Villain Retirement

Chapter 400: l Am Darkday

Chapter 400: l Am Darkday


"You should die!"


The people did not seem to get tired of throwing things and slurs at Riley— their words, getting more violent by the second. The things they throw, getting heavier and more solid.

But Riley… Riley just accepted it all; the stains, the, the bottles, the stones— it didn"t matter what it was, Riley did not move even a single bit. He just stood in front of the entrance of the Korean Shaved Ice store and let everything fall upon him. His eyes, devoid of anything; care, emotion, even irritation… nothing could be seen in his eyes.

As for Paige, her face was filled with pain. He was directly behind Riley, but nothing was really hitting her— even the dust floating in the air seemed to avoid her. But still, even then, she looked to be in pain as tears started to trail on her cheeks.

She couldn"t utter anything, though. She couldn"t come into his defense even if she wanted to— and she didn"t. She knew herself that Riley deserved everything that was being thrown at him, she knew she deserved each and every hurtful words that were flowing towards them like a knife.

But as much as he deserved all the pain and hatred in the world, Paige also feels he deserved to be loved and cared for; even more so now that he knew everything about him. And Paige…

…Paige wants to be the one to give that to him.

And so, ever so slowly, the hands that were tightly holding the back of Riley"s clothes moved forward; Paige"s arms, now wrapping around Riley"s.

"It"s okay… Riley," Paige whispered, "It"s okay."

"Hm," Riley only nodded as he glanced at Paige"s arms. And then, it continued on— with the mob even growing in size by the second, filling up the entire mall as even those that were on the upper floor started joining.

Empress"s security team, as well as Butcher finally arrived to try and calm the down; putting up a barrier to block them from getting to Riley any further.

But alas, it would seem it had the opposite effect as the crowd became even more violent— the supers, now joining in and even releasing some of their abilities.

"Why are you trying to protect him!? He"s a demon!"


In truth, Empress"s security team were also confused at first when they were ordered to set up a barrier to protect Riley Ross. He just announced himself as Darkday, and now they were being asked to defend him?

However, as soon as Butcher told them that Riley Ross just destroyed Mars— they all quickly realized who they were trying to protect; or more specifically, what they were trying to prevent.

Riley Ross must not become angry at all costs.

The only problem was… why was Riley Ross not moving? It hasn"t even been a minute, and yet it already felt like they were about to break from all the people wanting to burst out of their blockade.

"You should just die!"

"No wonder Ms. Phoenix tried to kill you!"

"That"s right! Even your own sister wanted to kill you!"

"Die! You should just kill yourself!"

"Aren"t you ashamed to even be—"

"That"s enough!"

And almost like thunder echoing throughout the entire mall, the mob"s voices were completely drowned by a roar. A voice that cracked in the air, even causing some of the people to cover their ears.


…And it wasn"t Paige that screamed…

…But Hannah.

"Don"t you know how close all of you are to dying!?"

The air around Hannah started to distort; the air that wafted and circulated throughout the mall, almost instantly rising in temperature, causing the mob to take a step back and shut their mouths.

"Haven"t all of you had enough yet!?" Hannah then continued to cry out; her eyes, turning moist even with the heat surrounding her,

"None of you would even be alive right now if it wasn"t for my brother! Not one of you!"

Hannah had a point, but she knew she was wrong.

"You were only rescued because my brother flew up in the sky and created this f.u.c.king fake s.p.a.ceship! All of us were just standing in the air and he could have just let you fall down and die!"

She was wrong, she was really wrong. But for some reason, seeing her brother like this— being slandered, being mobbed by the people… she couldn"t sit still. She thought she could, she was doing so well keeping her place just moments ago.

But all these hurtful words may not affect her brother and just go over him… but Hannah was receiving all of it— and she couldn"t take it.

"If you weren"t lifted up into the sky and taken to the Academy, the radiation of the bombs would have killed all of you! Do you think you could have actually survived? Because more than a billion people didn"t!"

"The House of Super bannered under Riley Ross!"

"That"s right! He might have even started all of it!"

"Didn"t you see how he f.u.c.king squashed the House of Super himself!?" Hannah"s screams did not let up, "If he wasn"t here, the reign of the House of Super would have continued on! Do you think we alone could have stopped it? No! Because we were so f.u.c.king busy saving your lives! All you do is complain, and complain, and f.u.c.king complain!"

She was wrong for this, but she couldn"t stop herself.

"The lives that my brother has saved today are more than the people he had killed, a lot more! He could crush all of you like ants and he wouldn"t even blink an eye! So yes, don"t be f.u.c.king thankful that you were saved— but that my brother chose not to kill you!"


"She"s right!"

"Who the f.u.c.k cares if Riley used to kill people!? At least the people he is killing now are all bad people!"

"That"s right! What have any of you done to help!?"

"My mother would have died if we weren"t taken to the Academy! Nuclear Seraph is right, Riley is—"

"I"m not right!" And even though some of the people were starting to side with Riley, Hannah once again opened her mouth in rage, "Are you people f.u.c.king crazy!? Of course, I"m not right! I"m just saying that none of you would be alive if it wasn"t for Riley! Of course, it"s not okay that he killed millions of people before! He should pay for his crimes…

…But none of what you are doing now matters! Look at yourselves, you should just focus on helping each other and make yourselves useful for a change, you path—"

And before Hannah could dig herself into a deeper hole, she felt her stomach almost churning… as Riley suddenly appeared in front of her and punched her straight in the gut— almost causing her body to fold in half before violently rolling back into the Korean Shaved Ice store.

Silvie was going to catch Hannah, but found that she did not need to do so as she soon just gently dropped to the floor.

"I apologize, people," Riley then let out a small sigh as he started looking at the mob, almost as if he was scanning each and every one of them,

"My sister is just a little angry and irritated since I destroyed her favorite planet, Mars."


And as soon as the people heard his words, their mouths once again became sewn. Even with Riley"s face covered with all sorts of dirt and, they still could clearly see his eyes that were as dark as night itself,

"Go on, continue until all of you are satisfied," Riley then stretched his arms to the side, "I will be here all day, so you can do whatever you want to me— I will not lift a finger and I will not fight back. You want your revenge? This is the moment you can take it."


"But do know I have already memorized each of your faces," Riley said as a subtle smile started to grow on his face. And finally, the mob started to dissipate. The whispers and mutters that once filled the entire mall, now replaced by thundering footsteps that soon also faded away with the noise.

And just in the span of a minute, everyone was gone— all except but one.

The son of the Megawoman, stood still and stood strong as he stared Riley directly in the eyes.

"Don"t, Gary Gray," Butcher quickly stood in front of Gary, "You do not need me to tell you what your chances are against him."

"Didn"t you hear?" Gary let out a tiny scoff as he glanced at Butcher,

"He"s not going to lift even a single finger."


Butcher wasn"t even able to utter another word as Gary disappeared, flipping and destroying the ground behind him as he pushed himself towards Riley.

"You"re going to pay for killing my fath—"

And before Gary could finish his words…

…Riley covered his face and slammed his head on the floor.

"Gary!" The other members of the Baby Crew wanted to rush out, but Gary quickly raised his hand and gestured to them to stop.

"Y… you…" Gary then let out a small groan, "… you said you wouldn"t fight back."

"I apologize, Gary," Riley then took a few steps back as he allowed Gary to stand, "But Aerith shares half of the responsibility for your father"s death. She could have easily prevented everything, but did not…

…but go ahead, then."

Riley lowered his arms, "Take your revenge. After all, I am the villain...

...And I am and will forever be the darkest day."

"Oh, you don"t have to worry about that…" Gary"s eyes started to glow in red as he once again rushed toward Riley,

"...I will!"