Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 170

Xin Yu, Xu Lin, and Lu Xuehan were extremely happy for a while. The maximum price for these sorts of purple equipment was only 10 million but the price for the dagger had unexpectedly risen to over 20 million. In other words, each of the three"s accounts had additionally gained more than 3 million out of thin air.

The following auction items were the other pair of purple equipment that Xu Lin and company had received. This time their luck was not as fortunate because there was not anyone raising the prices. However, the pair of equipment still sold for the price of 25 million. When considering the national value of RMB, this could only be considered raking in money… …

A few days ago, Xu Lin had revoked the rule that members were required to turn over equipment with a market price over 25 because she felt that she was currently more than capable of getting good equipment drops to make money. In fact, the superiority of mages in killing mobs and getting equipment is not covered? Recently, of the blue equipment that she spent a week getting, nearly 20 pieces had been sold. 1 million in income for her, a penny-pinching housebound mm, was too much. [1]

The following auction items were blue equipment again. It looks like the pair of purple equipment submitted by Murong Shanshan and I was already decided by officials to be the auction finale items. [2]

"nnd, I don"t know how long I"ll have to wait until this is finished." I said while overcome by boredom. [3]

Xu Lin looked outside and then suddenly said while smiling: "Relax, you"ll be busy today. After we eat lunch in a bit, you guys will go be representatives at the eastern, southern, western, and northern gates to recruit people. Within two days, each person must recruit 3,000 people. They must all be high-leveled and have good equipment.

I asked in surprise: "Your reputation is already high enough?"

Xu Lin proudly said: "I finally finished it last night at 11pm. Because of the auction this morning, I"m delaying establis.h.i.+ng the guild until later this afternoon. Liu Yun just returned earlier and is currently cooking lunch. Li Qing should also be back from the hospital by noon. In the afternoon, let"s divide into four groups to encircle Silvermoon City"s four gates. Be sure to pull in every guild-less strong player. A guild can contain 20,000 players so everyone try to recruit as many as possible~!"

Everyone waited for a while and even until 11pm they still had not put my pair of purple equipment up for auction. Everyone logged off due to boredom.

In the main hall, Liu Yun was currently busy putting a big bowl of bone soup on the table.

Once she saw us, she smiled slightly and said lightly: "Everyone logged off? Hurry up and eat then~!"

I was considerably surprised. Liu Yun, this mm, is all-around excellent but her only shortcoming was that she was too cold towards people. Unexpectedly, she spoke to everyone today. Moreover, for the first time this year she revealed a smile. It was a bit hard to accept. I carefully looked at her a few times before I confirmed that she had a scar on her arm and really was that not-buxom mm, Liu Yun.

Xu Lin looked at me in amazement before she turned towards Liu Yun and said while smiling: "A"Yun, did you take the wrong medicine today? You"ve never greeted us before~" [4]

Liu Yun startled, dropped her smile, and coldly said: "Eat. Say less nonsense. After finis.h.i.+ng eating don"t we have to go recruit people for our guild?"

"That"s better. Now I can have peace of mind." Xu Lin very wickedly patted her proud chest causing Lu Xuehan and that mm, Guo-zi, to burst into laughter.

Li Qing scooped rice while speaking with a smile towards Liu Yun: "Yun-jie, while your cold expression can be said to have quite the temperament, aren"t you worried that your expression will scare your future husband into having endocrine disorders and thus being unable to get a(n) **?" [5]

Liu Yun glared at Li Qing and said: "Did I say that I wanted to marry anyone? Also, why use would I have for someone who is unable to get a(n) **?"

Li Qing laughed delicately: "That"s true. Oh right, where did you go last night? Was it a private tryst? I just saw you was.h.i.+ng your underwear earlier…"

Liu Yun"s elegant face immediately flushed red and angrily punched Li Qing: "Go die. Don"t talk nonsense~!"

Xin Yu smiled at them, overflowing with intrigue from listening to their conversation. Lu Xuehan"s entire pretty face was red. These sorts of s.e.xual jokes were a bit too stimulating.

Seeing Liu Yun"s angry expression, I immediately lowered my head to eat before ambiguously saying: "I heard nothing just now. You guys can continue, don"t mind me~"

Liu Yun looked at me indignantly and said: "I"m too lazy to care about you. However, early that Qing girl really was spouting nonsense. I definitely did not…"

"Didn"t what?" Xin Yu asked while grinning.

"Didn"t…" Liu Yun was embarra.s.sed for a moment before saying towards Xin Yu: "Last night I didn"t go find any men nor did I let any man on me. Is this enough for you to understand?"

Xin Yu wordlessly nodded to express her understanding. Lu Xuehan shyly blushed and embarra.s.sedly stole a few glances at me.

Xu Lin finally could not stand it any longer and while pointing outside said towards Liu Yun and Li Qing: "Do you two still want to eat? If you don"t want to eat then take your bowl downstairs and squat outside by the door. You might even be able to receive some charity to help with our expenses."

Li Qing stuck her tongue out a few times but did not speak any more. Liu Yun also calmed down a bit and began to focus on eating.

After lunch was finished, it was nearly noon. Xu Lin excitedly p.r.o.nounced: "Our Green Veggies Family"s guild is Silvermoon City"s seventh guild. After a few minutes it"ll be formally established. For this day to come, this elder sister has pulled several all-nighters. It really wasn"t easy, ah~!"

Everyone immediately empathetically sighed to express their understanding. Xu Lin continued: "In order to let the guild grow bigger as quickly as possible, I have decided that everyone will split up and guard the four gates" plazas to recruit people. The requirement will be that they need to be at least level 40…"

"Why not level 38 and higher?" Xin Yu modestly asked.

Xu Lin gritted her teeth, ignored her, and continued: "At least level 40 and equipped with at least one blue equipment. If they are fully equipped in green equipment, we can grudgingly consider them as well. If they have more than three white equipment or have any gray equipment then firmly reject them. Also, you can ask them some appropriate questions to test their character. If their character is too poor, reject them."

I immediately asked: "What sort of questions can test a person"s character? For example, does "do you beautiful women?" count?"

Xu Lin looked at me in admiration and said: "Of course it counts."

"Oh, so it"s like this. So if the applicant responds affirmatively while drooling, what does that say about his character?"

"Thoroughbred lecher, absolutely reject!"

"So that"s the case. Then, if they say that they do not like beauties and that they don"t even like women, what should we do?"

"That"s a f.a.ggot. Definitely reject!" [6]

"Then what sorts of people are we actually accepting… …"

Xu Lin was completely speechless and could only refuse to look at me while addressing everyone: "Decide that yourselves. After you log in wait for me at the eastern gate. After I establish the guild I will immediately come add you guys. Xin Yu and I will be at the eastern gate, Lin Fan and Xuehan will go to the southern gate, Guo-zi and JOLY will go to the western gate, and Li Qing and Liu Yun will be responsible for the northern gate.

Accordingly, everyone immediately logged in and after a short while was gathered at the eastern gate. The frequency of the entire family gathering together is not very high. A row of Green Veggies names were visible at the plaza and some nearby just recently reached level 30 noobs were endlessly envious: "Everyone, quickly look! The Green Veggies Family is training. Wow, each beauty is more beautiful than the next!"

A row of names: Green Veggies White Cabbage Soup, Green Veggies Temptation, Green Veggies Cocoa, Green Vegetables Fruit, Green Veggies Forest, Green Veggies Tranquility, Green Veggies Little Bun. Because Xu Lin went to establish the guild, we were lacking our Green Veggies leader. [7]

Not long after, a system announcement appeared: "Congratulations to Green Veggies Feathers for successfully creating the guild "Lost Paradise", reward: levels +1 !" [8]

En? Relying on the reward for Xu Lin establis.h.i.+ng the guild, I broke through past level 51.

Fortunately, Guild Creation Certificates are not easily obtained. Otherwise, there would definitely be a lot of people dreaming * about creating guilds to level up. [9]


Xu Lin appeared at the nearby transfer point. She hurriedly ran over and added everyone to the guild one by one. It was not until it was my turn that I realized that I was still a core member of Sword and Rose. Oh well, I will just quit the guild first. It would not be too late to apologize to Murong Shanshan a little bit later.


System Message: You have left the guild "Sword and Rose"!


System Message: You have joined the guild "Lost Paradise"!

Looking at these few small words, they fully explained my "rebellious" behavior.

Xu Lin pulled us one by one into the core member list and then said while smiling: "Okay! Everyone set off. Let"s log off at 6pm to eat. I have already ordered food at a nearby famous restaurant."

Xin Yu asked while laughing: "Famous restaurant? Elder Sister, you aren"t talking about Auntie w.a.n.g"s baked sesame biscuits shop, right?"

Xu Lin glared and said: "Would I be that stingy? This meal"s on me. From today onwards, each of you will need to pay me 5,000 RMB for room and board expenses per month. Otherwise, I will not support freeloaders."

Everyone laughed. Although this bit of money did not amount to much, everyone was able to buy some peace of mind. After all, room and board costs were all paid for by Xu Lin. Even if she did not mind it, we would definitely still feel guilty.

Xu Lin stood for a few minutes before spending 5,000 silver to send a system announcement: "Friends in Silvermoon City, please take note. Green Veggies Family"s guild "Lost Paradise" has been officially established. We will arrange for recruiters to be at the four gate"s plazas to recruit new members. We want high leveled, well equipped, as well as skilled at pk friends to come join us. We will hold regular guild events and guarantee that everyone will have our unyielding support. What are you waiting for? Come join!"

I felt that the final "come join" was truly too similar to attempting to lure people into committing crimes. I suspected that those lechers who fantasize about the Green Veggies Family were definitely raring to go.

After arriving at the southern gate, there was unexpectedly already a big swarm of players waiting. I immediately said to Lu Xuehan: "In the system"s female player protection settings, activate the proximity defense. This way, male players cannot encroach into your safe zone while they can still get close enough for you to recruit them. Did you find it?"

Lu Xuehan slightly smiled, nodded, and said: "En, I already activated it."

I smiled: "Ok. You can recruit in the center of the plaza. I"ll go wait at the southern gate entrance where many players pa.s.s by."


[1a] The raws state 许琳早在几天前就废除了成员打装备卖钱要上缴25的规定. For those who can read Chinese, you can see that it doesn"t specify 25 hundred/thousand/million/etc. I"m betting that the units are millions, but if anyone wants to double check (by going back into earlier chapters translated by Lingson and looking for wherever this rule was mentioned) that"d be really helpful.

[1b] I translated 法师 as mage. I"m not entirely sure about that translation (since I don"t really know Chinese game terms), but it seemed like the closest thing to the literal meaning of the words. You can double check Lingson"s translations for whatever he called the cla.s.s that Xu Lin plays.

[1c] The raws state 这个生活很检点的居家mm. I"m a bit confused by the phrases 检点 (which I think should be an adjective referring to something along the lines of "examines carefully") and 居家 (which I"m pretty sure means "house" but I"m not sure how that applies in an adjective describing "mm"). I took a guess and figured the author was trying to say that she was a penny-pinching mm who stayed at home mostly.

[2] Today I learned…

[3] Apparently is what nnd means.

[4] Xu Lin calls Liu Yun 阿云 which is p.r.o.nounced "A Yun" (the "A" is p.r.o.nounced like when you go to the doctor"s and they ask you to say "ahhh"). It"s sort of like a term of endearment that you commonly see used for children.

[5] The raw text is 但是你就不担心这个表情会吓得你将来的老公内分泌失调而导致**不振. Whether you choose to use "a" or "an" for this sentence depends on your preference of monikers for erected male genitalia.

[6] Apparently 玻璃 (p.r.o.nounced "boli") means "f.a.ggot" according to .

[7] I just translated all of these names off the top of my head. I think at some point Lingson had translated these names previously. Please let me know what he named them so that I can stay consistent. The raw names are 青菜白玉汤, 青菜诱惑, 青菜可可, 青菜果子, 青菜林林, 青菜淡然, 青菜小馒头.

[8] Again, please let me know if Xu Lin"s username was translated as something other than "Green Veggies Feathers" by Lingson.

[9] The raw text is 要不肯定有大把人做梦*建立行会来升级了. For those of you that can read Chinese, does that asterisk seem utterly nonsensical in that location to you guys as well? I think the author just made a typo but I"m not positive.
