Villainess's Sweet Everyday

Chapter 6

Calcilast-sama"s large, white hand wrapped around mine.

It"s almost as if mine was completely enveloped. I feel safe as if I were in amniotic fluid…

Calcilast-sama faced me with a smile and said "Let"s walk"

Slowly, slowly, we advanced. Step by step, it"s being put into the alb.u.m of my life.

My gait is light, but our frivolous talk has stopped.

My heart beats with each step… Like it"s dancing a waltz.

Calcilast-sama is smiling. I wonder if it"s because we joined hands?

Or is there another reason? Is there a woman other than me…?

I felt down. I hung my head being flooded by depression.

I… Right, I don"t amount to much. It"s a meaningless existence.


I was surprised at Calcilast-sama saying that. I raised my face.

After some consideration he asked. He seems concerned.

"Are you tired? Was the pace too high?"

It must seem like it because I stopped. I shook my head. Then said in a whisper.

"I"m okay. Now, let"s walk…"

Calcilast-sama smiled broadly and said "Yes, then…"

The sky is deep blue and wide, vast. As if it was endless.

But even it has limits and ends somewhere.

Just like my relationship with Calcilast-sama will one day end.

It"s a sad reality, but it can"t be helped. Even if we are lucky enough to become a married couple, either of us would pa.s.s away first… right?

Ah, let"s stop considering that. I will enter the gloomy mode.

If I do my best…

The hand that connects me with Calcilast-sama feels like a different animal.

It"s pounding thump thump like fetal movements… It"s similar to pregnancy…

But, it"s certainly a proof that I"m alive.

I want to cherish this connection. Cherish it as much as possible…

Calcilast-sama"s hand gives me a sense of security.

It"s as if a mysterious warmth spread from his hand throughout my body.

He looked over here and asked. His atmosphere is overflowing with kindness.

"Marikana is an adult, huh. You"re not perturbed even when holding hands with the prince. Isn"t that right?"

After staring at him in wonder, I replied.

"No, it"s a little… err, somewhat… no, fairly…"

Calcilast-sama loudly laughed "Ahaha". I wonder if I did something clumsy?

After that, we advanced at a steady pace again. I wish we had no destination…

Even if I were to be reborn again… I"d want it to be in this game"s world… surely.

Calcilast-sama is humming. I wonder if his mood is rising?

Be, because he"s holding hands with me? I"d be delighted if it"s the case.

But is it actually the truth… Thanks to my pessimism I"m not sure.

The song Calcilast-sama is humming is certainly that song. Popular group"s… Huh, is it wrong?

The soldiers we pa.s.s by earnestly salute Calcilast-sama.

And then leave quickly. They must be busy. Good luck.

I feel like the endless blue sky is blessing us.

I wonder if it"s my imagination? Hm?

Just from holding hands I feel so lively like I could sprout wings.

It feels like if I jumped it"d flew out of atmosphere.

But then we"d need to breathe mouth-to-mouth…

Me, what are you thinking. How immodest.

I squeezed Calcilast-sama"s hand. It feels greatly reliable.

We walked slowly and leisurely. I wonder how long we"ll be together today?

The time spent with Calcilast-sama is precious.

It"s a single page of my youth…

Wives from the neighbor are glancing here. And for some reason murmuring.

They"re absolutely speaking ill of me. Nastily perhaps. I wonder if they"re jealous?

It"s a bit tough… I"m weak against that…

Aunties gazes are blatant. They"re cold as ice and sharp as knives.

Calcilast-sama walks calmly. He"s truly a prince…

I… Even though I"m becoming abject…

"Surely, they"re mismatched. How conceited"

These words pierce my chest. It feels like blood will spurt out.

I lowered my gaze. There"s no frustration. There"s only feeling it"s justified.

I grit my teeth to endure wanting to separate our hands and run away.

I"m weak… I wonder why I"m so depressed.

I wish I could stand their glares. The opponent is just aunties.

I"m good-for-nothing. I have such a complex. Everyone senses that such me is unattractive.

There"s not much difference from a loser. And yet I"m still a young lady?

I wonder if I shouldn"t repay the damage double the original amount.

Don"t I have pride? Am I conceited? Jeez, I"m getting angry.

I breathed in grandly. And then vigorously breathed out.

Yup, I feel a little refreshed.

Ignore the aunties, ignore. They"re the source of irritation.

Now I just have to immerse myself in the happiness between us two.

Intense, intense happiness… It"s a fleeting once in a lifetime occasion.

The cobblestone paving is continuing far away. At a glance it"s endless.

No, it doesn"t mean it actually goes that far…

I sensed a sweet smell. It"s somehow mellow and stimulates my appet.i.te…

There"s a crepe shop ahead of us. Ah, that"s it.

Crepes. I haven"t eaten them for a while. What should I do?

Calcilast-sama may have guessed I have the appet.i.te for them, so he said.

"Marikana likes crepes, right?"

My stomach replied before I managed to answer. Guu…

Calcilast-sama laughed "Hahaha" and returned a little smile.

"Then, let"s eat. It"s my treat"

We lined up in the queue to the crepe shop. Other customers rushed to make way.

After all, Calcilast-sama"s effect is as expected. Well, he is a prince.

Calcilast-sama threw these words "Please don"t worry, we"ll line up"

A girl with her hair gathered with a red ribbon is gazing at Calcilast-sama"s beautiful form in admiration.

I no longer want crepe. The prince smiled sweetly with his eyes partly closed and corners of his mouth raised.

I feel angry. Stupid, stupid, your opponent is a child?

Be firm, me. Don"t be agitated by something of that degree.

Yellow batter is cooked on a round iron plate. Smoke is rising slightly.

It"s a type of crepe shop that sells from a car. Oh, sliced strawberries and cream are placed on it then it"s wrapped up.

A customer gladly paid and walked away.

Yup, looks delicious. I recalled the taste and smell of eating crepes.

It"s very sweet, however it"s addicting.

Crepes are mysterious. Ah, I"m drooling…

After all eating while walking is nice. Moreover, I"m together with Calcilast-sama.

Another person walked away with crepe in hand.

It"s quite prosperous place. I wonder if it"s their shrewdness or brilliant ability?

A secret flavor? My expectations are rising. Ah, I want to eat it soon.

Calcilast-sama ominously said "It might get sold before it"s our turn…"

I confidently stated "It"s okay! We"ll definitely eat them!"

I"m a glutton. Even though I"m a young lady…

It"s wonderful how good at cooking the batter the shopkeeper is. He"s doing it quickly and smoothly.

I wonder if he mastered the technique.

As we approach the shop, a pleasant smell wafts our way… It"s like a beckoning cat1.

Just what flavor do I want, I wonder? Is it chocolate banana or strawberry cream.

My stomach howled like a stray dog.

There there, we"re almost there. Endure, persevere.

A young lady being delighted over a crepe…. It feels a little, just a little sad… Right?


Parents and a child left the line stuffing their cheeks with crepes.

Cream is stuck on the girl"s cheeks… She seems somehow happy.

Sweets have that much value for women.

Yup, that"s right. I shouldn"t be the only one. Probably…

Calcilast-sama stroked his chin looking at the menu.

Such Calcilast-sama is cool. Ara ara. That"s what I truly think.

The person who invented crepes is outstanding. I respect them.

Agonizing over how to spread the batter so thin, I guess they must have experienced hardships.

I wonder why I gave consideration to how the ingredients are wrapped up.

I"m curious about what kind of process it took before crepes were introduced on the market.

Well, it doesn"t matter as long as the taste is good.

A lone customer walked away. He seemed to receive several bags.

He"s sure buying a lot. I wonder if he doesn"t care about his weight.

Well, as he"s a man with arms thick like logs, he should be okay.

It feels like he"s trained. I wonder if he"s a warrior or soldier.

He"s sure to share with his companions.

The number of customers ahead of us greatly decreased. Behind us looks like a snake"s tail.

Everybody seems to be pleasantly smiling and talking about something.

A young man who"s wearing a bandana on his head puffed out his chest proudly.

"I ate every type of crepe here!"

A person who appears to be his girlfriend replied with a smile.

"Even the illusion crepe? It tastes of cheese shrimp"

The young man"s eyes rounded and after deeply breathing, he returned.

"The, there"s… no way there"s such crepe!"

His girlfriend held her sides with laughter. I could smell a strong aura of happiness.

How do I and Calcilast-sama compare to them?

Are we winning? Losing? Do we have a good relationship?

More and more I began losing my confidence. Calcilast-sama is by my side right now, yet…

Will it actually last forever? Falling out of love, farewell, bye bye. It will turn out like that…

Sadness and anxiety occupy me, mixed like a café au lait. No, no…

Ah, even though I was in a mood for crepe just now…

My body trembled out of the anxiety for the future.

Marikana, calm down. It will be fine. Don"t feel so down.

Calcilast-sama is a faithful and honest person. You know that, right?

The two aspects of myself collided. As if they"re in discord.

Glimpsing at Calcilast-sama, I could see him considering with a "Hmm…"

No, no way, he"s still worrying about the crepe choice?

I desperately endured bursting into laughter.

I can"t laugh. It"d be impolite. I must be expressionless like a Noh mask.

I thought it"d be bad to burst out in laughter, but while being troubled over holding it back I giggled.

Calcilast-sama"s eyes widened a little and he asked "What"s the matter? Marikana?"

I shook my head in panic to avoid it. Calcilast-sama made a mysterious face and said "I see"

The number of customers again decreased by one. I wonder what"s the taste of these crepes.

A male customer loosened his necktie and said "After all it has to be tuna mayo crepe!" to my astonishment!

Tuna mayo is not sweet at aaall!

Rather, it"s so salty I feel it doesn"t belong to sweets…

I"m certainly curious about its taste… But, in 9 out of 10 cases I won"t buy it.

I imagined munching on the mayo tuna crepe.

Hmm, it"s unbalanced… It doesn"t match at all!

I think I"d want money back… Tuna mayo belongs in rice b.a.l.l.s after all.

However, should I have tuna mayo rice b.a.l.l.s cooked for the lunch next time, I wonder?

Then, I noticed Calcilast-sama staring at me. Eh, wha, what?

Calcilast-sama asked "Does Marikana like tuna mayo rice b.a.l.l.s?"

Wawa, I let out such a voice. Calcilast-sama"s hair flowed freely in the wind.

I answered vaguely saying something noncommittal.

Tuna mayo rice b.a.l.l.s being a favorite dish of a sheltered lady? How would that look?

I understand it could become a comedy material… but I like them.

Would it feel like I was aiming to pretend to be an ordinary person?

A, achoo! Ah, I sneezed. It was a little loud, like middle-aged man"s.

Calcilast-sama gently enveloped me.

Some of the customers are staring here. I"m embarra.s.sed…

But, it"s warm being embraced by Calcilast-sama. I feel I"ll sweat.

No, you can"t do that, Marikana. You can"t get sweaty.

I felt at ease in Calcilast-sama"s embrace.

Isn"t it fine to be love birds! It just means our feeling is mutual.

Ah, the time is pa.s.sing in an instant. More… I want to squeeze him more.

I can embrace him tightly even with my arms being this long.

Jeez, even if we"re engaged, is it fine? I wonder if it"s too soon.

My heels are floating above the cobblestone. After all, I wonder if it"s our difference in height.

When I looked up, the prince with his eyes closed rubbed his face on my head.

He looks like a cat emotionally attached to its owner. I wonder if he"ll meow?

Then he looked at me blankly, and loudly laughed.

The customers are sneaking peeks at us. I"m not meeting their eyes.

They are getting interested in something they shouldn"t.

Not caring about that, Calcilast-sama squeezed me and rubbed against me.

I wonder if these are his true feelings. If that"s the case, I"d feel like jumping in joy.

Calcilast-sama is intimate as always. I wonder if he"s getting excited?

It"s not bad to see Calcilast-sama being happy.

Fundamentally, he"s a gentleman and a kind person… He wants to cheer me on.

No, but for sure right now our relationship is being cheered on by people?

Being in Calcilast-sama"s arms my heart is beating fast as if I ran a 100-meter sprint.

After all, I love… Will this feeling be fulfilled, I wonder?

The world is harsh. For example, just now a young lady and her servant pa.s.sed by and glared at me hatefully.

Somehow, it feels she wants to complain to the king.

Even though she"s wearing a high-cla.s.s white dress, her face warped in hatred ruins her appearance.

It must be jealousy. What a pitiful person.

But, I won"t hand over Calcilast-sama. My beloved…

I asked him.

"Who"s Calcilast-sama"s most important person?"

Raising his eyebrows, he replied immediately.

"My everything… But it"s a single person… It"s something like that"

I"m confused. I don"t understand what he meant. It"s as if he"s asked a question.

I tilted my head and thought about it. I wonder what it meant.

I was sure he"d say Marikana…

I demanded "A hint, please". Just like a debt collector.

Calcilast-sama released both his arms and pointed them at me.

I said "Eeh? Err…" worriedly.

Calcilast-sama said "This is the answer" and hugged me.

A hug is the answer? That is to say… err… hungry? Wrong, a pug?

Ah, I can"t understand! Say it more clearly.

Calcilast-sama whispered into my ear. While gently watching me from above.

I pleaded "Eh? Once more please!"

He repeated the act and words once again. Steam is rising from my face.

I feel just like an onsen egg.

While my consciousness is fading, Calcilast-sama kept repeating "I love you"

I stopped being able to hear him….

How long can we stay together I wonder?

After all, I can"t live without him.

I gazed at Calcilast"s gentle face.

I felt I heard Calcilast-sama say "Till death do us part…"

Are we far from the crepe stand? I want to eat quickly.

Well, more than that, Calcilast-sama is… however.

I don"t want his hug to end.

Calcilast-sama distanced himself from me a little and checked his watch.

I started feeling unpleasant. Being with me is a bother… I see, it must be like that.

Calcilast-sama faced me with a smile, but he may have laughed on the inside… It felt like that.

Calcilast-sama smiled sweetly and said with narrowed eyes.

"We can still… stay like this"

Eh, what? What does it mean?

My train of thought that turns unclear is annoying. I must be firm.

Ah, how much time has pa.s.sed today.

Being with Calcilast-sama, it"s felt like an instant. I"m like an old woman…

Well, that"s not bad either. As long as I can be with my beloved person.

I"ve noticed a middle-aged woman holding crepes in both her hands and chomping on them alternatively.

Her braid is swaying. She sure likes them.

Certainly, they are delicious, but…

Ah, she finished eating. She tossed away the wrapping, or rather the packaging.

However, her aim was off and it landed on the cobblestone, she picked it up and threw away.

Then, intending to eat again, she went to the end of the queue. What an amazing appet.i.te!

I cannot lose! I have to be bold like her!

The crepes smell good. It makes me feel tranquil and happy.

My stomach raised voice as if expecting the long-awaited reunion with crepes.

A girl who"s heard that sound looked back and broadly grinned.

I wonder if I came off as an interesting animal.

Somehow, it"s too sad… It feels like I"m being looked down on.

I smiled with adult composure. The smile is just a little twitchy.

Swinging her arms, the girl turned away.

It didn"t cheer me up… She"d looked at me with an envious gaze.

Or rather, I want to eat a crepe… I wonder if G.o.d played a prank?

Ah… I want to eat… quickly…

A fluffy soft mouthful of cream or chocolate stimulating my tongue.

Ah, I"m gradually recalling it. This taste!

Looking at the yellow batter my appet.i.te increases… How mysterious.

I don"t mind if they become my staple food… But, if that happened I"d be called crepe lady behind my back.

Crepe acceptance needs to increase! Otherwise, it"s too pitiful.

I wonder if I"m getting hotheaded? Crepes are too important to me.

I wonder if I"m obsessed? About Calcilast-sama too…

I want to buy a large amount of crepes. About five types.

Ah, that sweet smell… It is mellow.

We advanced in the queue considerably. "Shall we", with these words Calcilast-sama stared at the signboard.

Finally, the time has come to confront crepes.

Before my eyes is a mobile shop in a car. The sweet smell of crepes occupies the surroundings.

It"s just like there are tens of thousands troops. They"re attacking with sweet food… They"re a formidable enemy.

Calcilast-sama took out something out of his leather wallet and said.

"I would like the chocolate banana one… Err, Marikana?"

Surprised, I quickly replied "Chocolate cream please".

No way, don"t I sound starved…

I"m more or less a lady and yet… Seriously reflect! Honestly.

The shopkeeper said "Got it. Just a minute!" and started cooking the batter on the round iron plate.

How thin the batter is. He"s skillful to not burn it.

The batter spread out in a circle quickly cooked. He placed it on the table, taking care not to tear it, arranged the ingredients and wrapped it up.

Yes, one is done! So fast! It was in the blink of an eye.

Then, he made one more, and gave them to us in a bag.

Calcilast-sama took out money… and paid with a smile on his doll-like handsome face…

Well, it"s the usual.

I took a good look at the crepe. Yup, it"s perfect!

I left the queue thanking the shopkeeper "Thank you very much!"

The next one in line ordered five. Perhaps it"s that customer"s favorite dish?

I peeled off the wrapping, then munch, munch. Yup, it"s delicious.

No good… I should"ve asked for one more. The slightly yellow fan-shaped confection is little by little growing smaller.

I"m devouring it greedily. I"m bothered about a girl by nearby giggling.

Perhaps she"s giggling at me…

Isn"t it fine. Ignore it, ignore. We"re walking while eating!

I and Calcilast-sama praised the taste of our crepes.

I said "This one is more delicious!", to which Calcilast-sama replied "No, this is!", we talked on like this.

Calcilast-sama made a suggestion. While averting his gaze.

"Then, shall we exchange them? Like that we can see which one is better?"

For some reason, Calcilast-sama swallowed saliva. I heard the sound of gulping.

I replied "Of course, it"s okay". We stopped walking and exchanged the crepes.

Mumumu, I sense a strong enemy. Calcilast-sama is observing me. Why is it?

I munched on it. Delicious…

The prince said "Marikana"s half-eaten…" His face is bright red.

Hearing it, I also blushed. Thi, thi, this is the indirect munch munch?

My hands trembled. I"ve already eaten.

Calcilast-sama bit the half-eaten crepe. Ah, he ate it.

Or rather, is it fine giving the prince something half-eaten?

If I"m unlucky it"ll be lese majeste… That"s bad! I might get convicted!

I"m overthinking. It"ll be fine…

I munched again. Delicious.

This is Calcilast-sama"s taste… Wro, wrong! It"s crepe"s taste!

What a wrong idea. I felt steam rise from my face.

When I looked at the prince, everything was eaten. Eeh, everything!

When I tried protesting, the crepe I was holding was s.n.a.t.c.hed away. Quickly.

I asked "Calcilast-sama, what are you doing?" to which he said "Thanks for the food" and munched on the crepe.

Ah, the crepe turned into nourishment…

He muttered "This is Marikana"s taste…"

I"m still hungry. I wonder if I should get seconds?

However, there"s a line to the crepe shop. It"s long…. It"d take time.

Calcilast-sama presented his hand to me. A little dissatisfied, I graciously took it.