Villain Retirement

Chapter 963 Chapter 963: The Purpose

Chapter 963 Chapter 963: The Purpose

"Ack, f.u.c.k that. Where"s the big-t.i.tted woman I saw earlier!?"

There was a sudden heaviness that persisted in the air after one of the drunkards slurred those words — they would have probably felt it if they were sober, but unfortunately for them, they were not.

Riley did not really react to their words, but Miss Pepondosovich did. And although Esme was not showing it as always, she also felt a certain way as they heard their new friend being addressed that way. Yes, although the two had only met Liza a few days ago, the three of them were already getting along due to Liza"s awkward but bubbly, and insanely talkative nature.

"Oi, oi!" The group of drunkards continued to enter the restaurant despite Riley already telling them the restaurant was still closed — they were too drunk to care. Their laughter was loud and uncouth, and they were haphazardly b.u.mping into tables, chairs, and decor. The largest of them even stood on top of one of the tables, trying to steady himself only for him to fall and destroy the foot of the table in the process.

"Pft!" And once again, their laughter echoed through the entire restaurant.


"Woah!" The laughter suddenly stopped as Riley appeared between them out of nowhere; he was holding a gla.s.s, just calmly wiping it as he spoke in a very quiet manner, almost a whisper, "I will have to insist that you leave. Since all of you are obviously intoxicated by alcohol, and I myself am now aware of the impulses that come with it…

…I will allow all of you to leave."

"…" The drunkards stared at Riley for a few seconds before turning to look at each other quietly. Unfortunately for Riley and the restaurant, their silence did not last long as they once again burst out in a fit of laughter; this time even stronger and louder.

"Did… did you hear that, lads!?" The largest of them stood in front of Riley, "Mister manager here would like us to leave — what even are you? You don"t look human… in fact…"

The large man and his friends then turned to look at Esme and Miss Pepondosovich, "None of you look human at all, so what are you doing in these parts, eh?"

"And what are you supposed to be? A f.u.c.king human rabbit? Did your dad f.u.c.k a rabbit?" One of them swayed closer to Miss Pepondosovich and leered at her, "What about—"

"Move any closer and you will find yourself instantly sobered up," Miss Pepondosovich said as he watched as the man started reaching his hand out toward her ears. The man, however, still continued despite Miss Pepondosovich"s warning.

"Well…" Miss Pepondosovich let out a small sigh as she raised her hand, "…I did warn you."

"Wh—" And before the man could even say anything else, his arm suddenly flung backward, snapping at an angle that should not be possible, "F… f.u.c.k me!" The sound reverberated throughout the silent restaurant and was met by a high-pitched wail from the injured man.

And true enough, Miss Pepondosovich"s words came true as the man and his companions instantly sobered up.

"Wha—What the f.u.c.k did you do?" The man stuttered, his eyes wide with fear as he backed away from Miss Pepondosovich.

"Nothing," Miss Pepondosovich shrugged.

"I warned you all about disrespecting my staff and patrons. I maintain a strict policy against hara.s.sment within my establishment." Everyone was slightly confused as to what just happened, but they all could not help but turn their attention to Riley as he spoke, only to see Riley now suddenly behind the bar, setting down the gla.s.s he had been cleaning on the counter.

His voice contained no hint of malice or anger; it was as if he was discussing something as mundane as the weather. Yet, there was a certain tone of annoyance in his voice. And as Miss Pepondosovich and Esme heard this, the two could really only just look at each other.

With the time they have spent with Riley, when has he actually really expressed annoyance? Miss Pepondosovich initially thought the restaurant was just some sort of front for whatever Riley was up to next… but it would seem that was not the case at all.

"Riri…" Miss Pepondosovich looked at Riley while shaking her head, "This isn"t our world anymore, please don"t kill them — we just got ourselves free."

Riley turned his head slightly to acknowledge Miss Pepondosovich"s request, a glimpse of acknowledgment in his otherwise impa.s.sive gaze.

"Of course not, Miss Pepondosovich. Harming or killing anyone is not allowed in this utopia," Riley let shook his head, "I am disappointed that you would think I would hurt someone when we were kindly warned and not asked to."

"…Right," Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes before turning to look at the drunkard"s mangled arm, "You"re right, he… stretched his arm too much."

"Hm," Riley nodded, "And they need to have that gentleman"s hand looked at, it would seem to be a lack of calcium. Miss Esme, please escort these gentlemen outside."

Esme moved obediently even more so than she usually does at Riley"s command, "Please follow me."

The group was herded towards the door like sheep, all previous bravado evaporated into thin air. Their quick glances back toward Riley and Miss Pepondosovich were marked with an understanding that they had escaped a fate far worse than a simple broken arm.

"What… is going on here?" And as the group was headed out of the restaurant, the very person they were looking for walked past them and entered the restaurant. The drunkards, however, quickly strayed their eyes away from her instead,

"What the—why is everything such a mess!?" Liza then dropped all the ingredients and supplies she bought from the market as she saw the broken table and the fallen decors.

"Everything is a mess because of that, Miss Liza," Miss Pepondosovich approached Liza and pointed at her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s that obnoxiously bounced even with the slightest of movements even though she was already wearing baggy clothes, "Why do men even lose their sanity because of those things!? Don"t they know…

…that flat is justice!"

Miss Pepondosovich confidently placed her hand around her waist as she stood up straight, and then beckoning to Esme to join her as she saw her return. Esme did not really know what was happening, but she still joined Miss Pepondosovich and imitated her pose.

"…" Liza could really only squint her eyes at the two as they stayed like that. But after a few good seconds, she also stood up straight and placed her hands around her waist; pulling and tugging on her baggy shirt and revealing the monstrous shape hiding within.

"It… It blinds me!" And almost as if they were pushed and blown by an invisible force, Miss Pepondosovich and Miss Esme took several steps back as they covered their eyes as soon as Liza"s gigantic b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced in front of them.

"M…Miss Esme…" Miss Pepondosovich then started crawling on the floor while trying to reach for Esme"s hand, "The… the power, it"s too much."

"Fufu," Liza then looked down on Miss Pepondosovich, "Behold, the power of—"

And before the three could continue their sudden impromptu roleplaying, they all returned back to the world as they heard a slightly loud bang reverberate in the air. They all turned to look as to what it was, only to see Riley hammering and fixing the broken foot of the table.

"Riri…" Miss Pepondosovich blinked a couple of times, "…Can"t you just use your powers for that?"

"No," Riley immediately shook his head as he continued to nail the table back, "Things like this must be done with hand, Miss Pepondosovich."

"…Of course," Miss Pepondosovich, Esme, and Liza all looked at each other before they also started up fixing and cleaning the decors that the drunkards made a mess of.

"You know, Riri…" Miss Pepondosovich breathed out, "…I thought you wanted to get out of the Domain of the G.o.ds because you wanted to find someone? So, why exactly… are you doing all of this?"

Riley set his hammer down as he looked at Miss Pepondosovich, "Because I do not exactly deserve to find them, Miss Pepondosovich."

"…I forgot about your self-defeating att.i.tude," Miss Pepondosovich sighed.

"Sister likes the food I cook," Riley then lifted up the table with his hands and neatly placed it back to its original position, "And I suppose if this restaurant becomes famous, then perhaps they might find themselves here and smell her way to me, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Zero…" Liza could not help but cover her mouth as she tried to stop the tears that were trying to fall from her eyes, "…I have no idea what this is about, but I hope your sister finds you."

"And what about your lover, you think she is supposed to be pregnant, right?" Miss Pepondosovich then sighed.

"Who…?" Liza blinked a couple of times as she very slowly turned her head to Miss Pepondosovich, "You… have a lover, Zero?"


"Diana, how is he…?"

"Very much alive inside you. So, I am going to ask you again, Aerith…

…do you truly not want to terminate your pregnancy?"
