WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 129

"But... It"s a level X quest, you..."

"If they want to take that quest, just let them be, that"s the use of this quest center, right?" said a muscular man who was drinking some alcoholic drink at the corner of the quest center.

"That"s right, your job is to register and record the quests." said another lady who is sitting with the muscular man.

"Alright, please hold on for a while, let me make a record." said the receptionist. And so, Sky and Chris accepted the quest, then they leave the quest center.

"Hahahaha... Another stupid adventurer seeking for death again." said the muscular before chugging down the whole mug of drink. The lady is laughing together with him.


Back to the training room. Itsuki is. .h.i.tting down the flame creature one by one, quite sluggish though. After he cleared the first batch of flaming creatures, Maria summons another batch with an increase in amount and strength. The increase in the level of hardness caused Itsuki to lose self guard a bit and get countered back by the flaming creature, but as soon as the fire contact with Itsuki, it extinguishes without causing any harm to Itsuki.

Seito and Ben are watching them from a distance, Seito is worrying about his cousin.

"Don"t worry, he had trained more than thousands of elite fighters, despite how he looks like." said Ben.

With the a.s.surance from Ben, Seito calmed himself down a bit, but he still feels that something is not right, isn"t he is supposed to be the one that does training with Itsuki?

Ben noticed that again.

"It"s quite boring to just watch them like this right? Want to go to the other training room?" said Ben.

"Eh?" Seito is a bit curious at Ben"s question.

"Although I"m a doctor and healer, that doesn"t mean that I can"t fight." said Ben with a rare smile.


Meanwhile, Sky and Chris are riding on a blue dragon flying in the sky, they are currently looking for the temple mentioned in the quest.

"According to the map given, it is supposed to be somewhere here." said Sky.

"Hmm... Could it be hidden in somewhere eyes can"t see?" said Chris.

Then they continue searching through the area from the sky.

Suddenly, they spotted a huge area that looks out of place.

"Hey, look at that area." said Chris.

"Mmm... I saw it as well." said Sky.

Then the dragon lowered down a bit, bringing them nearer to that mentioned area. Sky shoots a magic burst to that area, the whole area wavered, as if it is covered by a piece of cloth that used as a disguise.

"I guess, this is the place we are looking for." said Sky. Then they landed somewhere near that area.

"Let"s go, I guess." said Sky.

"Mhm." said so, they walked into the mirage. Behind the mirage disguise is a really old and huge rock temple that is covered in moss. They stared at the building for a while before stepping into it.

The interior is almost the same as how it looks like from outside, just a bit dusty and no moss grow in it. Chris took out his face mask and wear it as the dusty air caused discomfort on him. They explored the temple with caution, to ensure there is no deadly trap around, and to their surprise, there"s indeed no obvious trap can be seen. However, the dried skeletons in the temple do show a hidden danger inside.

Chris observed the skeletons for a while and found something "interesting" about them.

"Hey! Did you notice that these two sets of skeletons are actually from ten different people?" said Chris with a rather... Uh... Excited look.

"Which means that some of their body parts are gone... Could it be they get eaten by something? And d.a.m.n! You are scary." said Sky.

"Now I"m really curious to know what kind of thing we would see when we reached the end of this temple." said Chris, in a good mood.

Then, they continue to walks in deeper into the temple, and again there isn"t any trap along the way they pa.s.sed, which gives them a strange and disturbing feeling.

"Hmm... This whole route is so peaceful that it starts to get a bit creepy." said Sky.

"Is that so? But why do I feel that we are getting really near to our destination?" said Chris, still remain calm.

"What do you mean by that?" Sky asked. "Let"s see... That route, is emitting some weird aura." said Chris while pointing at one of the splitting paths.

"Yes, I felt it as well." said Sky, then they walk towards that path with no hesitation.


After a while, Sky and Chris had finally reached the end of the temple. The first thing that caught their attention is a shiny statue that is adorned with ten black gems and diamonds. The second thing that caught their eyes is a four meters long lizard with a pair of shiny blue antlers approximately a meter long. The lizard is currently staring at them with a murderous look...


Meanwhile, secret base, training room 2. Seito is standing face to face with Ben. The whole atmosphere feels weird although everything looks quite peaceful, and the "training" has not even started yet.

"There are two things you need to remember before we start. First, this room is different from the other room that is used by Itsuki kun. This room has absolutely no protection mechanism, so I cannot guarantee your safety after we started. Second, please forget the fact that I"m a doctor." said Ben while taking off his gla.s.ses. Then Seito feels a constriction around his body...


*Something out of the story

Sky: "Dear readers."

Chris: "Hmm?"

Sky: "This chapter is meant to be released for webnovel.com."

Chris: "Oh! This matter. Yes, if you"re reading this chapter on another platform than webnovel.com, know that it"s an illegal copy diffused without the Writer"s authorization."

Sky: "As what Chris said. Right now, this story is free on the authorized platform, so please read it from authorized platforms as mental support for the writer."

Chris: "Mhm... There are two authorized platforms. One is webnovel.com. And another one is that messy and half-dead Weebly site that she uses for draft and backup... But not recommended."

Sky: "Ah... Haha. Yes, as Chris said."

Chris: "But look out, those sc.u.ms might change this note to their own website link. So, be cautious.

Sky : "By the way, if the cover page is the old cover page that shows two stickmen, stop reading it, it"s cursed and might caused the writer to stop writing."
