro? Aren"t you also supposed to be dead in this world? Is it alright for you to be seen just walking around?"

"It"s fine. I have never shown my face to the world," Chihiro shrugged, "Ah, that"s the shaved ice store! It"s still here!"

And almost as if returning to her earlier years, a small smile glimmered on Chihiro"s face as she pointed at the Korean Shaved Ice store. She did not even wait for Alice and Riley, and just ran and entered the store.

"..." Alice watched Chihiro disappear, before letting out a long and deep sigh and looking at Riley, "You really destroyed a lot of lives, huh?"

"Yes," Riley nodded, "That is…

…just how it is, Alice."

"Hm…" And with a hum, Chihiro and Riley entered the store.

"Why are more people coming in!? I thought the students were asked to—R… Riley? And is that… that…"

And as soon as they entered, the small lady that was behind the counter looked at the two of them. Her eyes, moving back and forth almost uncontrollably before settling down on Alice.


"...You look like a little girl. It"s absolutely freaking disturbing, Mom."

"You…" Charlotte almost forgot to breathe; her eyes, squinting as she stared at the approaching Alice. But after a few seconds, she let out a sigh and shook her head,

"You"re not her. You"re not my baby girl."

"Sorry," Alice let out a small smile as she also shook her head. Placing her elbow and arm on the counter as she looked Charlotte in the eyes, "Your Alice is still… well, dead."

"I heard all about this… multiverse thingy…" Charlotte seemed to want to touch Alice"s face, but stopped herself from doing so as she took a step back, "Why…

…why are you here?"

"My father," Alice did not hesitate as she looked Charlotte in the eyes,

"Who is he?"