Villain Retirement

Chapter 231: Victoria"s Secret

Chapter 231: Victoria"s Secret

"Are you…

…going to open your door and let the devil inside, Miss V?"


With Riley behind her whispering in her left ear, she could feel the warmth of his breath– or perhaps it was better to say the lack of it? There was absolutely no air touching her skin, but she could still feel the warmth coming from it. It almost feels… mystifying, in a way.

It almost caused V to feel a little… entranced.

But still, Riley"s words still resonated deep within her. She has dedicated her short life to putting men like Fred locked behind bars forever– sometimes even causing their deaths if needed. Is it not a little hypocritical to save and help this man in front of him?

It was also because of an evil man that her powers went wild, causing the deaths of millions and millions of people. The world… would only be a better place if men like these disappear. Empress and the others from the Hope Guild also do not shy away from directly killing supervillains if that was the easiest and quickest way to neutralize them.

And according to the story Riley told him, Fred was captured by Tempo– how exactly would he feel if V tried to help the man he put in bars?

"Should… we really just leave him behind?" V then took in a small gulp as her eyes finally left Fred.

"That is up to you, Miss V."

"..." V then once again turned to look at Fred; her eyes, trembling along with Fred"s shivering body. It took almost a quarter of a minute, but finally, a decision raced through her mind.

"Let"s… just go," V then once again took a small gulp as she turned around, "I don"t know how much help we will be able to provide anyway, so f.u.c.k this."

"Very well," Riley said as he started walking away; not even saying a word as they walked back to their new house. Riley then opened the door, but instead of entering, he turned back to look at V,

"After you, Miss V," Riley then said as the sides of his mouth slowly rise, "Since you did not let the devil inside, then the devil shall be the one to let you enter."

"That… you really are as edgy as the rumours say," V let out a sigh as a small smile also appeared on her face. But still, she entered as Riley wished; chuckling as she did so.

As for Riley, he watched until V disappeared deeper into the house; before his eyes once again moved towards the middle of the subdivision, only to see Fred now crawling on the gra.s.s. Seeing this, the smile on Riley"s face once again reached from ear to ear.

He stared at Fred struggling for exactly three seconds, before suddenly snapping his finger; and as soon as he did so, Fred suddenly disappeared… turning into a mist of blood; his bones, almost turning to ashes that quickly became fertilizer for the gra.s.s beneath him.

"This…" Riley then whispered as he started to step inside his new house,

"...will be fun."


A week after,

V was somewhat starting to get used to life in prison. But perhaps getting used to it was not the right term… as her life here could actually be considered an improvement from when she was outside– her years, either trapped inside her chambers or inside the mecha suit.

This was perhaps the first time for a very long time that her feet touched the ground for this long. She was always inside her mecha suit whenever she went out; granted, the prison neighborhood was still technically inside– with only the sky above them as the semblance of the outside world, but still…

…this was perhaps the first time she ever felt free in her life. She also was not afraid that her powers would lose control because of the new limiter she got from Whiteking.

She also have not met her real parents before, and the only people she considered as a family was Empress, who took care of her and trained her since young– so this truly was a new experience for her.

And… there was also Riley. Although he does not talk that much, he was… brutally honest. V"s every question was answered swiftly and without any barriers– unlike with the Hope Guild, where she was treated almost like gla.s.s.

This… it felt like she was finally living her life. Of course, she wouldn"t forget that she was actually in prison and was surrounded by criminals.

A month later,

Although she wouldn"t call herself a maid or a babysitter, it was starting to feel like that. She had to do everything in the house. Granted, it was only cleaning after Riley since all of their meals are provided by the prison and delivered to them every day… but wouldn"t it help for him to just help?

With his telekinesis, it should just be as easy as flicking his finger– of course, he knew that wasn"t actually how it works… but for Riley, it seemed like it was. She and Riley take occasional walks, and with everyone seemingly trying to avoid them, it honestly felt like they had the entire neighborhood for themselves.

If only the other prisoners would greet them, then this would definitely feel like how the other people live their normal lives. Of course, V was not forgetting that she was still amongst criminals.

She had absolutely no idea what was going on outside, since her only way to connect to the outside world, her mecha suit, was destroyed by Riley on the first day. She was still not okay with that… but for some reason, it felt like it had to happen.

Without the mecha suit, she was starting to live life the way it was meant to be lived– without walls.

2 months later,

Warden Yakovich visited the neighborhood for the first time, requiring all the Top 50 prisoners to gather in the center of the subdivision. And maybe it was just her… but it felt like there were less than 30 prisoners now?

They could have just decided not to attend the gathering– but seeing as the guards scoured the houses and they couldn"t find them, then something was definitely wrong. And judging by warden Yakovich"s face, it was the reason he asked for all of them to gather up.

V volunteered to help, but as soon as warden Yakovich"s eyes landed on Riley, he just asked his men to stop the search and they all just left abruptly

What… exactly was happening?

3 months later,

Life continued inside the prison as normal. She already got used to living with Riley and even shared a laugh with him sometimes whenever they talked about Megawoman.

They did have a visitor, however. Empress came to check on her a few days earlier– but that wasn"t really her main purpose. She once again offered Riley a seat to the Hope Guild… but Riley once again refused saying that he was already having fun here.

She also wanted Riley to join the guild so he could finally be free… but for some reason, she was sort of happy when Riley refused.

4 months later,

She… might be starting to fall in love with Riley. She knew it was too fast, but she might truly be.

It might just be because Riley was the only one she had been talking with for 2 months now, but the more she got to know him, the more he seemed… human. Of course, she knew that the two of them didn"t really have a chance to be together since Riley had Scarlet Mage waiting for him outside– but while they were inside… It should be alright?

Of course, she hasn"t really fallen in love before and the thing she was feeling might not be that. But for now, she was slowly trying to distance herself from Riley. But with them living in the same house, it was next to impossible.

But since none of his friends, and even his family visited Riley– wasn"t she the only person Riley has now? Maybe…

…it"s alright?


"What is it, Victoria?"

V and Riley were in the living room, watching the first season of Italian Mafia Reborn probably for the 3rd time. Riley seemed to already have all the dialog memorized, but even then, he still seemed to be excited whenever it played.

"Scarlet Mage…" V then whispered as she sat closer next to Riley, "Do you… love her?"

"No, Victoria," Riley then shook his head. And as soon as V heard his words, a small smile could not help but subtly form on her face.

"I am not capable of feeling love– that is an emotion reserved for humans."

"You"ve already said that before," V then let out a small sigh, "But seeing the way you acted when they threatened your sister… isn"t that already love?"

"Is it?" Riley blinked a couple of times. Although his outburst and rage were only just pretend back then, he did feel a slight irritation when the interrogator threatened to hurt his sister– but is that truly love? He also somewhat feels like that whenever a new episode of Italian Mafia Reborn doesn"t air…

…is love something that simple?

"If…" V then started to gulp down the gla.s.s of water in front of her, before her eyes once again wandered towards Riley,

"...If I told you that I am starting to like you," V tried her best not to bite her tongue, "What would you say to me?"


[Prisoner 666, you have a visitor.]