WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 142

Sky and Chris are shocked by the sight, however, they soon turned the shock into anger, especially Chris. Then he summoned a man in a white cloak and mask with telepathy.

"Take this head back to the Kingdom, take out all the informations you can get from its brain and a.n.a.lyze the source of the destruction magic, I want the result in one week. Kapis time." said Chris in a stern tone, with scary eyes while blood still dripping out of his right eye.

Then the man took the head before bowing to Sky and Chris, and left through a portal.

After the man left, Chris punched the wall really hard, caused a big crack on the wall, Sky walked near Chris and patted his shoulder.

"Hey Chris, I know you are frustrated, so am I. But right now, let"s go back to the resort and get Ben to treat your eye." said Sky with a concerned look.


Later, the resort lounge. Maria and Ben are watching some random idol cultivation show on a laptop. Then Sky walks in and joined them.

"How is Chris?" Ben asked.

"He had fallen asleep, the sleeping potion works well." said Sky.

"Glad to know that. Seriously, if I have a choice, I would not choose to put him to sleep, but his mentality is so bad that it might cause unwanted harms on his body." said Ben.

"Actually I have been wondering what had happened to Chris on the past that makes him to hate angels this much. Yes, I have to admit that they are quite annoying most of the time and some of them are so despicable that I would destroy them without any hesitation, but, Chris"s hatred is just different from that." said Sky with a concerned look.

"Mmm... I"m curious about that as well. Be-chan, did your late father told you anything about that? Since he was so close with Chris chan in the past." Maria asked.

"Well, too bad he didn"t. But I believe both of you have the answer already right? Just that it"s hard to accept." said Ben while adjusting his gla.s.ses.

"If possible, I hope it wasn"t as we thought... Anyway, how is Junior?" Sky asked.

"After the Holy Crest is removed, his condition had become quite stable. After a short counseling and self-control training, he should be able to reunite with his father very soon." said Ben.

"Talk about Grandpa White, yesterday he told us that White"s Family indeed has a hidden gene of werewolf but what about the angel"s gene? He said his wife is a normal human... Or at least looks like a normal human. Which means his wife indeed has a hidden angel"s gene... But how? Aren"t the bodily combination between angels and humans is forbidden?" Maria asked.

"Exactly. That"s the main point of this issue." said Ben with a serious look.

"Ah..." Maria frowned as he heard the answer from Ben...


Meanwhile, Null Dimension. Black Cross quarter. Xenoo leads a teenager that is about fifteen years old to Dark Prince"s office. Dark Prince is not there, Sal is the one that sitting at his working desk.

"Terence had gone to London with Her Highness, he had left me in charge here. So, he is that newbie that Terence mentioned that day?" Sal ask.

"Yes. His name is Codie. Codie, this is Master Sal, the co-leader of Black Cross." said Xenoo, with a formal tone, although sounds a bit unwillingly.

"Good day, my name is Codie, apprentice fighter of Kingdom, I was sent here by Master Sachiro, one of the Royal Seven for some training. Hope we can work well with each other." said Codie who obviously oblivious of Sal"s and Terence"s ident.i.ty and ranks.

Sal just smiled without saying anything.

Then Codie saw a group photo of Terence, Sal, Athena, and another lady. Then he pointed at Dark Prince.

"Is this Master Dark Prince? He looks darker than I thought, is this how he gets the t.i.tle of "Dark Prince"?" said Codie, a bit carefree.

"Mind your words, that"s really rude, especially when he is your superior." said Sal, without showing much emotion while Xenoo is obviously upset with Codie"s words.

"Actually what he said is not entirely wrong." said Athena who just walked in through the door.

"Athena? I thought you were out for some snacks." said Sal.

"I was going to buy some snacks, but I overheard something interesting, so I turned back." said Athena with a casual tone.

"Lady Athena, what do you mean by what you said earlier? Do you know anything about that?" Xenoo asked.

"Of course I know! I heard it from Shiro kun and Sachin not long ago." said Athena, and yes, that Sachin is that "Master Sachiro" mentioned by Codie.

"Do you guys interested to know?" Athena asked.

"If you don"t mind telling... And Terence is not here right now, so, go ahead." said Sal.

"Well... Let"s start the story from hundreds of years ago." said Athena.

And so, a potential five chapters long past arc started again.


Hundreds of years ago (or maybe a thousand years ago), Terence was still a child who was abandoned by his clan because of his darker skin tone, which is totally different from the rest in the clan. He was forced to be a beggar in order to continue his life. He found that he has some special ability during that period, but he did not care about it, as at that moment, nothing is as important as keeping himself from starving.

That day, he was bullied by a group of teenagers and on the verge of using his special ability on them, then, a group of bounty hunters appeared in front of him and teleport him away from the teenagers.

*since this chapter might be a bit sensitive, I need to clarify that I hate discrimination more than anyone else.


*Something out of the story

Sky: "Dear readers."

Chris: "Hmm?"

Sky: "This chapter is meant to be released for webnovel.com."

Chris: "Oh! This matter. Yes, if you"re reading this chapter on another platform than webnovel.com, know that it"s an illegal copy diffused without the Writer"s authorization."

Sky: "As what Chris said. Right now, this story is free on the authorized platform, so please read it from authorized platforms as mental support for the writer."

Chris: "Mhm... There are two authorized platforms. One is webnovel.com. And another one is that messy and half-dead Weebly site that she uses for draft and backup... But not recommended."

Sky: "Ah... Haha. Yes, as Chris said."

Chris: "But look out, those sc.u.ms might change this note to their own website link. So, be cautious.

Sky : "By the way, if the cover page is the old cover page that shows two stickmen, stop reading it, it"s cursed and might caused the writer to stop writing."
