WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 104

"So, you want a fight?" said Sky as Itsuki charged towards him with his hands turned into sharp blades. "But too bad, I don"t want to." said so, he grabbed the crystal on his necklace...


Seito who was outside of the shadow traps for the whole time is still oblivious of what happens on the other side. Suddenly, the environment around him starts experiencing some changes, the shadow trap had fallen apart. Two figures slowly appear in front of Seito, it"s Itsuki who had pierced his hand through Sky"s chest, while having Sky"s crystal pressed against him. Then Itsuki slowly turned back normal. Sky slightly pushed Itsuki away from himself, blood gushed out from the wound on his chest showing no signs of self recovery, he collapsed and fall on his knees...


Later, Itsuki who finally regained his sanity, found himself waking up in Ben"s hospital. Holly is checking on his condition. Seito told him Ai had been found in Chris"s mansion by Satoshi before Seito went out to find Itsuki. Itsuki recalls what he did in the cathedral and realized that he had badly wounded Sky who was there to save him from totally losing his sanity. Itsuki is worried about Sky but Holly told him that Sky is alright. Although Holly said so but Itsuki very felt very guilty of what he did, and he later found out that both Dr. Benjamin and Sky were not in the hospital or anywhere, so he feels that something is not right.

But days later, he saw Sky in the school again, pretending the incident in the cathedral never happened. Itsuki realized that he should not explore deeper in this matter anymore so he decided to keep all the mystery in his heart, he believes that, when the day comes, all of the mysteries will have their own answers.


Black Cross quarter. Terence is having a conversation with the Queen.

"Your Highness, there"s something I don"t quite understand." said Terence.

"What is it?" said the Queen while knitting a small cat plushie.

"Do you actually know that girl? The girl named Ai?" Terence asks, with a rather careful tone, the Queen just smiles without giving him any exact answers.

"I mean... I thought you were planning to use her as a medium to revives Floreriance, that ancient G.o.ddess." he asks again, more careful than before.

"No, how could I? I was never planning to sacrifice her since the beginning. She is too precious for me, I will never harm her." said the Queen, raised her voice a bit.

"My deepest apologies, My lady. But... That means you know her." said Terence.

"Mhmm... Of course I know her. More than anyone else, she was still a little girl when I first met her.


Hundreds of years ago. The Queen was still an innocent and naive lady that filled with all the dreams and sweetness. She had just come to the Kingdom for less than five years, and of course, not yet become the Queen. She was kind, gentle and pure like an unpolluted white lotus.

That day, the King was back from his mission. He brought back a little girl that is not more than seven years old. He asked the lady (Queen) to his private laboratory. "Rei, you always complain that I didn"t give you any jobs or mission to do since came here, so... This will be the first official mission I"m giving to you." said so he leads Rei to another secret room, in the room is a big capsule filled with liquid, with a young little girl in it.

"This was an experimental subject from Dimension FP - M01, despite of having a human body, she is actually an artificial intelligence. So in order to prevent anyone to insert any weird data into her, I would want you to take care of her while teaching her proper knowledge that will be useful for the future." said the King.

Then he realized that motherly look from Rei.

"Please take note that she is just an artificial intelligence, not a real living being, so, don"t put too much of your feelings on her." said the King with a disapproving look. Rei nodded. Then the King took out a small box, inside the box is a delicate looking bracelet.

"A small gift for you." said the King while putting the bracelet on her wrist.

Although the King had told Rei not to be too close with the little girl, but still...

"Rei, what are you doing?" said the King, as he saw Rei released the little girl from the capsule and is currently brushing the girl"s hair.

"We can"t just let her stay in the capsule all the time right? And don"t you think she looks better like this?" said Rei while tied up a cute pony tail for the girl. The King sighed.

"I see, but make sure she doesn"t leave the capsule too long, the liquid in the capsule actually helps to repair the damages and clean those drugs those beasts put in her, while slowing down her aging." said the King. Once again, she nodded.

Then he hugged her from behind, whispered. "So... You really want to be a mother? Hmm... If that"s the case, then...".


Presents. The Queen blushed while she recalling that past and she stopped the storytelling before it gets too awkward. "So... That little girl is Ai?" Terence ask. "Yes." said the Queen while continuing with the knitting with a happy smile.

"Another question, Your Highness." said Terence. "Why do you seem to have some kind of grudge with that bloodline of Dracula?" he asks, the Queen didn"t answer but give him an evil smile...