WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 14

3.00 am Chris"s room, Chris is sitting in front of his computer, seemly searching for some information. "Hmm… just what did I miss out? I thought I was close enough to found out the biggest puzzle piece of this mystery… but…what was that actually?" "Meow~?" A black and white stripe cat jumped onto Chris"s lap "Ah! Byako(White Tiger)! What"s wrong?" "Meowmeow…" "Oh! Sorry! I just don"t feel sleepy right now… Sorry for making you worry." Chris said as he patted and ma.s.saged Byako"s neck… Uh… Wait! Does that mean Chris can actually understand cat"s language?!

Chapter 14

4.30 pm Sky walk down from the stair seeing Chris sitting on the sofa, watching some random soap drama with Byako. "When I thought I was the only one who can"t sleep…Anything bothering you?" "Yes… But not really sure what it is." "Haha! You surely get even weirder than ever." Said Sky while sitting next to Chris. "Your mouth is as bad as usual… So, you have decided to help Itsuki-kun right?" "Ah, it just that I can"t bear to have an innocent girl sacrifice in this mess" "Hmm... "Innocent" indeed." "Eh? What do you mean by that? Do you know anything detail about her?" "Of course I do, I thought you should know her as well, can"t you remember…*suddenly realize of something*…Ah… never mind…Anyway, if you really want to save her, I wouldn"t even bother to join you." "Why?" "After all, she"s not the puzzle piece I"m looking for." "What do you mean by that Chris? Hey! Wait!" Chris ignored Sky, he leaves the sofa, going upstairs while cuddling Byako. "Cih! That cat freak!" Suddenly Chris stopped and said: "If you plan to save her, you should take your move now, her execution will be within three days from now." "Eh?" Chris went upstairs leaving Sky with a blank face…

That morning, school, Sky is talking with Seito… "Seriously? You mean Chris is not joining us for this operation?" "Yeah… But it"s not a bad thing for him not joining us, I"m kinda worry about his condition… Hey! That"s not my main point! Pay attention alright? We are doing this for your cousin okay?!" "Ha! Sorry! But, I"m quite curious about what you said just now, what"s with Chris"s condition? Is it really that bad?" "I can"t tell but it seems like his condition is getting worse, he seems to s.p.a.ce out more often than usual, especially after what happen last night." "Yes…That "small" accident is indeed not anything we could just overlook." "Yes… moreover he locks himself in his room again today. Says! I heard that Itsuki can be discharged this afternoon right ?" "Yes, it should be around that time." "So I"m planning to start the operation tomorrow, as Chris said, Ai"s execution is just three days from now." "Although I feel that it"s kinda rushing, but I guess we have no choice, I have the responsibility to repent Itsuki"s mistake, like a big brother *smile*…" "Ha! Nice one!"

At the same time, Chris"s room. Chris is sitting in front of his computer again... The screen shows a mystery doc.u.ment with the name of "WAR 6757- Missing Subject." Chris opened that doc.u.ment, he carefully read through the contents. "Date XX/XX/XX, experiment subject Artificial Intelligent AI0380 has gone missing, as the subject is a potential deadly murdering tool, the retrieving of the subject is essential… Ah! I guess this is no longer needed anymore." Chris enter a random command code and a dialogue appeared requesting Chris to enter an ID and pa.s.sword before he can delete that doc.u.ment, without any hesitation, Chris key in his name and pa.s.sword and click enter, another dialogue appeared "Authorization complete, ID Status: King, operation allowed, "WAR 6757" successfully canceled and deleted." Chris look at the screen with a smirk on his face…

The next day, outside Sky"s house. "So, what"s the plan Big Boss?" "A good question, Seito-kun, I haven"t made any plan for this yet…" "What???" "But I do at least know what should I do at this moment.* took out Flash*… ready to go Itsuki-kun?" "Yes." "You guys are surely…Now I kinda regret not having Chris with us." "Ok! Let"s go!" Sky unsheathed Flash and slashed through the air, a narrow-shaped dimensional portal appeared, all three of them stepped into the portal…while Chris is watching quietly from the window.

And so, the group pa.s.sed through the portal and reached an unknown dimension, it is a small closed area, like a cave with damp and heavy atmosphere. "Uh…Sky, are you sure we are in the right place?" "Yes…like I said, although I haven"t make a detailed plan or rather I don"t have much time to make one but at least I have spent some time go through every key point that we should take note of, which included the exact place." "Ah!... *mumbling*… I just noticed his eye bags…" "I have borrowed Chris"s "sense link", so it shouldn"t be a problem to find the exact location of Ai." "Oh…*thinking*… I don"t even know that can be borrowed." "Let"s go! Follow my step." "Roger.".

So, to make the long story short… again(as I"m not that hardworking enough to write all of the small fighting scenes and I really hate to write it, so I"ll just skip it.), they pa.s.sed a very long and narrow pathway, they reached an old building. "Sense link activate. Ah! So that"s where the execution room is… let"s headed there now!" "What? How?" "Chris"s teleport, I borrowed it." "Eh?!" Without any warning Sky teleported along with Seito and Itsuki...

Meanwhile Chris"s room… "Ah…He activated the teleport, that idiot, I wonder will he be alright by himself… Ah! Never mind, I have my own problem though." Chris is still sitting in front of his computer seemly doing some searching for information...

Back to Sky, those three are seems to be floating in the middle of the air… "Wow! This is really something…" In a big chamber or rather a hall, Ai is tied up on the wall with chains naked, her eyes are covered up with a piece of cloth and her body are all cover with scar and injuries, it can deduct that she has been "punished" countless time before due to the old injuries scar. "This is horrible…" said Itsuki "Yeah… even I have to agree with you." Said Sky. Surrounded Ai are a few rows of empty seats as if someone has well prepared for tomorrow"s "show" which is Ai"s execution.

"Now, let"s get her down." "Wait! How are we going to pa.s.s through guard without even being noticed?" Seito asked. "Well~ We don"t need to." Said Sky jump down directly to the middle of the hall which "successfully" drew all the attention of the guards, when the guards surrounded Sky, Sky launched a magic wave that knocks down every single guard that is surrounding him. "See?" "Tsk...That guy is as flashy as ever." Said Seito while jumped down to the ground followed by Itsuki. "I really wonder what"s in your mind, with all the big flashy move you just made, the enemy should have noticed us right now." "Aren"t that"s great?" "You are surely an idiot aren"t you?" "Don"t mind about that, what"s important right now is get Ai-chan down from there." "Ok, let"s go Itsuki." "Yes…"

"Ah! How excited they are…eh?" Suddenly Sky heard a voice in his head "Sky, can you hear me?" "Oh! So it"s you Chris! What"s up?" "Don"t just "what"s up" me, you can"t be really not making any plan for this operation right?" "Actually, I really didn"t…" "You are an idiot." "Chris, you can"t be just telepathing me just to say these right?" "I"m not an idiot like you, I"m thinking you might be facing some problem later, so I"m going to lend you a hand by giving you some important information." "What information?" "Listen well, if you ever face the Killer"s Boss, tell him that he doesn"t have the "ownership" of Ai, the Kingdom did." "Eh? What"s that supposed to mean?" "Well…That"s all I have to tell you…*coughing*…." "Chris? Are you alright?" "Anyway, that"s all for now, bye." "Wait Chris! Ah…" Meanwhile Seito and Itsuki have already get Ai down by breaking the chain with Seito"s mini magic blade, Itsuki covered Ai with an overcoat he wears, carefully remove the blindfold. "It"s you guys, but how…" "No time to explain, let"s go!" Noticed that Ai might not be able to run so fast with all the injuries, Itsuki gives her a princess hug (moe!!!!)…but before they could go anywhere, the Boss appeared in front of them with all the other killers. "d.a.m.n you Sky! I knew that we are going to draw all this unnecessary attention!" "Well, it"s not that bad at all." Said Sky with an innocent look….

At the same time, Chris"s room "Ah! So that"s the reason why… Wait! I remember I have an old book that has the similar record of this…" said Chris, while leaving the computer desk, the computer screen shows a doc.u.mentary on Dracula, and on the desk there is some empty case of medicine along with a thermometer that shows 39.2 Celsius degree…

"So, you must be the leader of that well known "Special Human Union" right? It"s a pleasure to meet you, I"m Mr. X, boss of this organization, I..." "Cut off all this tasteless talk, straight to the point, moreover I don"t even know what the h.e.l.l is this "Special Human Union". Thank you." "Ahem... Sorry, we can"t let you take her, but if you insist..." The Killer"s members are all equipped with weapons and magic, ready to launch attacks anytime. "Sky, what"s now? There are a few hundreds of well-trained killer, I don"t think it"s a wise option to break through by force, especially with Ai"s condition right now." "True... I guess I have to admit that Chris might have foresight power after all." "What?" "*smirk*...Hey! Mr. X, mind to hear me out for a while?" "Made it short." "Just now, Chris says that if you insist not to let go of Ai-chan, he wants me to let you know that, Ai belongs to the Kingdom, not you, you have no legal ownership on her. That"s all." "Kingdom... Chris... It seems like I have heard these names before... what is it... Kingdom... Ah! It"s can"t be!" Mr. X seems a little shocked and he makes a hand gesture, all the other killer retreat. "Alright, you may take her away and if you ever met His Majesty, give him my apologies. Good bye." Then Mr. x disappeared in a mist. "Wow! Sky, what was that just now?" "I don"t know... Anyway, we need to go..." Sky look at Ai for a while, then he cut open a portal, they entered the portal...

The same day, 6.15 pm "You two bring Ai-chan to hospital, I"ll go check out on Chris, I"m worried about him." "Okay! See you later."...

A few minutes later, Sky gets back home... "Chris, I"m back!*no ones answer*...Chris? He"s not at home? Wait a second *remember the conversation just now*..." Sky rushed upstairs, found that Chris"s room is locked inside out. "d.a.m.n! Chris! Open the Door!" Sky knocked the door frantically, after some attempt with no answer, Sky break open the door by force. Sky entered the room, then he found Chris near the book rack, pale and unconscious... "Chris!" Sky hold Chris up (princess hug) and ran out the door...