Villain Retirement

Chapter 318: Stupor

Chapter 318: Stupor

"What are you going to do once you become a hero?"


Riley and Paige were currently in a room… along with 18 other registrants; seated in chairs and lined up in front of 3 people that served as their interviewers. Most of them thought that the psychological evaluation would be a 1-on-1 thing, but to think all 20 registrants were in the same room at once…

…this made those even with the most confidence slightly uncomfortable.

The rules were simple– answer the questions of the interviewers in 10 words or less. How they were going to be evaluated just with that, the registrants had no idea.

Riley and Paige were number 85 and 86 respectively, and right now, it was number 84 being asked a question; and like those who went before him, the drumming of his heart was loud enough to be heard in the room.

But finally, after a few more seconds, he took in a deep breath and answered,

"I… I will try to save everyone."

"Hm…" The three interviewers didn"t even look at each other and just started writing and scribbling down on the notes in front of them– whether or not that was a sufficient answer, no one knows; after all, almost everyone said the same answer.

"No. 85, what are you going to do once you become a hero?" The interviewers then stopped writing as they looked at the only one that was wearing a superhero outfit among all the registrants.

"Help an old woman cross the road without her suffering."

Hearing Riley answer without any hesitation, causing the pens of the interviewers that were about to touch the paper to halt mid-air; their eyes, not leaving Riley even for a second.

"..." The other registrants also looked at each other, trying their best not to whisper as they heard Riley"s answer. No. 85"s answer was… oddly specific. But if one were to take a deep look at his words, it seemed quite… endearing, in a way.

The interviewers seem to also think the same as they nodded their heads and finally started writing on their paper with a slight smile on their faces.

"No. 86, What–"

"Y… Yes!"

And before the interviewers could repeat their question, Paige suddenly stood up from her seat; her body, almost as straight as a pillar.

"...You don"t have to stand up."

"R… right," Paige"s eyes almost widened as she quickly sat back down; almost tumbling as the chair slightly moved backward. Lucky for her, the chair suddenly moved back to its place for some reason.

"No. 86…"

"..." Paige was trying her best not to speak before the interviewers finished their question. They have been repeating the same question over and over again, so why did they have to repeat them each time?

"...What are you going to do once you become a hero?"


Paige already had an answer in her mind. In fact, she was ready to answer. But as soon as she opened her mouth, it was as if her mind became a mess– with all sorts of thoughts not related to the test entering her mind.

"I… uhm…" Paige started fidgeting in her seat as she looked around; her foot, tapping the ground repeatedly as she searched for an answer, "W… wait, I…"

"..." The interviewers started squinting their eyes; watching as Paige started almost shivering in her seat.

"Someone had too much cocaine," someone then suddenly whispered from the registrants. But due to the room being the size and shape that it is, his whisper almost traveled to everyone"s ears– garnering mixed reactions.

Most, however, were trying their best not to let out a snicker.

"N… no, I…" Paige started looking at everyone, once again scratching her palms.

"...If you don"t have an answer we–"

"Sacrifice!" And before the interviewer could move on to the next registrant, Paige once again stood up from her seat,

"I will always put the people first, even if it means losing my life!"

"..." And with that answer, any noise or snickers that were coming from the other registrants completely dwindled away. None of them could really react; as from Paige"s voice and expression, she… was dead serious.

"That"s more than 10 words," said one of the interviewers, however.

"W… what? Then… then, uh…"

"It"s fine, you may take your seat, No. 86."

"Y… Yes!"

Paige rested her back on her seat once again; her mind, however, was filled with all sorts of thoughts that made it hard to even hear anything anymore. All she could hear were whistles and her thoughts running wild.

This… was not good. It wasn"t time for her to drink her meds yet. Or was it? What time is it, anyway? Could it be that she forgot to drink her meds? When is this going to be over? If she checks the clock or drinks her pills, would the interviewer notice?

"No. 86."

Wait, what if there was another question? They asked all of them together probably to save time, wouldn"t that mean there were more questions? Wait, how would she even check the clock if her phone was already dead?

Numerous thoughts circled in Paige"s mind; she tried closing her eyes, but it made the thoughts even worse.

"No. 86!"

"Yes!?" Paige then stood up; her eyes, however, quickly widened as she saw… the words and letters that were floating and circling around her head… as well as blue dancing pills.

"N… no," Paige waved them away, causing them to scatter throughout the room; with most of the people jumping out of their seats and evading. The only one that didn"t move was Riley, who just let the pill fly through him.

"I… I"m sorry!"

"Drink your meds."

And as Paige was starting to panic, one of the interviewers stood up; getting a cup of water from the dispenser and handing it to Paige.

"T… thank you," Paige was trying her best not to let out a tear as she grabbed her pill box; immediately drinking her pills before running towards the garbage can and throwing the paper cup there.

"Thank you," she once again thanked the interviewer as they both returned to their seats. Turns out, however, she didn"t need to as the evaluation was over with just a single question. The interviewers didn"t even say anything else and just asked all of them to proceed to the next and final test– the practical exam.

It would seem she wouldn"t know if she failed or not until everything was over. But she made a mess of herself and the other registrants… At this point, it would be a miracle if she the test.

Now that she was calming down, the only thing that was circling in her mind was regret.

This was supposed to be her big day. But alas, she ruined it. The only thing she could really do was follow the others to the last test.

The test was previously held on separate floors depending on what type of ability you have and was reliant on how strong one"s ability was; but nowadays, that was proven ineffective. As in the real world, there were many factors that affect one"s ability to be a hero or save people.

It absolutely didn"t have anything to do with a certain contestant plucking out a huge chunk of the building and making a statue out of it as a display of his power.

Now, the registrants wouldn"t actually know what the practical test was until they"re on-site– it changes each time and is solely decided by the examiner to prevent the registrants from actually preparing for the test and doing better than they usually would if they were outside in the real world.

Of course, all of these didn"t matter to Paige anymore as she was sure she would be failing based on the psychological evaluation alone. She caused a scene in the lobby, and she caused another one in the evaluation– she was done.

Maybe she should just overdose on her pills and get this over with. If she can"t be a hero, then she might as well die so that she wouldn"t be a burden to anyone and–

"No. 86!"

"Y… yes!?"

Paige"s number was suddenly called, waking her up from the mild stupor that she once again found herself in.

"Go join No. 85 on the stage."

"Stage? What stage?"

Paige then looked around, only to see a large marble-like stage in front of her, with Riley already standing on it. She had no idea what was happening, but still, she stepped on the stage so as to not bother anyone anymore.

It was then, however, that she saw some of the registrants on stretchers or being tended to by medics.

"Adam… what"s going on?" She then whispered as she stood close to Riley.

"The practical test, Ms. Pearson."

"Hm?" Paige then looked towards where Riley was pointing to, "Why… is a yoga ball on stage?"

"I"ll explain the rules again!"

Paige then quickly looked towards the examiner, who was now standing on the stage with them,

"You need to keep the ball on your side of the stage for as long as possible," the examiner then walked towards the center of the stage, standing on top of a red line that separated the platform right in half,

"Once the ball on your side, time will start adding on your side. If the ball falls on your side, that would be a huge penalty on your time. You are allowed to be anywhere on the stage, you are allowed to fight your opponent for the ball. If, however, the ball explodes…

…both of you will fail the entire test."