Villain Retirement

Chapter 305: l am Dar--

Chapter 305: l am Dar--

Hannah was nervous but at the same time, she was thrilled to the point that she almost couldn"t sleep while they were on the way to infiltrate the invader"s base. She thought that it wouldn"t be much infiltration going on, as the size of their ship would have been too large not to notice.

But as soon as they reached halfway to their destination, Hannah proved herself wrong. In the expanse of s.p.a.ce, their colossal ship could not even be considered a small dot. Even the smallest of asteroids were the size of an entire bus.

And as they got near, Hannah then once again thought that they would be discovered. After all, they could see the location of the invader"s ship through their navigation system– it would have made sense for the more advanced race to also see them…

…But no.

In the simplest of terms, they practically landed on top of the aliens" ship without even any resistance; the ship, even clasping itself– not even leaving an inch of gap. A circular hatch then opened on the lowermost floor of the ship, allowing Silvie to blast a hole in the alien"s ship so they finally infiltrate.

Most of the Baby Crew were confused at first as to how they were able to even reach that far without alerting the enemy– but then they realized one thing, Whiteking was with them. He was able to intercept whatever signal the alien"s portal was on and even hack through their surveillance systems.

All of that was just simply amazing, but it was time to battle– or so they thought. Even after minutes of walking, not even a single platoon welcomed them. They… just walked– with the large doors opening to them.

Soon, however, it might have been the fifth door that led to a large hallway, the enemy finally welcomed them… or so they thought, as all of the blue aliens were just lying on the floor completely lifeless.

The reason?

Whiteking closed off parts of their ventilation, practically suffocating those unfortunate enough to be in the rooms and halls with no access to air.

It was a ma.s.sacre.

They don"t know how many died, but those that were left, struggling as they might, were too weak to even fight. The worst part was that they couldn"t contact those that were on Earth. In the end, they just surrendered.

Gary, of course, voted to just destroy the entire ship along with the aliens; as who knows how many more they would bring the next time they decided to return. V agreed on this.

Silvie disagreed, saying that if Gary was right and they were capable of sending more, then killing those that were here might make things worse– turning into a full-on war betting all of their race.

The rest of the Baby Crew didn"t really voice their opinion– as for Hannah, she was the first one that suggested diplomacy. Of course, with the aliens already defeated, they would have eventually reached that conclusion.

Whiteking, Empress, and Butcher didn"t really say anything, and just allowed the younger generation to decide.

And so, they found themselves seated at a table in discussion with the aliens. And before they could even reach meaningful terms– Megawoman suddenly appeared out of nowhere…

…along with Riley.

"W… what are you doing here?"

Everyone in the room was confused, with the strogans obviously terrified as the only thing they could really do was freeze in place.

"What"s going on!?"

Bella and Katherine, the newest members of the Baby Crew and the ones that were still not used to all the crazy things involving the Baby Crew could only take a few steps back as they almost hugged each other. They wanted to touch Megawoman and get her autograph, but they could probably enumerate a list of how now was not the time to do so.

"Megawoman?" Silvie could only stare.

She had seen her sleeping back in the Hope Guild, but this was the very first time she was seeing her this close and full of life. She was supposed to be an exact copy of her, and she does look like her. But there was a difference between the two of them she seemed to quite not fathom.

Megawoman, however, only looked at her from head to toe before giving her a smile and gently touching her cheek; Megawoman then left to approach Empress.

Megawoman didn"t even need to say anything as Silvie just fell back right onto her seat; tears, almost falling on her face.

Silvie… wasn"t taking much these days and just stood on the sidelines. Of course, people still see her as one of the greatest heroes that would lead the next generation… but that was it. That was her only ident.i.ty.

Ever since she found out that she was a clone; her father just suddenly leaving, everything about her just became one big mess. Of course, she was able to go by the days because of Hannah and the others" support. But deep inside, there was something growing inside of her that she knew wasn"t good. And it only grew even deeper when…

…she found out later that her father committed suicide.

None of the members of the Baby Crew knew, she didn"t tell them. She considered herself damaged– damaged goods that were only created to clean up everyone else"s mess.

But Megawoman didn"t even have to say anything; just a touch and a smile… and all of the darkness she thought that was inside her suddenly just disappeared. Approval. Perhaps that was the only thing she really needed– and who better give her that than the person she strived to be?

"..." Whiteking only looked at Megawoman as she started talking with Empress. But as soon as their eyes met, he quickly looked away; dragging Butcher along with him as he approached the aliens to continue their discussions.

Of course, he also glanced at Riley, who was still lying on top of the table. They just exchanged glances, but in Bernard"s mind, there were almost a million scenarios happening; all centered on the possibility of Riley"s true ident.i.ty being exposed.

But with Megawoman here… there really was nothing he could do.

Empress was trying to play it cool as Megawoman continued to talk to her; small talks, but with each question she asked, Empress"s eyes turned towards Riley. It should have only been around 2 days or less since they left Earth… and now this sudden development.

As for Gary, he just remained seated, only looking at his mother from afar as he sighed and smiled. As soon as their eyes met, however, Megawoman opened her arms… and without even a second, Gary rushed towards his mother, kneeling on the ground as he embraced her.

And while all of these were going on, there were 3 girls that remained silent.

Hannah, Tomoe, and V– who instead of looking at Megawoman, were all just staring at Riley… who was still lying on top of the table.

But finally, after a few more seconds of him just casually planted, he finally sat up and quietly stepped down the table.

"Well…" Riley breathed out as he looked at Hannah, "...It was nice seeing you here, sister. I shall go now."


Hannah could only blink a couple of times as she watched as Riley started to float away. But before he could even leave a meter away from the floor, Megawoman grabbed his hand.

And as soon as she did so, Tomoe suddenly stomped her foot on the ground– releasing an onslaught of frozen spikes towards Megawoman… which Megawoman just completely ignored even as it hit her.

V, who has also been keeping quiet on the side, was also about to release her powers– but was stopped by Empress before she could do so. Now, whether or not her target was Megawoman or Tomoe… no one knows but her.

"...Chillax," Megawoman said as she brushed off the spikes, "...That"s how you young people say it, right?"

"What"s… going on?" Gary and Silvie, who has yet to recover from their trance, were forced to stand on their feet as they witnessed what was happening. Of course, the expressions on their faces pretty much summed up what everyone was feeling right now– confusion.

Even the aliens that Whiteking and Butcher were talking with had their eyes on Megawoman and Riley.

As for Tomoe who suddenly attacked Megawoman, she was looking at Riley, waiting for him to do something.

"Why don"t all of us just sit down?" Megawoman then said; her arm, trembling as she slowly pulled Riley down,

"And I told you to behave, right?"

"..." Riley furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back and forth between Megawoman, and the confused Hannah. But after a few more seconds, he was the first one to sit down.

As for the strogans in the room, Megawoman said something to them before they all just left the room willingly.

And now, everyone was once again seated. With Megawoman, Riley, and Tomoe on one side, and the rest on the other. As for Katrina and Bella, they were both just happy and terrified to be there.

"What"s… going on?" And once again, the question that everyone has been asking was uttered, this time, by Hannah.

"Riley? Why… are you with Megawoman?"

"..." Riley only looked at Hannah; his slightly trembling eyes made it obvious for everyone to see that he was slightly distressed– an expression they have never seen Riley making. Tomoe also held a sort of complicated expression on her face; her lips, almost bleeding from how hard she was biting them.

And finally, after a few more seconds… Riley"s heavy breaths started to whisper; his eyes, only looking at his sister.

"I truly apologize for this, Hannah. But the truth is, I am Dar–"

"I"m taking Riley Ross with me," and before he could finish what he was going to say, Megawoman lightly slammed her palm on the table,

"Once I sort out all of the loose ends I left on Earth…

…I am taking Riley Ross with me and we"re leaving the planet."

"..." And with those words, everyone just turned their eyes toward Riley. Perhaps the only one that let out a breath was Bernard.

"We won"t be back for a very long time. Some of you may have already aged, and some would have taken my place."

"W… what?" Hannah, who had the widest eyes of them all, forced a chuckle, "Why?"

"Riley…" Megawoman was once again the one to answer, "...Riley Ross is too strong to remain on Earth, he is also different from the rest of you and–"

"That"s f.u.c.king bulls.h.i.t and you know it!" Hannah stood up from her seat as she also slammed her palm on the table, "Dad! Say something!"

Bernard, however, remained silent.

"What? Just because Riley sometimes can"t control his powers you–"



"I"m Darkday."