WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 82

Sky who had entered the Heavenly Realm is now surrounded by an army of angels. He was a.s.saulted by the angels as a trespa.s.ser as soon as he stepped into the Heavenly Realm without even given a chance to explain himself.

"Impurity, do you realize that you have done a sinful deed?" said one of the random angels.

"Actually I don"t. I"m here for an important and urgent matter." said the Immortal.

"No matter what reason you have, you an outsider is not allowed to step into this holy land, any trespa.s.ser shall be confined and accept the judgment from the Holy Court." said another Angel with wavy long hair, yes you need to remember him for later.

And so the angels pressed Sky down and tie him with a glowing chain. In order to avoid any unnecessary problems, he did not fight back but still stated his intention of getting the magic herbs.

"The magic herbs? Do you mean The Gra.s.s of Equality? It"s not anything an impurity like you can have." said the angel.

"I was informed that the Heavenly Realm will give all the cooperation needed in order to stop that blood disease disaster. I need those herbs to create a cure of it." said Sky, still tolerance with the arrogant manner of the angels.

"Oh? I was not informed about that, but since you said so, I"ll have to confirm it first with the higher authority. However, I very doubt if anyone would care to stop a calamity that occurred as a punishment for those sinners." said the wavy hair angel.

Meanwhile, Null Dimension.

"Ben, I have an uneasy feeling about this... It"s that Heavenly Realm after all..." said Chris. "Actually I"m a bit worried about him as well, especially when his magic is totally sealed." said Ben.

"The magic seal is not a big problem..."

"What do you mean by that?... Chris?... Chris!"...

Heavenly Realm. Sky who is still held down tightly by the angels suddenly felt a drastic change in his magic flows which indicates the seal placed by Chris had broken.

"Chris..." Thinking about the possible reasons that lead to the breaking of the magic seal, the Immortal starts to show some emotional changes, from worry to anxious and eventually angry. However, the angels did not realize about the disaster they are going to face later...

A while later, a random angel whispered at the wavy hair angel.

"I see... Master Gabriel said that he indeed had made such a promise but he also instructed that we would only give our cooperation if, only if the Trinity of the Kingdom come. So, we cannot let you have the Gra.s.s of Equality unless any of the Trinity are here." said the wavy hair angel with a sarcastic tone.

"Ha... How would you know they are not here..." said the Immortal.

"Hahaha! I can"t see any reason why the Trinity would step their foot into this Holy Land for some mere human." said the angel without even realize of the changes of the atmosphere around Sky.

"Well... Actually they will." said so, a tremendous magic flow burst out from Sky, the angels that hold him disintegrated in his magic along with the chain. Sky slowly stood up, he took out a gold dragon mask out of the thin air and wear it. He stared at the wavy hair angel without any facial expression despite of the continuous attack from the other survived angels, the only thing in his mind right now is that extremely pale face of Chris. He grabbed the wavy hair angel on his neck with his hand, then he slowly raised his right hand, brutally rip off his wings before piercing through his chest and dug out his heart...

The Immortal is now smeared with angel"s blood, in his left hand is a blue plant that glows while in his right hand is a b.l.o.o.d.y heart that is still pumping despite of being dug out. The angel"s army frantically launching attacks on this "monster" but no matter what they did, his self-recovery rate is way faster than the damage they did on him... The Immortal turned around and give a creepy smile to his attackers...

A few days later, the news of the gruesome ma.s.sacre in the Heavenly Realm had spread widely among the magic users and special beings all over the dimensions, the rumor said that the angels were brutally killed by one of the Trinity of Kingdom, which indicates the beginning of the war between the Kingdom and Heavenly Realm. While in Null Dimension, the cure of the deadly blood disease had been announced by the International Health Organisation, however since the cure is still quite new and rare, it is "sold" at an extremely expensive price, the people are currently running a demonstration against the authorities abuse of the health organization after they found out their original plans of quarantine the patient to death.

While at Ben"s hospital.

"Seriously Chris, how could you just deactivated that magic seal that time without any warning, I really scared that something bad might happened to you, don"t just play with my feelings like that!" said Sky to Chris who still looks a bit pale but totally alright.

"Yes, that really gives me a great shock, especially when you just falling asleep like that without saying anything." said Ben.

"Well, I just feel that it would not be bad if Sky running a rampage there, so..." said Chris, a bit guilty.

"And now everyone thinks that The Kingdom is actually declaring a war with the Heavenly Realm." said Sky.

"Actually, it"s not entirely wrong. Someone needs to teach the Angels some discipline lesson after all." said Ben.

"Mmm... Let"s just say:" If war is needed to teach them who"s the real boss then bring it on!"...kind of phrase." said Chris with an evil smile.