WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 139

"For the safety of the villagers as well as this creature itself, we will be keeping it with us for a while, we will talk about it tomorrow morning." said Sky before Chris teleport themselves directly from their current spot to their resort room, leaving Grandpa White and Bob there, a bit confused.


Later, the resort room.

"Stay still, if not I might accidentally hurt you with all these complicated procedures." said Ben while "fixing" Chris left hand by replacing some tiny wires in it through a small cut on the flesh.

"Well, it"s not like I can have any control over my left arm"s movements right now." said Chris, in a casual manner.

"Seriously, even if this is a prosthetics arm, you shouldn"t use it to absorb the impact of that magic explosion, that"s too ruthless and dangerous." said Ben, a bit angry.

"Well, At least I successfully prevented some potentially deadly damage... On that idiot." said Chris.

Ben sighed before proceed to st.i.tch up the cut.

After Ben treated the injuries of the three, they started to a.n.a.lyze the situation they faced just now. Maria told them about the giant bats and low demons.

"That"s quite unexpected. The similarities in these two incidents are definitely not a coincidence." said Chris.

"True. But if these were done by the same party, it means that the previous case is related to the angels instead of Gospeler." said Sky.

"Well, actually, everything makes more sense this way." said Chris.

"What do you mean by that?" Sky asked.

"There is a thing that I had been wondering but never remember to ask Ai about it. Don"t you ever wonder what was Ai doing at that place during that time?" said Chris.

"Uhm... Yes, that"s indeed suspicious." said Sky.

"We always thought that it was mean to distract us from Itsuki who was in the dojo that day, so that they can do something on him without been noticed but that just doesn"t make sense. However if it the deed of angels, then it makes sense." said Chris.

"How so?" Sky asked.

"Try to think in another direction, what if their target is to disturb Ai in her mission instead of Itsuki?" said Chris.

"Ah... This explained why Ai was there at that time." said Sky.

"Yes, they know that Ai was going to pa.s.s through that spot and so they appeared there, it"s just that we happened to be there as well. But we still need to ask Ai to confirm that." said Chris.

"I see, but why would the angels did that?" Sky is still a bit oblivious.

"Well, Ai was a killer and her mission is to kill Itsuki that time. Now what will be the most logical reason for the angels to stop Ai from killing Itsuki?" said Chris.

"Hmm?... Hold on! It can"t be... They are trying to create a hybrid of Dracula!" said Sky, rather astonished, the same for Maria.

"Mhm... Probably. But then the plans were interrupted by the Gospeler." said Chris.

"Ah... That"s really complicated." said Sky.

"However, that"s just my hypothesis, I will need to get some confirmation from that." said Chris.

"Uhm... How?" Sky is confused at Chris"s words.

"I have my reliable source of information." said Chris with a smirk.

"Reliable source? You mean Jason?" Sky asks.

"Nope... But talk about Jason, I noticed some interesting pieces of information from the report he sent me just now." said Chris.


Meanwhile, Heavenly realm.

"Please... Give me the medicine... I can"t take it anymore... Arrgghh..." Camael the war angel, kneeled on the ground with an agonizing look, begging for help from a man in a cloak.

"The medicine is with me right now, you need to provide me with some information, then I"ll give you this medicine." said the cloaked man.

"I"ll tell you anything you want... Just... Give me the medicine..." said Camael while crawling towards the cloaked man.

A few minutes later, Camael is lying on the ground, exhausted. The cloaked man crouched down and stared at him, with a curious look.

"I wonder why don"t you get help from the Archangels? Instead of so lowly of yourself. I believe they can easily get rid of the thing inside of you." said the cloaked man.

Camael tries to attack him but failed since he is too weak at this moment.

"Ha! You don"t need to tell me, I already know the answer from your look. You will be getting excommunicated if they find out about this huh?" said the cloaked man before leaving the place through a portal leaving the frustrated angel alone...


Kapis Dimension. 9 am. Secret base.

Seito is having breakfast with Jason and the girls in the cafeteria, Itsuki had headed to the training hall early in the morning.

"We will take a break for the training today, as Dr. Ben is not here." said Jason.

"Ah... And you weren"t here yesterday, where have you been yesterday, Mr. Jason?" Seito asked, a bit dissatisfied because he doesn"t want to skip the training again.

"I went to the nearby village for some confidential matters." said Jason, then he noticed Seito dissatisfactory.

"I guess we can share a training hall with Mr. Itsuki." said Jason.


Grandpa White"s farmhouse. Sky, Chris, Maria, and Ben are sitting around a round table along with Bob and Grandpa White, behind them is the hybrid werewolf in the rune cage that had turned into a more humanly look, except for still having the wolf ears, claws and wings.

"Chief, do you recognize him?" Sky asked.

"Yes. He is my son." said the Chief.


*Something out of the story

Sky: "Dear readers."

Chris: "Hmm?"

Sky: "This chapter is meant to be released for webnovel.com."

Chris: "Oh! This matter. Yes, if you"re reading this chapter on another platform than webnovel.com, know that it"s an illegal copy diffused without the Writer"s authorization."

Sky: "As what Chris said. Right now, this story is free on the authorized platform, so please read it from authorized platforms as mental support for the writer."

Chris: "Mhm... There are two authorized platforms. One is webnovel.com. And another one is that messy and half-dead Weebly site that she uses for draft and backup... But not recommended."

Sky: "Ah... Haha. Yes, as Chris said."

Chris: "But look out, those sc.u.ms might change this note to their own website link. So, be cautious.

Sky : "By the way, if the cover page is the old cover page that shows two stickmen, stop reading it, it"s cursed and might caused the writer to stop writing."
