WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 112

As the two parties are confronting each other, a big batch of beam cannons appear in the air and shot down about a quarter of the Angel"s army.

"Ah... Seito kun is so excited about this fight huh?" said Sky.

Gabriel is slightly surprised and enraged by the move, he lifted his hand, about to counter Seito"s attack but suddenly Sky charged towards him with a light speed and cut off a few strains of his silver hair with the sword (Flash) that suddenly appear in his right hand.

"Mr. Archangel, where are you looking at? I"m here." said Sky in a really close distance with Gabriel, then he emitted a powerful magic blast on the Archangel"s chest which caused a big explosion...


In the interval dimension.

"Ah... That idiot had started his own frenzy." said Chris after sensing some magic from the outside world.

"So, are we going to do that too?" Chris ask. Then, the Angel of War, Camael bows to Chris.

"Please accept my apologies." said the angel.

"Huh?... (!)... "

Chris is a bit confused with his att.i.tude, but before he could react, his opponent suddenly a.s.saulted him with direct body slam without any warning. Chris barely dodged it just before he gets him.

"Tsk... This can be troublesome, it will be really disgusting if I get slammed by those muscles." Chris thought, and again, his opponent a.s.saulted him, this time with a punch...


The fight outside the interval dimension continues. The Immortal clashed with the Archangel at light speed, while Seito continues to "play" with the Angel"s Army with his spirit"s collection (refer to the first few chapters, Seito is actually an Omyoji.) "I"m not!" which he refused to admit it.

The Angels were actually not that weak to be "play" by Seito, just that they are holding back on him, trying not to hurt Seito and avoid unnecessary damage to the Null Dimension which is quite weak and sensitive against magic. The same goes for the Immortal and Archangel, they might seem to be having a fierce fight but in fact none of them are using any complex magic skills and techniques, they are just fighting with simple moves and weapons.

As Sky continues the fight with Gabriel, he noticed that the Angel"s army actually consists of two different troops of Angel"s army, there are some angels with slightly different outfit compared with the angels that lead by Gabriel, which means that there"s more than one high ranked angel there aside from Gabriel. Then he realized where might that other high ranked be at this moment.

"Chris!" Before he could do anything, Gabriel charges towards leaving him no s.p.a.ce of escaping the battle...

Meanwhile, in the Interval dimension, Itsuki is getting pinned to the ground by an unseen force, while Chris had his left shoulder dislocated by Camael.

"Master Gabriel, this person is too weak, he can"t be the King of that Almighty Kingdom." Camael is talking to Gabriel through some kind of telepathy.

"Yes... I see." Camael bows again at Chris and leaving the place, however, he did not realize that the "Chris" he fought just now slowly breaks apart showing another Chris who is totally unharmed.

Yes, Camael did not even fight Chris just now, he was fighting with the hallucinations created by Chris. Chris watched his opponent left the area, then he starts chuckling then breaks into maniacal laughter, Itsuki looks at him, slightly frightened...


Outside the interval dimension. Gabriel had stopped his attacks as he gets the report from Camael, he retreated his army as soon as he gets rid of Sky"s attack range and leaves the place. Sky, who is worried about Chris, open a portal and entered the interval dimension again with Seito. The moment he saw that disturbing look of Chris who has had just stopped his maniacal laughter, he realized that, this person had done something really bad again.

"Chris, are you alright?" he asks.

"Yes, even better than any other time." said Chris, seems to be in a very good mood.

"I"m glad about that." said Sky.

"Anyway, let"s get all these people out of this place, Jason had done what he should be doing." said Chris.



Later, the people at the snow mountain had been move out from the interval dimension, no one remembers what happened, their memories had been altered, they all thought that the avalanche happened at night when no one was in the mountain area. However there"s still some rescue team being sent to make sure there"s no one trapped in the avalanche.

"Yuki, Ai-chan, what are you girls doing at here? Aren"t you girls supposed to be at the resort right now?" said Seito as he spotted Yuki and Ai within the crowd that are discussing about the avalanche.

"Ai-chan said that she saw someone that looks like Black, the executor pa.s.sed by the resort, she"s worried, so we come to check on you guys." said Yuki.

"The executor? What is he doing in this place?" said Sky.

"Could it has something to do with the angels?" said Chris, a bit alerted.

"There"s a big possibility for that, I guess we need to be extra careful from now on." said Sky.


A few hours later. Some unknown place.

"Black, I found that you were having some contact with Camael, the War angel just now. Mind to explain it?" said Michael.

"Well... You know, there is a kind of lost black magic that insert some worms into someone"s body, and put them into miseries? I"m trying to experiment that on something and I need Camael"s help." said Black in a rather mysterious manner.

"I see, but mind your own ident.i.ty, don"t you even try to do anything that is over the boundaries." said Michael, with a rather hostage tone.

"Don"t worry about that." said Black.


Somewhere in Heavenly Realm. Camael is screaming in misery, countless of strip like things can be seen clearly squirming underneath his skin. Then he heard a voice.

"I never thought a Dominion like you can be tricked so easily. Now you have got infected by my worms, you will need to do whatever I told you to, if not those little creatures inside you will slowly devour you from inside out..."

"You... Aaarrggghh..." As the angel tried to resist, the creatures under his skin move even more vigorously causing the angel to huddle up in pain on the ground...


*Something out of the story

Sky: "Dear readers."

Chris: "Hmm?"

Sky: "This chapter is meant to be released for webnovel.com."

Chris: "Oh! This matter. Yes, if you"re reading this chapter on another platform other than webnovel.com, know that it"s an illegal copy diffused without the Writer"s authorization."

Sky: "As what Chris said. Right now, this story is free on the authorized platform, so please read it from authorized platforms as mental support for the writer."

Chris: "Mhm... There are two authorized platforms. One is webnovel.com. And another one is that messy and half-dead Weebly site that she uses for draft and backup... But not recommended."

Sky: "Ah... Haha. Yes, as Chris said."
