Villain Retirement

Chapter 183 - 183: Announcement

Chapter 183 - 183: Announcement

In a dark room illuminated only by the lights that seeped through the window, Riley was quietly standing; his white hair, reflecting the moon that drowned the empty grounds of the Academy. His bare chest, almost illuminating as the silver light welcomed his naked body.

His eyes, as if looking beyond the skies themselves.

He had been in the Academy for more than half a year now– and in that span, a lot has happened that he was truly not expecting. He initially thought that going to the Academy would just be a better way to waste his time while waiting for Megawoman to rise from the ashes, but no.

A lot more happened. But perhaps it was because of the very fact that Megawoman was gone that all the things that have happened were allowed to happen. If she was still awake, then the Government wouldn"t even be brave enough to show even a sliver of Silvie"s and the other clones" hair.

The Dark Millenium, in a way, was also the Government"s doing. Ever since he enrolled in the Academy, his life was suddenly filled with welcomed chaos.


But it"s not enough– Riley thought as his eyes slowly started to turn pink.

"It"s not enough," he whispered as his mouth began to open; his hands, also starting to tremble as a sort of thirst was slowly building up inside him.

This is not enough. There is chaos…

…but not enough blood.

Riley was already feeling a certain itching crawling throughout his body for a long time now. He had been trying to live a normal life and trying to fit in as his sister and mother wanted… but now that he had been stagnant for 7 months, the feeling of wanting to hear the screams of people grew worse by the second– his craving, already almost at its peak.

If it remains like this, then–

"Is something wrong, Riley? Aren"t you cold?"

Riley"s thoughts were then disrupted as a pair of hands suddenly but slowly slithered around his bare chest; the hands, lighting up as a soothing heat was released from their palms. Strands of silver, then mixing with Riley"s white skin as Katherine gently but carefully embraced him.

And like Riley, Katherine too was allowing all of her skin to be showered and bathed by the light of the moon– almost as if the two of them were completely free from the burdens of the world.

"Or are you perhaps thinking of Prophet?" Katherine then whispered as she rested her cheek on Riley"s back.

"No," Riley shook his head, "I do not care about Prophet."

"Then is it because of what happened with your sister and Julius earlier?" Katherine sighed, "I have been asking around my contacts if there was anything suspicious with the Reuben family…

…but a family as rich as that seems to be good at keeping secrets– we could find nothing except what you could find on the internet."

"I am not thinking about that matter, Katherine," Riley once again shook his head, "But I do care about my sister."

"Then…" Katherine hummed, "...Are you thinking about Megawoman again?"

"In a way, yes."

Katherine could only let out a small sigh as she heard Riley"s words. Of course, it would be about Megawoman, she thought. Every time Riley thinks about something or seemingly reminisces, it would always contain Megawoman.

"I was thinking of my last battle with her," Riley then continued, "I want to hear the people scream again… this time as they choke on the blood that slowly drowns the world."



"...Do you really have to do that?"

"Yes," Riley nodded, "I am just waiting for my sister to ask for help."

"Ask… for help?"

"Once she tells me that Julius Reuben has hurt her, then I will kill every last person in England," Riley muttered as he finally turned his eyes away from the sky, "It is a promise I made that I intend to keep, Katherine."

"But once you do that… won"t Hannah realize that you are Darkday?"

"...Perhaps," Riley muttered, "But I intend to keep my promise."



"I can"t stop you?" Katherine then said as she tightened her embrace on Riley. Once Riley exposes himself as Darkday… then Katherine"s life would once again begin to shift.

"You are welcome to try, Katherine," Riley said, "I will not kill you."

"...No," Katherine buried her face on Riley"s back, "I am your subordinate, my place is by your side."

"Then, will you join me when the time comes?" Riley then whispered.


His question, however, was followed by an almost eerie silence– with only the sound of their breaths pestering their ears. And soon, the room began to darken as the silver moon slowly shied away; covered by the clouds that seemed to want to hide it forever.

"I don"t know," Katherine then answered as she tightened her embrace even further, "But even I don"t join you… I can not be redeemed any more. We… can"t be redeemed."

"That is true, Katherine," Riley said as a small breath escaped his mouth, "Your hands are already filled with the blood of the innocent."

"..." Katherine could only close her eyes as Riley"s words whispered into her ears. It was true– there was no way for her to return. Although Silver Moon has still not made an appearance to the yet, the things she had done from the shadows were enough for her to be considered…

…a supervillain.

"If I join you…" Katherine then opened her eyes, "...Can I ask for something in return?"

"Do you want to have s.e.xual intercourse with me again, Katherine?"

"N… no, well yes," Katherine knocked her head on Riley"s back, "But that"s not my request."

"...What is it?"

"Tomoe Reynolds… Keep her out of the ma.s.sacre," Katherine said; her tone completely clear,

"Unlike you, she is just a misguided child. Unlike us, she still has the potential to be good."

"How does it feel?"

"Hm?" Katherine could not help but blink a couple of times as Riley suddenly turned around to face her,

"How… does what feel?" She then breathed out as Riley looked her straight in the eyes.

"To be good," Riley said, "How does it feel to be good?"

"To be…" Katherine"s eyebrows lowered for a few seconds before she shook her head, "I… don"t know."

"But you were good, Katherine. Scarlet Mage has helped a lot of people."

"I am Silver Moon now. Whatever good I did is–"

"How did it feel to be Scarlet Mage?" Riley did not let Katherine finish her words as he gently grabbed her by the arms.



"It… was nice." It took a couple of seconds, but finally, Katherine gained the courage to answer Riley"s question, "The smiles of the people, their grat.i.tude… It felt like I was doing a service to the world."


"But more importantly… Knowing that I gave them the opportunity to see the faces of their families again… that they could go home."

"I take that away from them, don"t I?"

"What?" Katherine"s eyes then quickly turned wide as she heard Riley"s slightly somber words. Is it actually possible… that he was starting to feel guilt?"

And as soon as she thought of that, Katherine quickly focused her eyes on Riley"s face…

…only to see him with a wide smile on his face. Of course… what was she even thinking?

Riley Ross…

…is innately evil.


"...I forgot all about this. This is still happening?"

"It feels like so many bad things have happened… are you telling me it"s only been a month?"

"Shouldn"t they at least delay or hold this? Prophet just died."

"...What about the issue with Julius?"

"Ack! So many things to take care of!"

"How is the Prophet situation going?"

"What the!?"

Bella, Hannah, Gary, and Aerith almost jumped from their seats as a head suddenly hang in front of them. It would have probably been alright if the owner of the head was also in front of them, but no– the owner was seated behind them, his neck stretched almost in a zigzag pattern– Daniel Espinoza.

They weren"t the only presence within the building, however, as all the students of the Academy were present in the auditorium they were currently sitting in.

The event?

Declaring the next Mega Student for the month of January.

"Why do you care?" Hannah then tried to push Daniel"s head away; Daniel, however, quickly moved his head to the side.

"What do you mean why– I was one of the people that found Prophet"s body!"

"...Right, I forgot," Hannah said as she waved her hand, "We will talk later, can you get your head out of the way first? It"s… uncomfortable to look at."

"Tch," Daniel squinted his eyes before finally retracting his head; not before letting out a soft curse, of course.

As for Riley, he also squinted his eyes– trying his best not to express his disgust and displeasure.

"Anyway… shouldn"t we at least delay this s.h.i.t?" Hannah then repeated her words, "So much s.h.i.t has happened that I don"t think it"s right to–"

[Greetings, everyone.]

And before she could finish her words, a voice echoed throughout the entire auditorium; silencing every other word that still whispered through the air.

[First, I would like to apologize for calling everyone here.]

It was Bulwark, who was currently standing right in the middle of the stage in front of everyone,

[I know none of you expected that this ceremony and awarding would still continue despite everything that has happened. I know it also feels forced that we"re doing this…

…But it also didn"t feel right that we do not go through with it.]


[Prophet"s death was unexpected and quick,] Bulwark said with a slight stutter in his tone, [Whoever did this will and must pay… and maybe someday…

…it will be one of you who will put the one who did this to justice.]

"What… is Bulwark saying?"

"I thought Prophet… killed himself?"

"No f.u.c.king way!" Hannah and some of the Baby Crew stood up from their seats, "Don"t tell me he--"


…was murdered.]