WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 103

Ben"s hospital.

"Sensei, Itsuki kun has gone! Seito kun is currently at a hypnotized state!" said Holly who rushed into Ben"s personal lounge, she looks really panic.

"What? Tsk! I have underestimated that boy." said Ben while putting on his gla.s.ses and ready to get out of the room. Then he received an emergency message and frowned. He took out a test tube with some clear solution and hand it to Holly.

"Let Seito sniff on this, it will get him out of the hypnotized state immediately. And ask him to get Itsuki back as soon as possible, I"ll join him after I get my things done." said Ben before walking out through the side door.

Meanwhile, Itsuki is staring at the cathedral that looks obviously different than before. The building had become extremely old and at the verge of falling apart, the exterior walls are covered in mosses and parasitic plants, the paint had peeled off so badly. The cathedral looks as if it was not getting maintained for a long time, although the fact that only a week had pa.s.sed since his last visit. The whole place right now gives him a feeling that this building is actually getting abandoned for years, which makes him wonders if everything he saw that day are just pure hallucination? Hesitated, he stepped in the cathedral.


As he stepped into the cathedral, a gruesome sight caught his eyes. Sister Anna is hanging on the cross in the middle of the cathedral. Her abdomen is slashed open with her internal organs dangling outside her body, however, despite of this, the weak movement of her chest indicates that she is still breathing. Itsuki is slightly astonished by the sight but before his brain can fully process what is happening right now in front of him, Sister Anna"s head suddenly getting smashed by a hand that breaks the cross from behind. Then a lady with her body tangled with vines walks out from behind the cross. "Dra... Cu... La." said the lady in a deep voice.

Seeing the lady, some of Dracula"s memory fragments about that ancient fight emerged in Itsuki"s head, mixed with his worries about Ai-chan, he suddenly getting enraged. "Where"s Ai?! What have you done to her?!" He shouted while his eyes start glowing in red light. "Dracula!!!" the vines around the lady grows and pierces towards Itsuki, however, Itsuki manages to dodge all of the vines, or rather, something inside him helps him to dodge. Then a pair of magnificent black wings emerged from his back...


Seito followed Itsuki"s magic trace and found the Cathedral, the unusual magic activities inside had drawn his attention, however when he stepped into the cathedral, he did not see Itsuki, the only thing can be seen is the dead body of Sister Anna.

"Has Itsu left this place? But I can still feel his magic here... Could it be he is actually in a shadow trap? d.a.m.n! I was too careless!" Seito is a bit frustrated as he is unable to randomly break in any shadow traps.

In the shadow trap, Dracula... I mean Itsuki is having a fierce fight with the Forest G.o.ddess who he/Dracula sealed thousands years ago. That weird ritual actually successfully released that power and destructive G.o.ddess from the thousands years seal, although Sister Anna had never expected herself to be the medium for that.

Although the power of G.o.ddess had been greatly weakened due to thousands years of imprisonment, but she is still overpowered compared to Itsuki who had yet to fight in a real fight alone. However the one that fighting against her right now doesn"t feel like Itsuki, it"s more like a much more powerful existence, or rather It"s Dracula. At this point, the boy is slowly losing himself...

While dodging his opponent"s attacks, he flies up high into the badly deformed dimension which acts as a double for the real world. Without any warning, the G.o.ddess shoots out countless of stings towards him, he blocked and countered the stings back with his wing. Then he raised his hands and summoned a big batch of bats, he pointed at his opponent and the bats fly towards her in a really high speed. However, before the bars could reach the G.o.ddess, she eliminated them by releasing a concentrated acidic gas, however that gas does not affect Itsuki who is now in an almost complete Dracula form. Realizing that kind of weak long distance attacks would not scratch his opponent, Itsuki decides to descend himself to the lower area and facing the G.o.ddess directly. As he reached the ground, his right hand turned into a sharp blade, he dashed towards the G.o.ddess. That familiar scene had successfully called out the battle soul of the G.o.ddess, she is willingly accepted the short distance fight. She discarded all of the vines around her, showing her rather masculine body structure, preparing to accept Itsuki"s attacks...


The clash between the two power beings caused the whole area to trembled vigorously, the s.p.a.ce around them had deformed so badly that none of the previous structure of the church can be recognized except for the broken cross. The impact of the clash is so huge that even Seito who is in the real can feels the shaking of the building.

After a half an hour of the fierce fight, Itsuki finally successfully cornered his opponents although at this state, he has totally lost his mind, he had forgotten the reason that brought him to this cathedral and how he even fight on par with an ancient G.o.ddess, or rather, he is not the one that did it, that gene of Dracula did it, Itsuki"s soul has slowly taken over by the ancient vampire... Nope, at this moment he is neither Enomoto Itsuki nor Vlad X Dracula, he is just a mere blood l.u.s.ting vampire that loses his mind...

He plugged out the broken cross with his telekinesis power and mercilessly pierce through the head of the cornered G.o.ddess thus totally immobilize her, his hands turned into claws and ready to dig out his opponent"s heart and feast on it. However before he can do that, the G.o.ddess slowly disappeared. "Are you sure you want to do such a disgusting deed?" Itsuki heard a familiar that he can"t remember who it is. It"s Sky, in his hand is a golden statue with chain, he just sealed the badly wounded G.o.ddess just now.

"Seriously, I doubt Dracula would even do such a disgusting thing, if you want to turn into Dracula, please at least be in a more complete form." said Sky. "Raarrrrr!!" Enraged by Sky, Itsuki"s hands once again turned into sharp blades, and ruthlessly charged towards Sky. "Ah... So you want a fight?"