WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 80

Hidden dimension.

"Dr. Ben, please let go of me, you shouldn"t get yourself involv..."

"Shut up... You have no idea what kind of situation we are facing right now." said Ben while applying healing magic on Sal, but never left his sight away from the Archangel.

"Mr. Archangel, please don"t misunderstand, it"s not because of our Sal-kun here not capable of surviving your a.s.sault, I believe that if he is in his full power, he will certainly be on par with you, just that I can"t afford to let that happen. He is one of our high ranked officials after all." said Ben while emphasizing the "high ranked".

"Ha, so you are trying to protect this demon child?" said Gabriel with a threatening tone.

"Demon child or not, he is one of us. This matter aside, Mr. Archangel, you haven"t answered my question just now. Just to let you know, yesterday, Mr. Michael did a similar thing as what you did today, and I don"t think His Majesty would be happy if he found out about this. Should I remind you how did Mr. Michael lose his Archangel position?" said so, Ben gives the Archangel an icy cold glare. All of a sudden the Archangel felt a strong constriction on his body as if something trying to squeeze him into pulp...


Hundreds of years ago, the angels had an awful war with the Immortals from the Kingdom after enraged the Trinity by "accidentally" destroyed a small village that was said to be worshipping the devil but end up to be a pure misunderstanding. That village was actually built by Kingdom as a temporary refuge for the homeless women and kids after some natural disaster. The Trinity lead a big troop of fighters into the heavenly realm. The angels lose miserably to the Immortals. One of the Archangel had his wing cut off mercilessly by the King of Immortals who was wearing a cute cat mask. To settle down the single sided war fire, Michael, stepped down from his position as a sign of apology for his incompetent to keep his underlings in order.


"Mr. Archangel, what"s your choice?" said Ben.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Head Healer? I"m just joking with this Earth Guardian here." said Gabriel.

"Ha! Is that so? Then, remove this hidden dimension, Mr. Thomas is waiting outside for Sal. While I"ve some important matters to "discuss" with you." said Ben after let go of Sal. "I wonder what do you need from me, Mr. Head Healer." said Gabriel.

"Well, let"s talk about it after you undo this hidden dimension." said Ben. However at this moment, the only thing in the Archangel"s mind is that golden eyes gleaming from behind that cat mask...

Later, Black Cross hideout, Dark Prince is resting on a sofa near his working desk with his eyes closed, tiny drops of sweat can be seen on his forehead, Athena is sitting at his side, with a gla.s.s of water, worrying about him, while Xenoo is sitting at Dark Prince"s working desk helping him with his daily work while peeping at Dark Prince, with a worried look.

"Te-chan, Te-chan, are you feeling any better? Do you need some water?" said Athena, Dark Prince did not say anything, he patted her head with his slightly shaking hand telling her that he is alright.

"Te-chan... Is that because of Sal-kun"s magic?" Athena asks with a rather careful tone. Then he slowly opens his eyes and looking at Athena for a few seconds.

"Don"t let Sal know..." said Dark Prince with a really soft voice, but he did not realize that there is a person eavesdropping outside the door...

Meanwhile, Ben"s hospital.

"Argh! Chris, why did you smear it on me?" said Sky while trying to clean off the b.l.o.o.d.y red gooey substance Chris smeared on him but getting stopped by Chris.

"Hmm... Looks like the tissue fluid of this toad is able to suppress the movement of the parasites effectively..." said Chris while comparing the red gooey substance smear on Sky"s arm and a tube of blood which had fully turned into a lump of solidified b.l.o.o.d.y slime.

"But you don"t have to smear it on me... And I feel a bit confused, if this parasite is like the one in Mr. Shiya"s record, is it even possible to find the cure so easily like this, I mean, even the legendary healers spent years researching it with no answer. " said Sky while washing off the gooey toad blood.

"Well, if it"s really the same creature as what Shiya and I found, it will be impossible, but this parasite is like at least twenty times weaker than the one we found in another dimension, so it is possible... Although it"s certainly not going to be easy. This tissue fluid would only be functioning in this giant toad body, once it gets exposed to the air and left the toad, the suppressing effect will drop drastically, like what happens on your arm." said Chris while smearing the toad blood on Sky again.

"Ugh... Stop it!" said Sky while pushing Chris"s hand away.

"However, there is a type of magic herb that is able to prevent that from happening." said Chris.

"What herb?" Sky asks.

"It"s..." Before Chris could answer the question, an alarm beeps.

"It"s from Seito!" said Sky, then the two rushed to the hidden room where Seito is. Then they saw a terrifying sight. Slimy blood oozed out from Seito"s eyes, nostrils, mouth and ears, part of his bruised skin bleed on its own. Seeing this scene, Chris turned to Sky, looking into his eyes with a concerned look.

"If my magic seal on you suddenly breaks, would you promise me to maintain your sanity without getting affected by that curse in your own magic?" said Chris.

"Chris, why are you asking this kind of question in this kind of situation? Wait! Chris! What are you trying to do?" Sky asked with a worried look. Chris gives him a smile without saying anything. Then he folded his hands, *magic seal at right eyes break and disappeared. As the magic seal broke, the cotton gauze on his right eye slowly stained with blood. Then Seito"s body glows, the slimy blood that oozes out slowly disappeared and bruises on his body started to fade. However, Sky could sense Chris"s energy and life force been drain out slowly.

"Chris, you cannot do that! Your body wouldn"t be able to sustain it with your condition right now!" said Sky but unable to move due to the bind placed by Chris a moment ago. He could not do anything about it as his magic is completely sealed away at this moment.

"Shut up... I know my body better you... But I don"t want him to die." said Chris with an exhausted voice. His frail body slightly shaking as he redoes the Life Magic Seal on Seito, blood dripped from his pale lips...