WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 135

Meanwhile, secret base, infirmary. Ben is treating injuries for Seito and Jason after the training.

"Seriously, Jason, you have gone too hard on Seito kun, why do you have to force him to use his dragon spirit?" said Ben while bandaging Jason"s wrist that was sprained while blocking Seito"s dragon spirit. Jason did not answer his question.

"Hey, Dr. Ben, is it true that you are not going to take part in the tournament?" Seito asked.

"Well, I"m a healer after all." said Ben with a casual tone.

At the same time, the girl"s room.

"Ai-chan, your environmental control technique is amazing!" said Yuki.

"Yuki chan too." said Ai.

Despite of having a direct fight with each other, the girls are totally alright.

"Hey! The boys are practicing again tomorrow, interested to watch them?" said Yuki.

"Mmm... That sounds interesting." said Ai.

"Then it"s all good! I can"t wait for tomorrow!" said Yuki.


The next morning, the village resort. Sky and Chris are having their breakfast at the restaurant, while Maria is out for some "shopping". Then, Bob walks towards them, he looks really excited.

"Hey! Have you heard about it? Grandpa White had agreed to accept your help in our village"s monster issue!" said Bob, super excited.

"Hmm? Really? What makes him changed his mind I wonder." said Chris.

"I"m not sure but probably is because of Kiffy." said Bob.

"Well, just consider this to be a sign of good luck, tonight will be full moon night, we will see about that." said Sky.

"Oh! And another thing, the monster will come out for three nights straight." said Bob.

"You know, you can actually state that earlier." said Chris.

"Hehe... Oh! By the way, Grandpa White is inviting you guys for a tea at his farmhouse." said Bob.

"Yes, you can actually state earlier too." said Chris again.

Later, Chief"s farmhouse. The chief showed them the tombstone of his son and daughter in law in the backyard.

"Kiffy"s mother died when she was born. And her father was gone when that monster first appeared, the villagers a.s.sumed that he was killed and eaten by that monster." said the chief while putting offerings near the tombs.

"But I don"t believe what they said. A live person like him can"t be gone just like that, even get eaten, there should at least have some trace. But no, there isn"t any." said the old man.

"So, you want us to investigate this matter for you? Or you want us to get your son back?" Sky asked.

"If possible, both." said the old man.

"I see, leave it to us. We will try our best to help." said Sky.


Meanwhile, secret base, Itsuki"s training room. Itsuki is fighting with Suzaku in a half-vampire form, his movements are still quite stiff and not fluent, although obviously improved. The girls are watching the fight with a rather casual and happy mood.

"Ah... Never thought Itsuki could fight like this." said Ai.

"Mhmm... Too bad Dr. Ben doesn"t allow us to watch Seito"s training, he said it"s too dangerous." said Yuki, a bit dissatisfied.

"Although I feel that the training here should be more interesting than the other side." said Ai, while concentrating on the fight.

"Hmm? You think so?... Ah! I know, you are interested in Itsuki kun, right?" Yuki asked in a curious and excited tone.

"Heh?" Ai blushed.

Later, after the training, they had their lunch at the cafeteria, the meals were prepared by Jason with the unlimited fresh food supplies in the castle. After the lunch, Seito and Yuki went for a walk, Ben and Jason have their own works to do, thus leaving Itsuki and Ai in the cafeteria.

"Hey... Itsuki kun, I never know you could fight so well, you have improved so much." said Ai, with an amused look.

"Actually, instead of I"m improving, it"s more like the thing inside me reacts on Suzaku san"s move and fight back on its own." said Itsuki, a bit lost.

"What do you mean by that?" Ai is confused by Itsuki"s words.

"Well... You should know that I have some vampire genes inside right? Actually, since that incident in the cathedral, I found that I can transform into vampire form with my own wills, although not perfectly done but at least I can control it. However, whenever I go into vampire form, there will be some fragments of memories in my brain that told me that I know how to fight with magic although in fact, I don"t, and thus my body followed the signals from my brain, which gives the results of what you see in the training room just now. I"m having a feeling that it"s slowly taking over me." said Itsuki.

"Itsuki kun... Don"t worry, I believe that you will be fine." said Ai with a smile.


Later, White"s village. Sky and Chris went back to the resort and saw Maria in a uniquely designed dress. It"s a knee-length bubble dress with colorful strings tying around the waist and sleeves.

"Uhm... Care to explain?" Sky asked with a confused look.

"This is the traditional dress for this village, it"s said to have the power to drive off monsters." said Maria while turning around with the dress.

"I am not asking about... Ah, never mind." said Sky.

"Well, to be honest, this dress really looks nice on you." said Chris.

"Aww~ Really? Chris chan, you are so sweet!" said Maria while trying to hug attack Chris but getting pushed away by Chris.

"Snap out of all these nonsenses. Chris, do you have any thoughts on this monster thing? And how is it related to the missing of Granpa White"s son?" Sky asks.

"Well... There is something that comes into my mind, but I have to see that monster with my own eyes to confirm." said Chris.

"Ah... About that monster, I have heard some interesting rumors from the girls in the village." said Maria.

"What rumors?" the two are curious about Maria"s "extra information"...


That night, a bright full moon can be seen clearly in the starry sky, the villagers are hiding in their house with their door locked securely, no one is outside of the house, except five men who are waiting for the arrival of the rumored monster that will appear on the full moon. The five men are none of other but the trio, Bob and the village"s chief. They are watching the windmill on the windmill house that slowly moving on it"s, not sure because of the wind or any unseen force.

Suddenly, they heard a weird howling of wolf pack.

"It"s coming." said the chief, rather unwavered by the howl. The windmill spinning speed accelerates until the spinning becomes really aggressive. Then a creature appeared on the top of the windmill house, it"s a humanoid wolf, with wings.

"That"s kind of unexpected, although not far from our hypothesis." said Chris. "Mhmm." Sky agrees with him.

*you probably thought this as a filler arc, but no, it"s not.


*Something out of the story

Sky: "Dear readers."

Chris: "Hmm?"

Sky: "This chapter is meant to be released for webnovel.com."

Chris: "Oh! This matter. Yes, if you"re reading this chapter on another platform than webnovel.com, know that it"s an illegal copy diffused without the Writer"s authorization."

Sky: "As what Chris said. Right now, this story is free on the authorized platform, so please read it from authorized platforms as mental support for the writer."

Chris: "Mhm... There are two authorized platforms. One is webnovel.com. And another one is that messy and half-dead Weebly site that she uses for draft and backup... But not recommended."

Sky: "Ah... Haha. Yes, as Chris said."

Chris: "But look out, those sc.u.ms might change this note to their own website link. So, be cautious.

Sky : "By the way, if the cover page is the old cover page that shows  two stickmen, stop reading it, it"s cursed and might caused the writer to stop writing."
