Villain Retirement

Chapter 647 647: Elder Olseyir

Chapter 647 647: Elder Olseyir

"I only did what was asked of me...


Elder Olseyir"s silver eyes glistened even without light reflecting on them. And if one were to look, if one were to just truly look—they would notice Riley also reflecting in it. And not just because he was in front of her, no—their eyes were truly similar.

It was the only thing that could be seen from her, the rest were covered by her pink, oversized robes…like a veil filled with mystery.

"Not at all, Elder Olseyir."

Riley tilted his head to the side, floating and circling around Elder Olseyir as he looked at her from head to toe, "I only told you 5 words. M—"

"Turn them hostile against Theran."

"And you did."

"No," Elder Olseyir sighed and shook her head, before letting out a small giggle, "I did nothing, like literally. They were on Aerith"s throat from the start, all I needed to do was direct the conversation."

"Perhaps," Riley shrugged as he finally stopped circling Olseyir and floated in front of her, "But you still did everything before and after that."

"Pft," Olseyir"s robes started to bounce as she giggled, "All it is was a push. And as always, nothing we did would return to us… because we did nothing."

"Good job, Elder Olseyir," Riley nodded, clearly satisfied with Olseyir"s words.

"We are who we are, Boss," Olseyir also nodded, "And as I said, I have only done what You have asked of me."

Elder Olseyir then bowed her head. And if there was a floor to kneel on, she would have probably already done so.


"...Boss?" Olseyir then blinked a couple of times as she looked at Riley.

"Who are you, Elder Olseyir?" Riley then said as he very slowly floated back, "May you tell me your story and who you are?"

"I am one of your clones, Boss. Raleerus created me, like many others," Olseyir then raised her hands, very slowly unveiling her robes and revealing her face.


She resembled Riley, definitely. To the point that Riley could really only tilt his head, slightly confused at the fact that other than she looked like him, she was nothing like him—she was a woman.

Her face was rounder, softer, her eyebrows thinner and her lips that were smiling were plump and red—as red as the gems attached to the pair of earrings she was wearing.

"Why not just read my memories, Boss?" Olseyir then whispered; her voice, even more feminine than before, "I would be honored to finally once again be a part of you."

"No," Riley quickly shook his head, "You are your own person now, Elder Olseyir—I will not be breaching your privacy. Just tell me more about you, I… am curious as to how you came to be. But please do keep it short."

"Thank you, Boss," Olseyir once again bowed her head, before her eyes strayed toward the endless horizon of the Known Universe,

"I was one of the earliest clones that Raleerus summoned during his rampage. There were only 5 of us from the start, but as Raleerus started regaining his strength—he started summoning more and more until there were hundreds of us. We were scattered, we are scattered throughout the Known Universe."

"And the rest are still rampaging out there?"

"Some of them," Olseyir nodded, "Some of them were like me, however. We killed here and there… but then we got tired and just chose to stay on a single planet to rest for a while. I killed half of the population, and then I started creating my own clones…

…and my own clones started creating their own clones."


"I know," Olseyir then let out a long and deep sigh before once again giggling, "We sort of took the planet for our own—no, that"s exactly what we did."



"Oh, are you wondering about this?" Elder Olseyir then took the rest of her robes off, revealing the rest of her body—and as she did so, it was almost as if she took the rest of whatever Riley was left on her.

She… was truly a woman; her skin, as smooth as it was pale.

Elder Olseyir then grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she looked Riley in the eyes, "My clones treated me like a mother, you know how weird we can be. As to how I became like this, well…the planet we were staying on just happens to be capable of… making changes. So, I decided to change."

"Interesting," Riley placed his hand on his chin, "So, the original inhabitants of the planet—did you make them your slaves?"

"No, we decided to kill them a few weeks after to officially take over the planet," Elder Olseyir sighed and shook her head, "They were sort of getting annoying to keep. And if we wanted the planet to be truly ours, we should be the only ones there—and we named it."

"Tahire," Riley hummed, "That is an anagram of Aerith, is it not?"

"Yes," Elder Olseyir smiled; the edges of her red lips, almost reaching from ear to ear, "And I decided to call our species Biolan—arrange that and you get Albino. So, what do you think? I"m a genius, right?"

"It was stupid, Elder Olseyir," Riley sighed and shook his head, "Aerith might have caught up on that."

"Eh…" Elder Olseyir scoffed as she waved her hand, "...People are too centered on themselves to notice something like that. I a.s.sure you, even someone reading on paper wouldn"t have made a connection."

"Hm. And then, what happened next after you established your own civilization, Elder Olseyir?"

"Well, we didn"t really establish it—we took it over and changed it," Elder Olseyir shrugged, "But after we were fully living a life there, I reached out to the Common Council and introduced myself and the rest of my people. I told them that we were an advanced species that have been watching the events in the Known Universe for a while now, and that we have been watching the Common Council."


"And I told them that we have access to technology that could not be detected by anything—that is why they don"t know about us, we are completely invisible," Olseyir once again giggled, "You should have seen how scared they were. But of course, we don"t really have technology like that, it"s all just—"


"Hm. As you have always been proud of, Boss—our telekinesis makes everything possible, hm," Olseyir nodded several times as she started covering herself again; her robes, wrapping around her on their own,

"And then, I heard them discussing of Aerith"s arrival to Ahor Zai, and I requested them to introduce me there to the Known Universe so that we could meet."

"And we did. I truly do appreciate the surprise. I thought they were keeping Raleerus in Ahor Zai since I detected a clone there, but it was you."

"Hm, and that is where you told me the 5 words."

"Which you dutifully and excellently executed. I once again commend you for a job well done, Elder Olseyir," Riley then started clapping as he looked Olseyir in the eyes, "But may I ask how many… Biolans there are?"

"I don"t know anymore, Boss," Olseyir shrugged, before letting out a long and deep sigh, "Due to my clones creating clones, and their clones creating clones—the majority of biolans are too weak already—they are just… normal citizens now. Some do not even have the capacity to use our abilities."

"Interesting," Riley once again placed his hand on his chin.

"And now, it is my turn to congratulate you for a job well done, Boss!" Olseyir then flapped her robes to the side, doing a curtsy as she once again bowed her head, "Just like that, the themarians which greatly hindered your progress to the total annihilation of all life are gone—and the remaining two might even start helping you with your cause."

"Hm, maybe they are not all gone," Riley shook his head.

"Theran?" Olseyir squinted her eyes, "Did you convince the Queen to evacuate her people?"

"I don"t know," Riley shrugged, "I just left Professor Riley there."

"Ugh, I hate that guy," Olseyir rolled her eyes, "He thinks he"s better than everyone else because he managed to tame a few themarians. Were you aware he was speaking to me and gloating?"

"No," Riley shook his head.

"Pft, once we meet again—I"ll show him his place. I"m an Elder of the Common Council, I"m like Diley reborn," Elder Olseyir crossed her arms before she started floating away, "Anyway, shall we head back, Boss?"

"Hm," Riley gestured to Olseyir to go ahead of him.

"...What do you think will happen now, Boss?" And as the two were flying back, Olseyir glanced at Riley.

"Who knows, Elder Olseyir," a small smile then very slowly started to crawl on Riley"s face, "I"m just a spectator."

"Oh…" Elder Olseyir"s entire body began shivering, "You just gave me the chills, Boss."

And as Elder Olseyir and Riley once again entered New Theran, they were quickly welcomed by the sight of everyone arranging the corpses, making sure no bodies were undignified and stacked up on each other like ants.

"..." And as soon as landed on the ground, he very slowly and gently lifted each of the almost 200 million bodies into the air.

"Shall I bring them to where biological mother is buried, mother?" Riley then said as he looked at Diana. Hannah and the others could really only step to the side as they almost got dizzy from the drowning sight.

"Yes," Diana just quietly nodded her head, letting go of the hand she was holding as she watched them float into the air.

But then… all of a sudden, one of them dropped to the ground.

The Princess of Varoif… barely breathing.