Villain Retirement

Chapter 918 918: A Truly Long Banquet

Chapter 918 918: A Truly Long Banquet

?The 91st floor.

What was once supposed to be a peaceful floor, has been completely broken and overrun by G.o.ds who wanted to dwindle their compet.i.tion moving forward. Of course, most of the G.o.ds knew that the 91st floor was created for this very purpose — but they had an unspoken rule, a silent agreement that the sanctuary that is the 91st floor should remain untouched.

But alas, that was now broken completely by the existence known as Riley Ross.

There were many before him who attempted to break the sanctuary, but all of them failed where he excelled - deviousness.

Was Riley some sort of G.o.d of mischief? All of them thought — but no. The one he was directly facing was a G.o.d of mischief; Ewa, the Cannibal G.o.d.

Ewa, however, seems to be losing right now; not because he loses out in cunningness, no. Not at all. What he loses out on was creativity.

The creativity to make everything look like an accident.

"You seem to be very used in this game, Mr. Riley Ross," Ewa let out a small chuckle as he chewed the flesh off of a bone, before throwing it in a certain direction. And as soon as it landed, it caused a person who was not really paying attention to trip on it; causing him to accidentally push the person next to him.

Of course, the G.o.d wasn"t eliminated with just that, no. It was the G.o.d he pushed that was eliminated since the G.o.d instinctively swung his fist at him.

"It is not that I am used to it, Mr. Ewa," Riley let out a small sigh as his eyes strayed toward one of the people watching their exchange. And as soon as he did so, the man clenched his entire body so that he would not end up doing anything; sadly for the man, he did not notice the tiny G.o.d standing beside him and ended up spilling the food he was holding down the tiny G.o.d"s head.

The tiny G.o.d quickly took offense to this action and leaped straight through his eye; letting out some sort of energy explosion that melted all the man"s internal organs. Of course, the tiny G.o.d was eliminated from the tower… but the man who spilled the food was also eliminated for some reason.

"Things…" Riley smiled as he turned his attention back to Ewa, "...Just have the tendency to go my way. Perhaps the perks of being the main character of Creation."

"Oh…?" Ewa"s eyes slightly twitched as he heard Riley"s words, "You think you are the main character of everything, G.o.dling? What makes you think you are so special, when each and every one of the people standing here before you were the main characters of their respective universes?"

"Because they are only the main characters of their respective universes, Mr. Ewa," Riley tilted his head to the side, "As I said, I am the main character of the entire Creation."

"And what makes you think that?" Ewa no longer attempted to "accidentally" eliminate anyone as he just stepped closer to Riley; a hint of a smile, slowly crawling on his face, "Although you do not really need to answer. Newborn G.o.ds always think they are something special, when in truth, you are just like the rest of us…


"I am not trapped here with you, Ewa…" Riley closed his eyes, "...You are trapped here with her."

"...What?" Ewa blinked a couple of times as he looked to where Riley was pointing to, only to see the blank-faced Esme tilting her head to the side.

"I saw a mosquito, Esme," Riley"s finger then very slowly strayed back toward Ewa, or more specifically, his forehead, "There."


And without even having the chance to react, the next and only thing he saw was Esme"s palm only an inch away from his forehead. He could try to dodge, but sadly for Ewa, he was completely unaware of what Esme could actually do and just decided to casually stay in position and sigh, the last thing he would ever do in the tower as his entire head was practically wiped away from existence momentarily.

Even the ones who were behind him were blown away; some even having their flesh torn just from the shockwave — and these were G.o.ds of strength, not just normal beings.

There and then, everyone finally realized that they had a monster within their midst.

"Oh no." As for Esme, she just let out a small monotonous gasp as she realized what she had just done. But even after several seconds had pa.s.sed, she was still inside the tower.

After all, what she had just done was not perceived by the tower as a form of violence; no malicious intent at all. As a matter of fact, Riley was starting to think that he might actually be the one to be eliminated — but no, he was safe.

Esme, even this previously undead variant of hers, treats all life precious. If Riley had said there was a c.o.c.kroach, she would have just probably been confused as to why Riley was telling her that — she would never kill a c.o.c.kroach unnecessarily if she could help it; she would even set them free.

But mosquitoes, that was a different being altogether. Esme completely dislikes mosquitoes, even actively expressing her disdain for them to Riley.

"I did not mean to do that," Esme, although lacking in emotions, looked clearly apologetic as she saw Ewa disappearing and being teleported out of the tower, "What should I do, Master?"

"It is fine, Esme," Riley only shook his head as he gestured to Esme to return to her seat, "We couldn"t allow mosquitoes to invade this floor, it would ruin the resort. You meant well."

"...I did," Esme only glanced at Riley before nodding her head and walking away. And as she did so, all the other G.o.ds who even happened to be meters away from blocking her path all moved away; carrying just one thought in their minds.

They might be looking at the next champion of the Grandarena City. But of course, as she returned to their table, they once again realized that all of them still had a chance to become champions; their slight wavering resolved, once again fortified by the single act of remembering who they were.

They were G.o.ds.

"We got us a little monster in our hands, huh?" Marleen commented as soon as Esme sat back down at their table.

"True, true…" Miss Pepondosovich let out a hearty chuckle as she patted Esme"s arm, "...I"m already getting excited to fight with our new girl here."

"I"m not talking about her, Pepondosovich," Marleen breathed out as her eyes remained fixated on Riley.

"Oh yeah?" Miss Pepondosovich shrugged as she looked back and forth between Riley and Marleen, "Wait… did you access his life without his permission!?"

"No," Marleen let out a small scoff as she looked completely disappointed at Miss Pepondosovich, "He personally asked me to do so. What sort of person do you think I am?"

"Well…" Miss Pepondosovich only widened her eyes as she looked to the side. She and Marleen just suddenly burst out in a fit of laughter.

"I apologize for suddenly leaving the table in the middle of our conversation, someone needed help." And as the two were sharing a laugh together, Riley returned to the table and sat near Yanchuen, who was just seemingly enjoying Marleen laughing.

"Not at all, Riley Ross — it was incredibly entertaining to see you help someone," Yanchuen chuckled; his immaculately bald head, almost glistening as he turned his attention to Riley, "I was right to climb the tower to witness all of this."

"Hm, may I ask how you know my name initially, Yanchuen?" Riley asked, "I do not recall it ever being mentioned when we first met."

"He has some sort of foresight ability," Marleen was the one to answer as she stopped laughing with Miss Pepondosovich, "That is why he is more bored than most of the G.o.ds here."

"I have never been bored during our time together, Marleen," Yanchuen gracefully said, only for Marleen to just once again gesture at him with disgust, "And yes, I do have some form of foresight, but not quite."


"My species exists differently than most," Yanchuen explained, "Our body never forgets anything and everything — and our body is also extremely—no, abnormally in tune with our surroundings and everything in it to the point that we could perceive what would happen next. We instinctively use our memories to calculate the future. Like for example, that man would burp."

Riley turned to look to where Yanchuen was pointing to, only to see a man letting out a subtle and quiet burp.

"And sometimes, those strongest of us could even perceive way ahead; days, weeks."

"I also know of someone with a somewhat similar ability, Yanchuen," Riley breathed out as Prophet came to his mind, "But what about you, how far could you perceive into the future?"

"It is not really seeing the future per se, Riley Ross. The future changes by the millisecond — the mere fact that I told you my ability now changes everything I know about what will happen to you and the people around you. And the more I know about you and the people around you, the clearer the future around you becomes, even if it changes by the millisecond."

"That is very interesting, Yanchuen."

"To an extent, yes," Yanchuen closed his eyes and chuckled, "But to answer your question…

…Years. I can see thousands of years into the future."

"Then what do you see in mine, Yanchuen?"


"That is… correct."