Villain Retirement

Chapter 958 958: What, what, what...!?

Chapter 958 958: What, what, what...!?

?"Is… this okay?"

600 years. Liza has lived for 600 years and has experienced all sorts of emotions. Anxiety, sadness, fear, happiness — but rarely has she really felt something like this before. Or perhaps she had, but she couldn"t remember anymore.

Right now, her heart was perhaps beating two times faster than it usually was as she stood in front of Riley. Red velvet, caressing her skin all the way down deep across her thighs — a dress, of course.

For a woman of Liza"s shape, finding the right clothes was extremely hard; impossible, even. As much as Riley"s skin was rare, the size of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s was too, and thought she could never wear anything that would compliment her body anymore.

But Riley made her a dress. He cooked for her, and now he even personally tailored a dress for her. The dress wasn"t revealing at all, but for some reason, Liza felt even more exposed due to that it perfectly lined up across her flesh; most dresses would look unflattering that way, but not her.

"This… this is amazing, Zero," Liza looked at herself in front of their apartment"s small mirror; barely unable to touch herself, afraid that it might not be real at all, "I"ve… I"ve never worn something this girly. I"ve… I"ve always just been wearing baggy clothes. How… how did you even make something like this?"

"I did not do anything, Miss Liza. It was easy to do so," Riley shook his head as he stood behind Liza and looked at her from head to toe in the mirror,

"Your body is perhaps one of the most beautiful shapes the entire multiverse will ever lay its eyes on."

"Wh…" Liza could not help but just turn around toward Riley; her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s, almost hitting his arm as she did so. She looked deep into Riley"s eyes; their faces, separated only by her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s,

"Is… is that true?"

"Yes, Miss Liza," Riley whispered without any hesitation as he returned Liza"s gaze. And as soon as he did so, Liza closed her eyes and slightly leaned forward… only for her to almost tumble forward as Rile walked away,

"We should go, I am still not sure whether or not I am right."

"Wh—" Liza"s face reddened; her breaths, stuttering as she saw Riley just walking toward the door. She lightly bit her lip in embarra.s.sment for a few seconds before just taking in a deep breath and shaking her head,

"You think you can just lure me in and feign ignorance…?" Liza then lightly scoffed and whispered to herself as she followed behind Riley, "I"ll take that as a challenge…

…Zero, where are we even going for us to be dressed so nice?"

"Well…" Riley really only glanced at Liza as she grabbed and wrapped her hands around his arm,

"...I do not know yet."

"Hm…" Liza pouted and squinted her eyes as she looked up at Riley,

"...Must be somewhere fancy."


"I did mention fancy, but… isn"t this too much?"

An entire hour had pa.s.sed, and Liza was still clinging onto Riley; even tighter this time. How could it not be, when they were currently in a dark, dim hall?

Of course, as much as it looked suspicious, it also held an even more luxurious aura due to all the gold and glimmer that adorned the hall. Even the curtains looked like they were more expensive than Riley"s current apartment; which it probably was.

But even then, as they continued to step inside, Liza was being stared at by almost all the men and women present in the fancy hall.

"Where even is this…?" Liza wanted to hide behind Riley, "I didn"t know there was even something like this near the neighborhood. It"s like we"re an entirely different area, there"s even other races."

"We will find out soon enough, Miss Liza."

"Wh—Do you mean you don"t even kn—"

"Good evening, Fine Guests. Do you have a reservation?" And before Liza could even express more of her worries, an attendant suddenly approached them; carrying a gentle smile that truly creeped Liza out.

"We don"t!" Liza quickly responded, "You hear that, Zero? We need a reservation, let"s just leave."

"Hm," Riley just nodded before looking the attendant in the eyes, "I hope that won"t be a problem."

"Not at all." Unfortunately for Liza, the contrary happened to what she expected, "Cla.s.s 7 ent.i.ties and above are free to come and go whenever they want."

"What the—how do you know that?" Liza"s eyes widened in shock as she tightened her grip on Riley"s arm even further, "Zero… I really have a bad feeling about this. We should go."

"You have nothing to worry about, Madam Liza," the attendant smiled at Liza, "You are also welcome here since you are also considered a Cla.s.s 7 ent.i.ty."

"What…? Since when?" Liza blinked a couple of times, "Wait, that"s not important! How do you know my name!?"

"We make sure to… know our guests as soon as they step inside our establishment, Madam," the attendant let out a small chuckle before turning back and gesturing to the two to follow her, "Please, we have your table ready. I hope you do not mind sharing it with other people — there are a lot more people than usual."

"May I speak with you first, Attendant?" Riley asked.

"Of course, Master Riley," the attendant smiled and nodded before turning to look at her colleague, "Madam Liza, she will a.s.sist you to your table."

"Wait — Zero!? You"re leaving me!?" Liza could not help but raise her voice as Riley pulled away from her, "You"re leaving me alone?"

"I will not be long, Miss Liza."

"You—" Liza still had a lot to say, but Riley already disappeared deep into the hall and she could no longer see him. And so, the only thing she could really do was follow one of the other attendants to their table.

There were already several people there, and as expected, all of them were looking at her as she sat down. Fortunately for Liza, all of them were women.

"H… Hi," Liza awkwardly smiled at them. And unfortunately for her, the group did not seem friendly at all as they just glanced at her and already seemed to have judged her entire life.

And so, the only thing Liza could really do was quietly sit there until Riley arrived… after a good 15 minutes.

"Zero!" Liza instantly lightened up as Riley sat beside her, "You seriously left me!?"

"I apologize, Miss Liza," Riley sighed, "But it is important that I did what I had to do, it would benefit you too."

"...Really?" Liza squinted her eyes, "How do—wait, that"s not the point! What is this place?"

"You will find out soon enough, Miss Liza," Riley only smiled at her before turning to look at the center of the hall. And before Liza could even say anything else, a bright spot of light suddenly showered down the center of the hall, and there, a person wearing a mask emerged from the floor, and beside him was something huge completely covered in cloth, a large box perhaps.

[Ladies and Gentlemen, I know all of you are waiting and excited for the last item of the night.]

The masked man then gracefully bowed as his words echoed throughout the entire hall,

[But now, something even more exciting has fallen upon our midst — there has been a change in the menu for our special item of the night, brought forth to us by a Cla.s.s 7 Above ent.i.ty from the outer reaches of the dead multiverse.]

And as soon as the masked man said that, gasps echoed throughout the entire hall; collective enough to create an orchestra of surprised breaths.

[I will not prolong the suspense, for I too, can"t help but be excited for this…] And with a very long and deep breath, the masked man suddenly pulled the cloth — and as soon as the item was revealed, the gasps became even more intense as everyone stood up.

"That"s illegal!" One of the guests roared.

[No, no…] The masked man wagged his finger, [...This ent.i.ty you see before you is not alive at all, it is merely an object that could move. Well, it can"t move right now, we can"t have that…

…an Undead Themarian.]

"What the…" Liza was about to grab her badge that was hidden under her dress, but Riley grabbed her by the wrist, "...Zero, that is very unethical! I can"t have—"

"I am the one auctioning it, Miss Liza."

"...What?" Liza blinked a couple of times as she looked completely dumbfounded at Riley, "...What do you mean you"re the one auctioning it?"

"I am the one auctioning it," Riley shrugged, "This is an auction house, Miss Liza — and it is as you said, we needed a budget to build our own restaurant."

"Wait… wait," Liza"s eyes started to wander, "Where were you even hiding that—no. That"s not the important question right now…

…Just who are you, Zero?"