Villainess's Sweet Everyday

Chapter 4

I looked up at the white castle walls. You can feel the country"s wealth and technology level by their st.u.r.dy structure.

I"m glad to have been born in such a strong country. I spread my arms and breathed in. The air feels good.

Calcilast-sama who"s walking by my side is as cool as ever. A tall stature, some musculature, and handsome looks.

Our gazes intertwined like fighting snakes. It"s slightly erotic.

Calcilast-sama said with a lavish smile.

"I"m glad this country is peaceful. Otherwise I wouldn"t be able to do such things with Marikana…"

I said "I"m relieved to not have been born into the age of war. I wouldn"t want to kill or be killed…"

There was a woman paint a castle on a canvas placed on an easel. She"s focused and earnest. She"s doing her best.

Calcilast-sama praised her "h.e.l.lo. You"re quite skilled"

It"s certainly a piece worth a praise. I wonder if she paints quite a lot.

Looking at Calcilast-sama, the artist opened her eyes wide, knocked over her chair, kneeled bowing her head and said.

"Prince, I beg of you, please forgive my rudeness…"

Calcilast-sama said "Please, stand up" and held out his hand.

The painter began standing up but stumbled knocking down the easel. Arara.

She  took off her hat and apologized many time over. Calcilast-sama returned "It"s okay"

The painter"s cheeks reddened somehow. She seems embarra.s.sed.

It seems she suffered damage from the beauty aura Calcilast-sama"s gives off…

I got angry at Calcilast-sama who helped somebody else. My irritation grew like a balloon being inflated.

Is this what"s called jealousy? I wonder if I don"t want Calcilast-sama"s kindness to be directed at other people…

The prince is gentle to most people… I feel like it can"t be helped.

The woman stood up and let go of his hand, then apologized again "Excuse me…"

She doesn"t seem like a bad person. I wonder if she"s a klutz…

It"s a type I don"t get to see much. She put her painting tools back.

Calcilast-sama said "Well then, please do your best" and lined up next to me. He said.

"She was quite a skilled painter. I"m looking forward to her future. Marikana?"

I said "That"s right" laconically and faced away.

I wonder if after all I"m jealous. It"s like a volcano erupting. In other words, it"s an explosion.

We walked along the castle once again. My frustration is gradually dying down… I think.

It"s my vice to overthink. I quickly rush towards the worst epilogue.

From now on, Calcilast-sama will become fond of that woman. Love buds… I will be completely forgotten.

I kicked the cobblestone paving. My shoe left behind a mark.

I wonder if that"s it… Although I did my best… But… But… Right.

I stole a glance at Calcilast-sama. He"s calm. As usual, he"s smiling.

That expression pushed me down the depths of h.e.l.l. I felt dizzy.

Rather, I want to collapse… Like that, I wouldn"t have to be in agony.

A scene where Calcilast-sama leaves me came to my mind.

Ah, no more. I"m crushed… But, I don"t want to give up.

I want us to spend the lifetime together. If G.o.d allows us.

Somehow… Somehow, please.

I"m in anguish. It"s repeating endlessly. Just intently repeating itself. I wonder if it"s the end…

Narrowing his eyes and raising the corners of his mouth, Calcilast-sama inquired. In his usual voice br.i.m.m.i.n.g with kindness.

"Does Marikana paint? I became a little curious after seeing the woman from a while ago"

I shook my head like a dog shaking off water and answered.

"Although I have drawn before, it"s not my strong point…"

Calcilast-sama muttered "Is that so" with a perfect smile and asked.

"Won"t you show it to me the next time? Marikana"s painting…"

Troubled, I said weakly "If I manage to paint well…"

Calcilast-sama replied "Thank you. I"m looking forward to it"

Ah, I promised lightly, but I wonder if it"s okay… I became dejected.

The castle wall still stretches far away. But in time we"ll go beyond it.

There"s nothing that won"t end… Certainly, even love…

Ah, it"s pigeons. An old man is feeding them bread pieces. They seem used to people and don"t try to escape.

Kurukkuu, kurukkuu, they demanded a meal. I wonder if they"re starving. Eat well…

I also want to give it something… But, I don"t have any food…

Gray pigeons are desperately pecking at the bread thrown for them. They"re eating delightfully.

Ara, I"m also hungry… I cannot help it. I have to eat something later, huh.

Calcilast-sama walked up to them, crouched, stroked a pigeon and said. With a smile like a rose.

"Marikana! Why don"t you also come here and touch them? They"re cute?"

I"m anxious I would be bitten. Because of the scar Calcilast-sama would leave me…

You can"t, me. I"m overthinking. Like that, I couldn"t do anything.

Next to Calcilast-sama I hugged a pigeon. Wawa, cute.

I don"t want to let this pigeon go. I want to keep it…

Calcilast-sama said "It became attached to Marikana, huh" excitedly.

I gazed at the pigeon. It"s a good child. It cooed kurukkuu kurukkuu, seemingly delighted. How nice, how pleasant.

The pigeon I"m hugging rubbed its head against my hand and started play-biting.

What is this lovely animal. Unconsciously, I hugged it closely.

Calcilast-sama, looking at the pigeon that now got on my shoulder, said.

"Pigeons… What lovely birds. I wonder if I should ask father to implement pigeon feeding as a national policy…"

Like pouring a shower on Calcilast-sama, I asked him "Did you take such liking to pigeons?"

Calcilast-sama sweetly smiled and said. While stroking a pigeon on the cobblestone paving.

"Yeah, naturally! Ah, naturally Marika is winning that…"

I asked him meanly. With a grin on my face. Like a villain.

"What am I winning? I"d certainly like to be taught…"

Calcilast-sama"s eyes became round, he blushed and averted his gaze. Then he said.

"That is, various things… If I had to say… Hmm…"

I giggled. Fl.u.s.tered Calcilast-sama is cute…

To somehow dodge the question, Calcilast-sama suddenly turned towards a pigeon and started talking.

"Pigeon-kun, don"t you think Marikana is mean? Such a thing… right?"

I lifted the pigeon with both hands, faced it towards Calcilast-sama, then said.

"Kurukkuu. Marikana is a good girl. Kurukkuu. She"s gentle. Kurukkuu"

Calcilast-sama also unintentionally giggled, then lifted a pigeon and spoke.

"Kurukkuu. He is a prince. Kurukkuu. You ought to show him respect. Kurukkuu"

I apologized "I"m sorry. I was impolite"

Time flew while we admired pigeons. My, how cute…

When bread was torn and presented to them, every single of them swarmed vying for food.

It"s just like ants swarming sugar. I wonder if they don"t get much to eat?

It looks like there are dozens of pigeons. It"s a survival game, huh. Every single one of them is serious.

Pigeons ate up the bread scattered around. Looks like they found it delicious.

While watching I wondered if pigeons are omnivorous, and what else they might eat.

Calcilast-sama spoke to a single pigeon in his arms. With a serious face.

"You are Kuu-chan from now on. I will keep you!"

I asked Calcilast-sama. While tilting my head.

"Is it fine to decide to keep it as you please? Can you properly take care of it every day?"

Then, Calcilast-sama, only managing to squeeze out "Ugh", lowered his eyebrows and put the pigeon on the cobblestone.

He appears to have given up. As a prince he"s indebted to people like maids.

It"s a mystery how Calcilast-sama wanted to find time for it.

Well, speaking of mysteries, I"ve recently read an enigmatic mystery… Ah! I was about to derail from the topic.

Calcilast-sama returned the former Kuu-chan to the wild. They might not be able to meet anymore…

Well, partings are like that. Yup. There will also be new encounters, surely.

"Ah, ouch" I let out a tiny scream.  Looking at my feet, pigeons demanded food.

Poke poke, they pecked at my feet and shoes. I was surprised.

I tore off a tiny piece of bread and presented it to a small pigeon. Then pigeons swarmed, harshly trampling and pushing the small pigeon away.

I feel a little sorry for it… I walked up to the tiny pigeon, lifted it and gifted it bread.

That child cooed kurukkuu kurukkuu in delight. What a nice sound.

I wonder if it was hungry. It ate the piece of bread.

That child looked at me and cooed. I wonder if it thanked me? How polite.

Then, it flew away from my hand. Flap flap. Other pigeons flew up as if on cue.

The meal time is over. Will we meet again?

I wish we could. Ah, I feel somewhat lonely.

Looking close, there are black pigeons around… Wrong, those are crows.

I haven"t noticed at all. It"s like they"re skilled at disguising themselves. The crows pecked at the cobblestone pavement.

I looked at Calcilast-sama to see him approach me and say.

"Then, should we also go? At any rate, the pigeon was cute… I wanted to keep it…"

I unintentionally giggled. Calcilast-sama was disappointed looking at the pigeons flying away.

The crows flapped their jet-black wings, flew up and settled on the power line.

Calcilast-sama asked such a thing. He"s somehow amused.

"Do you know why the pigeon from a moment ago didn"t flee from humans? I saw it in a trivia book…"

I tilted my head slightly for ten, twenty seconds. Hmm, I don"t know…

I told Calcilast-sama "It"s my defeat. I surrender"

Then he spoke somewhat proudly.

"As a matter of fact, some carrier pigeons escaped, became feral and multiplied… Having been raised by people, they weren"t afraid of them"

Then, were the pigeons from a while ago their descendants? It feels somehow nostalgic.

I posed a question. While staring in Calcilast-sama"s pale blue eyes.

"Why did the carrier pigeons leave people? What about their food?"

Calcilast-sama"s eyes opened wide for an instant and he returned.

"I"m not sure about the details… but I"m sure they wanted to be free. Or maybe they got lost…"

Calcilast-sama who spoke seriously was wonderful. He"s just like the sun.

We went forward side by side. Our pace is about the same.

Calcilast-sama seems to take me into consideration. I have no stamina…

The white castle wall still continues. How immense it is.