Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 128 (Reflection)

Chapter 128 (Reflection)

Murong Shan Shan’s decision was very wise. The BOSS’s strong Attack was simply not something that the average players could bear. Being late to put up defenses, almost half of Xin Yu’s and Xu Lin’s Health were knocked down. Fortunately, Lu Xue Han and Cocoa responded quickly by casting Healing on them one after another, bringing their little lives back to full.

I immediately shouted in the team channel, “Everybody pay attention. All Clerics drink potions to restore your Health. After casting protective s.h.i.+eld on yourselves, keep on healing the fighters.”

Murong Shan Shan didn’t say anything further, instead, she quickly pulled out her sword. In the dim light of the night, the Night Elf’s Sword made a beautiful arc as it cut into the BOSS’s body.

A 542 damage notice floated up from the BOSS’s body. I also followed to slash my sword and knocked out 654 points of Health from the Tree Demon King. Not bad, a bit better than Murong Shan Shan.


A purple light stabbed into the BOSS’s body. This should be Xin Yu’s new skill, Corrosive Arrow.

Battle info: The Tree Demon King was. .h.i.t by Green Veggies Temptation’s Corrosive Arrow. Defense reduced by 250 points, and will lose 50 points of Health every second.

Nice skill. It could probably counter the BOSS’s Health recovery. It was as if Xin Yu was dealing damage to the BOSS for 50 points every second.


The BOSS once again made an accurate magic attack. This time, however, it was a critical hit. Coincidentally, both Murong Shan Shan and I were getting a critical hit. I was still okay, but Murong Shan Shan’s Health unexpectedly dropped for more than 2,100 points. Her face went pale and she cried out in surprise.

“Swish~ Swish~”

Two consecutive divine light flashed upon Murong Shan Shan. Cocoa added about 400 points of Health, however, Lu Xue Han’s healing was also a critical one and restored 1,800 points of Health, causing Murong Shan Shan to be dumbfounded.

“Lin Fan, isn’t your group’s female Cleric really too powerful?” Murong Shan Shan asked in a low voice. Lu Xue Han and Xin Yu were attacking in quite a distance away and shouldn’t be able to hear our conversation.

I whispered my reply, “Yeah, she’s armed with three purple equipment, just as sick as you…”

“Humph, you’re just envy because you’re naked.”

“When was I naked?”


The BOSS’s attacks were very aggressive. Since our attacks were often resisted, the progress went on very slowly.

It went on continuously like this. An hour later, we finally beat the BOSS to almost half of its Health. Our side wasn’t in any better situation. Several Clerics, who stood behind us, were frequently in dangerous situations. After some of them were almost getting killed, one by one, they retreated in a distance. At the end, Lu Xue Han was the only Cleric left standing behind us.

Without the healings of the Clerics, the pressure on us immediately increased. Murong Shan Shan quickly shouted in the team channel, “Where are the Clerics? After your Healths are fully restored, come back immediately. We’re almost at our limit…”

Soon after, the group of Clerics were back, and they also brought a large number of potions, which they get from their other teammates.

I got a bit bored and opened the city’s ranking list to take a look. There was basically no changes in the rankings. I simply glanced at the few updated charts. However, there was something that greatly surprised me.

“Shan Shan.”

While she withdrew her sword, she turned around and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Have you noticed that the guy who bought the Guild Creation Certificate hasn’t established a guild?”

Murong Shan Shan was startled. She probably went to look at the ranking list and suddenly exclaimed happily, “Red Blood hasn’t established a guild yet. He must be lacking Prestige. We still have a chance to establish the first guild. This is great.”

That’s right. Currently, the Guild’s ranking list was still empty. Red Blood really didn’t have enough Prestige.

The fight still went on. Lu Xue Han repeatedly sprinkled her healing spell. Both Murong Shan Shan’s and my Health was maintained at around the half. However, what none of us expected was that when only one-tenth of the Tree Demon King’s Health was left, its Attack Speed suddenly increased.

“What’s going on?”

Murong Shan Shan cried in alarm. Her Health almost hit the bottom in the short span of ten seconds. In the blink of an eye, the situation had turned into an imminent danger.

I also suffered equally. In the beginning, the Tree Demon King would cast out Magic Attack once in every eight seconds, but now, it was once in every three or four seconds. My poor Health of 1,800 points now only remained less than 600 points. However, Murong Shan Shan’s condition was worse; I could hardly see her Health bar anymore.

The battle information clearly showed that the Tree Demon King, while being in critical condition, its Attack Speed increased by 100%.


Two screams came from behind. When I turned my head to look, I saw two Clerics gradually disappeared.

This time, some people actually died.

Lu Xue Han repeatedly cast her healing spell. With much difficulties, together with Cocoa, they barely saved our little lives back. Murong Shan Shan turned and shouted, “Besides the Clerics, all other players withdraw from the battlefield. All Clerics focus on healing me and white cabbage.” (I only just found out that among Murong Shan Shan’s group, I was referred as white cabbage…)

After Xu Lin threw a large fireball again, she flew to the back while drinking some potions. Xin Yu also contributed with an “Aeon Flux Shot” and followed Xu Lin with a pleased smile on her face.

Not long after, the rest of the Clerics were also forced to leave. Only Murong Shan Shan, Lu Xue Han, and I were the only ones remaining that could still continue to stand under the BOSS’s attacks.

“Only a bit more.” Murong Shan Shan said after releasing her Ice Blade as if she was comforting herself.

Similarly, I drank a Magic Potion and also exerted myself to release the Frozen Blade. Lu Xue Han waved her snow-white hands repeatedly, and two white transparent square fields appeared beneath our feet.


Tree Demon King once again threw a magic attack. However, this time, the result was beyond our expectation…

Almost at the same time, Murong Shan Shan and I were engulfed by a mild purple glow, which firmly protected us within. And when the BOSS’s Magic Attack hit us, a clear sound suddenly rang.


As both of us gasped in surprise, Tree Demon King’s body was. .h.i.t by two sharp white light. All of a sudden, its Health dropped by almost 2,000 points.

Lu Xue Han seemed to know what we wanted to ask. She chuckled and said, “That was the Reflection skill. I haven’t used it for quite a while.”

Murong Shan Shan asked in surprise, “How come that both of us could reflect that much damage?”

“Because when Reflection deals damage, it will ignore Magic Resistance. So, the BOSS is actually inflicted with two full damages.”

“How many times can it reflect the attacks?”

Lu Xue Han smiled and said, “Currently, it can only reflect once. But I heard that at level 10, this skill can reflect up to four times.”