WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 4

At a place near the city, a man is running insanely with a heavy breath, he seems to be chased by someone or perhaps something... He continues to run until he reaches a dead end, and a "shadow" appeared..."Aaaahhh!!!"...


A random day, Sky and Chris are watching the news. "(news)... Yesterday in XYZ town, a dead body was found in a badly burned condition..." "Burn? That"s like been totally toasted alright?" said Chris "(The news)The gender of the dead body is still yet to find out..." "Hey Sky! What"s the gender do you think it is?" "Huh? It"s a human? I thought that"s charcoal." "Ugh..." "Oh! If it is really a human, it is definitely a male." "Why are you so sure?" "Well~look at the... Uh... Never mind..." "Hey! Had you heard the rumors? About a person that can control fire? Aside from that tranny..." said Chris. "Ah yeah! Hey! What"s his name again?" "Not sure, but I heard people calling him...(view the t.i.tle)"


Chapter4-The Blazing Fire Lord!!!

"Eww! That"s a stupid name..." said Sky "Yes it is." "Well, why are we watching news anyway?" "How am I supposed to know? You are the one that turns on the TV." said Chris. "Yes I did. Hey! Want to go out? It"s a really boring weekend." "I guess so." "So let"s go get Seito and Itsuki, it"s no fun if it is just two of us. (begin to step out to the door)..." "Hey! What about the TV?" "Just ignore it, it will turn off automatically." "Okay." They walk to the door and go out as the TV is still on... "...(The news)...some psychic who saw the body said that its death seems to done by someone who is good at controlling fire, they said it"s killed by the bla...suh...(TV off)...

Seito... Alright! Before I continue with this, I would like to bring you to a "palace", a beautiful and gorgeous palace that covers the whole mile of the land (a little bit over I know). In the palace, there"s royal servant standing in two lines to welcome the arrival of the Ki... Okay! Pause!... This is actually Seito"s mansion...

At the right: "Good morning, Seito-sama!" at the left:" Good morning, Seito-sama!" Seito himself: "...(mumbling) Morning your holy sh*t... This is annoying..."... After a few minutes, in Seito"s room. "Ah! Finally it"s over! I have to experience that stupid "good morning ceremony" every morning, that"s just ridiculous!" "You can"t blame for been born in a rich family, Master." "Hey! Flamme! Stop calling me "Master", it"s giving me a headache!" "A Master is always a Master, right?" "Gah! As you like..." Seito took the red crystal bracelet on his desk and wear it on his left hand "Oh! So you did remember to bring me with you today huh? Master?" "Well, sorry for ignoring you recently, I"m just too busy..." "No! I didn"t blame you for that, it"s for your own safety, you know that your cousin has been targeted..." "Enough! I don"t like you to say anything about that anymore. Got it?" "I"m sorry Master..."

Suddenly, outside the room. "You better call your master out before I burn down this place!." Seito: "Huh?" "I know you are listening, Seito Kenji! Come out now and clear your debt..." Seito: "That voice...I see..."...

"I"m not going to repeat myself! Get your master out or I"ll burn this house!" Sky shouted from outside the fence, Chris is standing a few meters away from him, pretending not knowing this guy. "Then you gonna waste a lot of kerosene to burn down the whole thing." said Seito while opening the fench with remote control from the front door of the main building. "Ha! So you come out, after all, wanna go out?" said Sky after getting into the area inside the fence, while Chris is just waiting outside, playing with a stray kitten. "Where?" "...*shrug*... I don"t know, just go out." "Oh well." Seito took a pair of shoes and wear them. "Hey! Seito-sama, you can"t go, your father will be here..." "Just ignore him." "But..." "I don"t have a father like him and he never treats me as a son. Let"s go Sky." "Okay! Hey you! (one of the servants)Help me to say hi to his father! Bye!" "Ah..."...

(On a road)"So~ How"s your weekend?" said Seito. "Super bored, that"s why we are out for a walk. But too bad Itsuki has tuition cla.s.s today. Hey! Don"t you having any tuition cla.s.s Seito?" "What?! Hey! Look at my face! Do you think a genius like me need any tuition cla.s.s?" "Genius~ I see." "Hey Sky." "Oh Chris! What"s up?" "Ugh... Don"t just "up" me! Where are we going?" "I don"t know... Maybe just go messing with some gangster here." "You... never mind..." Well, as they keep talking and fooling with each, suddenly a man pa.s.sed by... "...(!)...That person..." "Anything wrong, Seito?" "Er...nothing much... it"s not even worth mentioning..." "Oh? So let"s find if there are any gangs here!" "You serious?" Chris look at him with a "seriously?" look. "Of course! Let"s go!" "Ha..."...

(a few hours later in Seito"s house) "Seito-sama, you shouldn"t be so mean to your father, he is quite upset with your att.i.tude." said Seito"s head butler. "You wouldn"t understand my feeling, Erique(that"s a weird name...)..." "Well~I admit that I don"t, but he is your father no matter what." "I just can"t forgive him..." "The incident eleven years ago is just an accident." "No! It"s not!" "Seito-sama..." "Moreover it"s not the reason... never mind." "Okay, I see. Well, you must be pretty tired after the whole day hanging out with your friend, you should have a rest." "You too..." "Good night Sir." "Good night." Erique walks out...

"Hey Master! Something bothering you?" "I saw a person this morning..." "Huh?" "No mistake...it"s him!" "Who?" "A member of the gang that kills my mother eleven years ago..."...

(Sky"s house)"So, you have any clue?" said Sky "Well, it is most likely only an esper or immortal can do this, but I"m not sure who is the one..." "At least we know that it"s not from people around us." "Are you kidding me? It is totally pointless to stat that out!" "He-he!" "Hey Sky! Do you think this case is related to the incident eleven years ago?" "I hope not..."...

Next day... "Ha! Today is Sunday. I hate Sunday..." said Sky "What"s wrong with Sunday?" Chris ask. "Church." "It"s not like you are a Christian or believe in G.o.d anyway." said Chris. "Well, what should I wear? Let"s see..." "What did he just said again? You can"t take his word seriously..."

(Seito"s house)"I hate Sunday." "Why Master?" "Church." "Huh?" "Now now... what should I wear? Hmm ..." "...(?)..." (no wonder Sky and Seito are friends...ha!)...

An hour later, in the church. "Hey! Did you know that there"s a new Priest here today?" "Oh yes! I heard that he"s from another town..." "I wonder how he looks like... handsome or not."...

"Wow! So those girls are here just to see the new priest huh?" said Sky. "Well, you are almost the same Sky." said Chris. "What? I"m not!" "Then why are you keep looking at Sister Mary?" "I... because Seito looks at her too." "Huh? No I didn"t!" "Just admit it! She"s really cute I know!" "She is cute..." "Yes she is...*continue looking at Sister Mary*..." "...*facepalm*... those two..." Then Chris decided to ignore those two. "Hey! Where"s Itsuki?" "Piano cla.s.s." "You?" "I"m a genius." "Okay~"...

A few minutes later. "Ah! Here comes the priest!!! Ahhh! He is really hot!!" The girls in the church getting really excited as they saw the new priest. "Cih! What"s those girl frenzies about?" said Sky while Chris is focused on playing some random phone games. Seito looks at the priest. "...(!)... *thinking* What"s he doing here? He"s the priest?!" "What"s wrong Seito? You know him?" "Uh...Yes.." "So, my hypothesis is correct then." said Sky "What do you mean by...(the music of the worshipping song started)...oh..shi..."...

(after the song)"Today we are talking about the judgement day of G.o.d." Flip open the bible... "Revelation chapter 8 verse 6...then the seven angel who had the seven trumpets prepare to sound them. The first angel sounded his trumpet..." "What is this...why the priest suddenly talks about this..." "...*ignore the background noise, continue with the bible*...and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green gra.s.s was burned up.*close the bible*..." "...*silent*..." "As we can see from the bible, we human are all sinners, G.o.d will judge us when the time has arrived, no one can survive and no one knows when it is...but I"m telling you the time is near... very near... you will face your judgment... now. "

​The priest is now surrounded by flame and his face turns fierce "Now you shall all burn in the fire of h.e.l.l and became ash!" the terrible flame is engulfing the people in the church. "Sinner, cry in the pain of the burning flame, G.o.d shall make you..." "Barrier." a green aura barrier appear and blocked the fire from reaching the "innocent people" "Who... Who are you?!" "I"m G.o.d." "G.o.d!..." "...*try not to laugh but still...*hahahaha! Trick you!" "Then who are you?" "I"m an Immortal." said Sky, the moment the priest heard the word "Immortal", he trembled a bit. Then Sky looks at those other people in the church. "Normal humans might not know, but you, as an esper should have at least heard of my name...I"m..." "Hey Sky..." "What?! Why you have to do this to me Seito? I"m just about to get rock!" "Well~I guess you don"t know that I"m the protagonist in this chapter." "You are?" "Ask the narrator." "Hey! Narrator-san..." (Yes he is.) "See?" "Aww... whatever!" so let"s continue the story...

"Hey Sky, I know you can defeat him easily, but let me deal with him, he is related to my mother"s death..." "You... Well, if you say so..." Sky steps back...

"Hey! Priest, do you still remember the Christmas Eve eleven years ago?" "Hmm~ you are that little kid I see~, so you still alive huh?" "What do you expect me to?" "Well~ you really should die along with your mother. *fire focused on the right hand*..." "Well, maybe... Hey! Let"s get out shall we?" "Oh! How kind are you~ okay then."...

Outside the church... "Now now~ What are we having here? A poor little boy that claims to avenge his dead mother huh? Hahaha! So funny~ahahah... (eww~)" "I can"t see what"s so funny about..." "Aren"t it"s obvious that you are digging your own...(!)..." "Grave... is that what are you trying to say?"Seito is surrounded by some heavy aura. "Haha! Forgot to tell you, he is an esper too, a rank 1 esper while you are only rank 3~" "Hey! Sky! Don"t interrupt!" "Sorry~"...

Let me explain the "ranking system". As you can see... you can"t see anything, well~ anyway, there is 5 rank, rank 5 to rank 1, rank 5 is the lowest and rank 1 is the highest, each of the rank has a "t.i.tle", rank 5 and 4 are considered as "noobie" which is quite weak, rank 3 is "normal esper", rank 2 and 1 are "fighter" as cla.s.sified by a mysterious organization named Kingdom...Okay! Let"s continue with the story...

Seito took out a gofu (talisman paper or something like that) with a figure of a monster-like thing on it... "The soul of the Thousand Monster, hear my words and obey me, enter my body and lend me your power..." "Oh! And one more thing! Seito is also an Onmyoji." "No! I"m not!!!" "Then you are a Shaman." "I... Okay! Shaman is better…h.e.l.l not! Hey! Wouldn"t you stop interrupting me?!" "Okay! Okay!" "Hah...The soul of the Thousand Monster, hear my words and obey me, enter my body and lend me your power, fuse with me...Thousand Monster!!!". The gofu in Seito"s hand turns into a soul form and fused into Seito"s body...

"Hey! Priest... Did you know what is Thousand Monster? Thousand Monster is a creature that makes out of one thousand types of the soul of one thousand types of monster with one thousand types of the ability which make it really powerful, just because it is too powerful so I can hardly ever use it, but I think it is worth to use it on you. 26Swift and 34Claws." Seito"s speed increased harshly and his right-hand turns into a sharp and deadly claw, and without been noticing the priest is injured by the claws. "As I said, this monster has one thousand abilities no.1 to 1000, however, I can only use 20 to 100 because the rest are considered as forbidden and been sealed by that stupid junk*stared at Sky as Sky stick out his tongue*...Well, nevermind, that"s enough to beat you." "Ha! Even though you have a higher rank than me, but you are still a kid...Burn!" a deadly blaze is surrounding and engulfing Seito...

"46Waterfall." The fire extinguishes, yes, that"s stupid. "Wha...(!)...Fireball!" the priest throws a fireball to the church. "56 Barrier. *fireball has been blocked* I know that Sky can stop that with his eyes closed, but it seems like he wants me to do it. *stared at Sky again and get ignored*... Well, since you still want to harm innocent people even in this situation, so this proves that your power is good for nothing... Hmm... maybe that"s the reason Sky leaves this unsealed ... *walk slowly towards the priest and touch his shoulder* ...No.100 Nullifyer." all the flame around the priest suddenly disappeared. "What is happening, where is my power?" "The Nullifyer has the ability to temporarily or permanently delete other people"s power... I had just deleted your power, which means that you are only a normal human right now." "..." "Now, I have something to ask you, what do you know about the incident eleven years ago, why your gang kills my mother? Sky wouldn"t tell me anything, I wouldn"t blame him because he is my boss(uh-huh?). But not for you... *grab priest"s collar* Now tell me!" "..." "Wouldn"t say a word don"t you? I need to use the hard way after all...*realize something* Oh yeah! Every summoning of the gofu can only last 5 minutes... well~nevermind, I"ll just do what I always did... Soul Rifle!"...

"Now, be a good citizen and tell me all the truth... why do your gang kill my mother?!" "I..I don"t know... that"s the command from the upper part...please don"t kill me..." "You don"t seem like lying... Hmm~ I can"t see any use of you, your existence has no difference with a pile of rubbish, so I"ll just ki..." "That"s enough Seito... He already lost his power, moreover, he is not the one who killed your mother." "Sky!" "He might have some use someday." "Alright... *look at the priest*...run as you still can." "...*fled*..."...

A few minutes later..."Hey! Sky, what happened with those people? *look at the church*" "We changed their memory." "Hey... the incident eleven years ago..." "Seito, there"s something that is better remain as secret, you really shouldn"t know that much." "..." "Let"s go, I"m sure Erique is worry about you." said Sky while pointed at a black limousine nearby.

That night...

​"That guy is a Gospeler." said Chris. "How can you be so sure?" Sky asks. "His magic flow is the same as those rebellious angels." said Chris. "I see... So, since we have found the clue, we don"t need to go to church any more right?" "Yes. I really hate the smell of those angels." said Chris...