Wang Ye Captures His Wife

Chapter 16

"Long Hao Tian, where exactly are you taking me?" She asked weakly.

He had suddenly carried her out of the room and now Hai Yao is stroking a hand over her chest to soothe the pain as her pale face leaned against his neck.

"Taking you to the hot spring pool. The spring water there has special healing qualities especially suitable for your internal injuries.

Long Hao Tian did not halt his footsteps and strode towards the hot spring in the back courtyard of the villa. Hugging her visibly thin figure, he felt dissatisfied with her weight which was light as a feather. His dark eyes looked pitifully at her small face which was screwed up in pain.

Soon, they came to the hot spring pool in the back courtyard. He placed her down on a big rock by the side of the pool and then started to take off his robes.

"What are you doing?"

She seems to hear a rustling sound, he is not thinking of........

"To take a dip in the hot spring with you."

His tall and upright naked figure walked towards her and bend down in front of her. His hands reached out towards her clothes and was prepared to help her undress.

"No, I don"t want! I can be here alone. Otherwise, if you are worried, you can get Xing Hua to accompany me."

She shoved away his hands. Even if she could not see now but the thought of him being completely naked at this very moment made her pale face involuntarily blushed a crimson red.

"We are engaged to be married. It should be right that I accompany you. I don"t trust other people to take care of you. You can"t see now, what if you faint again?"

His fiery dark eyes watched her shy little face and he realized it was increasingly difficult for him to take his eyes off her. Especially at this moment, when she is displaying such a rarely seen shy appearance which left him deeply fascinated.

"I"m not taking a dip in the pool. I want to return to my room."

She stood up, her hand rested on her chest and before she could take more than a few steps, she was overcome with a dizzy spell and her body instantly became soft. The next moment, she fell onto a broad naked chest.

When Hai Yao woke up again, it was a quarter of a sichen later. She realized she was naked and had cuddled up onto a similarly naked chest. Even if she could not see with her eyes but she was reluctant to open her eyes. She chose not to say a word and leaned into his embrace in silence.

"Are you awake?"

Long Hao Tian was acutely aware she had already woke up and his eyes were smiling. He knew at this moment she was unwilling to open her eyes because she did not know how to face him. His big palm stroked her body"s smooth, beautiful curves as he leaned down to cover her beautiful face with kisses. Finally, his fiery tongue rested on her soft pink lips and his other hand covered the rounded mound on her chest.

"That"s enough."

Hai Yao breathlessly turned her face away and her small hand pulled down the big palm on her chest but she was held tightly by him. Her beautiful small face showed her overwhelming shyness and her tightly pursed lips trembled.

Black eyes studied her intensely for a long time as he hugged the person in his arms while his warm breath blew in her ear.

"I won"t force you but we will definitely be husband and wife. You have to learn to get used to my touch."

Her answer to him was to close her eyes, did not speak again and leaned into the curve of his neck.

Long Hao Tian"s dark eyes stared at her pale face, knowing that she chose to keep silent to evade him. He will give her time to adapt herself to their relationship but he had never been a patient man. 

When he runs out of patience, he will have to use forceful means to get her. He must have her for his own.


Hai Yao woke up because she was startled. In her deep sleep, she could sense her wrist being held by someone. Someone beside her was watching her. When she opened her eyes at the same time, a familiar voice sounded near her ears.

"Younger Sister, you are awake?"

"Third Elder Brother!"

Hai Yao shouted in surprise, hurriedly got up and pounced in the direction of the voice. A pair of strong arms instantly held her tightly.

"I see that you are very well taken care of here. I"m relieved."

On Dong Fang Tang"s handsome, good-natured face there was a relaxed smile. When he rushed back to Ming Yue Manor, he found that she had already been taken away by Long Hao Tian. He had worried about her but just now when he checked her pulse, he found that her recovery was much better than he had expected. It could be seen that Long Hao Tian had looked after her very well.

"Third Elder Brother, are you here to take me away?"

Her Third Elder Brother"s words reminded her of the situation these few days in which she and Long Hao Tian both had dipped completely naked in the hot spring pool. His hands had taken the liberty to touch her all over her body. If this continues, there will be a day she will be eaten by him.

At least all this will have to wait until she is fully recovered before she will think whether she will accept his feelings. She silently thought as she tried to evade this matter.

Dong Fang Tang was watching with interest at his younger sister"s blushing face and was about to question her when a deep low voice sounded. A tall figure pushed the door opened and entered the room.

"Without my permission, no one is allowed to take her away. Dong Fang Tang, let go of her hand immediately."

His dark eye glared sharply at her fragile delicate body nestled in the arms of Dong Fang Tang. Even though the two of them were brother and sister but he would not allow her to lie in the arms of other men.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, your possessiveness is really strong."

Dong Fang Tang"s eyes flashed with keen interest. His warm and good-natured face had a deep meaningful smile.

Under his watchful ferocious glare, Dong Fang Tang concealed his laughter and slowly released the person in his arms. His tall slender body stood up and fearlessly walked to stand in front of Long Hao Tian.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, let"s have a talk."

The two men stood facing each other, a pair of smiling eyes stared at a pair of cold sharp eyes for a long time. Long Hao Tian"s tall figure was the first to leave. Dong Fang Tang glanced back at his younger sister sitting on the bed. With a lift of his lips, he followed Long Hao Tian and left.

After leaving the courtyard, the two men went into a stone pavilion. Long Hao Tian folded his hands and looked at the bright blue sky. Dong Fang Tang who had followed behind was the first to break the silence.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, we went separate ways half a year ago in the palace. How are you?"

Dong Fang Tang is an outstanding doctor. Even the Imperial Doctors in the Palace were unable to compare with him and could only sigh in despair. Because he was not willing to stay in the Palace instead he preferred to help people and the Emperor reluctantly had to settle for second place. But the Emperor had insisted that if the Palace needed him, no matter where he is, he must quickly return to the Palace for consultation. Therefore, he and Long Hao Tian had met several times in the palace.

"Are her injuries any better?"

Long Hao Tian did not want to talk to him more than necessary and therefore he had directly asked Dong Fang Tang the matter that most worried him.

"I heard w.a.n.g Ye"s Yan Yun Pavilion is uniquely blessed by nature with a pool of hot spring. The spring water is very helpful in treating internal injuries."

Dong Fang Tang did not directly reply but instead, he looked straight at Long Hao Tian with smiling eyes. He had heard about the unique quality of this hot spring before but as it was located on a private property, so he was unable to confirm the authenticity of this rumor. But now he could verify the rumor as true due to his younger sister"s progress.

Long Hao Tian also did not deny and stared directly back at Dong Fang Tang with his dark deep eyes. He knew his intention in asking and arrogantly replied.

"So, what about it?"

Dong Fang Tang"s eyes showed laughter and the two of them mutually understood each other. If it was true, then his younger sister"s naked body was already seen by him and it also explained the strange reaction of his younger sister.

"Thank you w.a.n.g-Ye for whole-heartedly taking care of my sister. Her internal injuries had recovered better than I had previously estimated. I will adjust her medicine for now and I will come back to see her again in a month"s time."

Since Long Hao Tian is personally taking care of his sister, he has nothing to worry about. On the contrary, if he stays any longer, he is afraid he will be someone"s eyesore.

"Will her eyes really be able to recover in two months?" Long Hao Tian asked again with worry.

"That"s right. Just now, I had taken her pulse and also checked the lump behind her head. As long as she continues with her medication, my sister will be able to see again in two months."

"All this while, her appet.i.te has not been good. Is there anything that she especially likes to eat?"

Watching her grow thinner day by day made him very worried and at the same time, he could not force her to eat.

Dong Fang Tang raised his eyebrows, could not hide his astonishment and the smile on his face deepen involuntarily. It seems like Eldest Brother"s worry was superfluous. The normally arrogant Jing w.a.n.g whom even the present Emperor had to respect, was so concerned for their sister that it can be seen how much Jing w.a.n.g valued her in his heart.

"My young sister had always been picky about her food. Now that she is not feeling well, naturally she will have even less appet.i.te but there are a few things that she likes most."

"What is it?" Long Hao Tian asked anxiously as his heart was bent on replenishing the nutrients in her thinning body.

"Jadeite Wonton, Sugar-fried Chestnut and Rock-sugar Lotus. These three kinds of food are my younger sister"s favorite."

(Jadeite Wonton is wonton wrapped in a green color wrap. The green color is green vegetable juice extract which is mixed with the wonton wrap dough.)

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(Sugar-fried Chesnut)

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(Rock sugar Lotus)

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When he looked at Long Hao Tian carefully and seriously noting down his words, at this very moment, in his heart he knew he need not worry about his younger sister anymore. It was also time for him to take his leave.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, before I leave, I"ll go and take a look at my sister again. In future, I"ve to trouble you to take care of my sister."

Dong Fang Tang clasped his hands into a fist and bowed in respect, then he walked away. Even though he did not receive an affirmative from Long Hao Tian, but Long Hao Tian"s feelings for his younger sister could clearly be seen from his words and deeds. Therefore, he was very confident to leave his younger sister in Long Hao Tian"s care.

Long Hao Tian looked at his retreating back in silence and even though he understood Dong Fang Tang"s meaning, he was unwilling to give him a clear reply.