WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 15 – Some Random flashback

Chris found himself wakes up in an unfamiliar place..."Your Majesty, you have awake, how do you feel right now?" "Who is she, and where am I? Moreover I can"t even move or even make a sound." Chris thought. "What"s wrong Your Majesty, you are not feeling well?" says the lady while touching Chris"s face. "Although I don"t know her, but I don"t feel any insecure when she doing this to me, or it"s rather soothing... Could it be I actually know her? Ah! Never mind... I"m quite sleepy right now, let"s just not bother about this for now.." then Chris slowly closed his eyes while the lady gently wiping his body with a wet towel...


"Chris, you finally awake! How did you feel right now?" "Huh?" "Don"t give me that confused look... I mean you have been unconscious for a whole week!" "Is that so?" "Anyway, Chris, how did you feel right now? Any discomfort? Any place hurt? Or are you feeling dizzy?... *continue to nag non-stop*…" "Uh…*is a bit annoyed*… I"m alright, just that my mind is in a mess right now." "Eh?" "And moreover aren"t you suppose to get the doctor when someone just awakens from a coma?" "Ah! I totally forgot about it! I"ll go get Ben right now…" "That"s not necessary, I"m outside the door all the time hearing your conversation." A man with gla.s.ses wearing a white doctor"s robe walk into the room while giving Sky an evil glare… "Eik?! Did I do anything wrong again?"…

A few minutes later,

"Seems like the cold has faded quite a bit, but your magic level is still quite low and unstable, might need a few more days to recover…" Ben examined Chris then give Sky an evil glare again… "But seriously I shouldn"t really leave you alone with this idiot anymore, who knows what stupid thing he could do to you again." At this moment, Sky is already kneeling on the floor with his head bowing down as an apologizing pose. "Uh…I don"t really think he could do anything right now. So you probably should go and check out your other patient now, I"ll be fine with that idiot." "Okay then, if you need anything just call me through the communicator." Saying so, Ben still refuses to go until Chris did a hand gesture indicate him to leave…

"Get up now, Ben had left." "Woah…He is sure scary when he gets mad." Chris stare at Sky for a few seconds, said "Hmm… You sure never take my words seriously don"t you?" "Eh?" "*a bit mad*… What I said to you before you leave that day." "Ah! That day…"

Flash back to the time before Sky went to rescue Ai…

"Ah! I just remember… Hey Chris~" "What?" Chris is disgusted by Sky"s att.i.tude. "Since you are not following us, the operation would be quite hard without you, you know most of my magic are extremely destructive and can"t help much in some special situation… so… Can you lend me your magic?" "Geez.." Obviously annoyed by Sky, Chris went to his room, he came out with a light blue gemstone, he threw the gemstone to Sky. "Use it only at dire situation, don"t use more than once." "Okay! I knew you are the best… but what if I use it twice?" "You can try, that is, if you wish to kill me." Said Chris while headed to his room…

Back to present…

"Ah! So that"s what you mean…haha." "Hha…But don"t worry, I"m not going to say anything about that anymore, I guess you have enough with Ben this few days." "You are the nicest person ever… says, just now you said your mind is in a mess, what"s that about? Are you alright?" "No big deals, just that I had some weird dream, as if it was my past memories." "Ah…That again… Well, I have been wondering, how much have you remembered since that day? Had you gain back all your… past memories?" "Not all of it, but at least some major piece…" "Anything about that "Kingdom"?" "Eh? Why all of the sudden?" "I"m just curious…" "Well… not much of it, the only thing I know is that the king of the Kingdom is a terrible person, and I hate to admit that, we might be part of it…" "Uh… I don"t think you should really say anything like that…" "What?" "I mean, you haven"t really even remember much thing about that right?" "Haha… How about you?" "Well… actually, at the time I saw you collapsed in your room, I have rem…" "Hmm?" "Ah! Never mind! At least I now know that I have been knowing you for more than that 17 years…Hey! I"m quite curious about that dream you said, can you tell me more?" "Actually, I …." Chris tells Sky about his weird dreams…(read the special chapter)…

"Uh… Are you seriously telling me your mind get into mess just because of a girl? Hey!" "It"s not just a girl, she is like a very important existence to me, I"ll feel quite sorry to her if I can"t remember who she is." "Ah…Probably just Ruby huh?" "I first thought about that too, but then knowing how Ruby supposed to be… uh…" "Ah…I know what you mean." "But I somewhat got a feeling that Ruby might know who she is and the story behind these as she constantly threaten me with "a promise I had make to her"…" "You mean that Ruby might actually know your real ident.i.ty, and that mystery girl is the key to recover our memories right?" "Somehow yes…" "Any plan?" "Well, I"ll go get Ruby back, and I know exactly where she is, so…" "No, not with your condition like this, I have a sense that you are trying to do something stupid." "Haha… You sure know me… Anyway, how"s that a.s.sa.s.sin girl?" "You mean Ai-chan? She has been discharged from hospital days ago…And, there is something I need to let you know.." "Huh?" "Uh…Since she has not fully recovered yet and might still be targeted by that killer group, it will be quite dangerous if we leave her alone at her previous apartment so…uh… You still remember you got a mansion with all your servants right?" "Ah! Okay! I know, you let her live in my mansion." "Yes…with Byako." "With Byako…With Byako??!!" "Sorry!!! I thought she might need a strong body guard…" Chris stared at Sky with a fierce look for a few seconds. " You as really…Ah! Never mind! I"ll get him back later." "And one more thing…" Sky slowly took out his maths notebook and exercise book from his bag. "Are these notes and a.s.signments during my absence? I never thought you will be so kind…uh…what are you doing?" At this moment, Sky is kneeling on the floor with his head bowing to Chris. "Miss Wayne said that she will be checking our works tomorrow, I haven"t done a single thing yet, it"s really a G.o.d bless that you wake up in time, can you help me with my a.s.signments?" "Go die.".


Chapter 15 – Some Random flashback

Next morning, Chris"s mansion…

Ai just had her shower and headed to the living room to get some fresh air (the living room has a slide door which leads to a stone garden. As she walks goes into the living room, she saw a familiar figure sitting there having some tea… "Chris-san? What are you doing here?" "Well, good question, this is my house." Chris replies with a sarcastic look. Ai sit down at a seat opposite to Chris and said "I thought you are supposed to be in the hospital." "I am, just sneaked out for a while." said Chris while sipping his tea. "Hmm, I guess Satoshi did a good job maintaining this place, the tea still tastes nice even after I leave this mansion for three years." While Chris saying this, Byako slowly walk into the room and laid down next to Chris. "You can"t be just come back here to see the house right?" "Ah, as you can see…*lift up Byako*…I"m taking him back." "Uh…I see. Did Sky-san knows that you sneak out from hospital?" Ai asks, Chris reply with an evil smile…

Meanwhile at Stevenson College…

"What? Chris is not at the hospital??!!" "Yes, I just receive a call from Holly, she found Chris missing when she is going for the daily body check…" "d.a.m.n! Seito, tell Miss Wayne, I"ll be skipping her cla.s.s, I need to find Chris!" "Okay! But what about today"s test?" "Uh… Not a big deal since I didn"t even study a single thing for it… See ya!" "Ah… Okay."

Back to the mansion…

"Hmm, I guess he is crazily looking for me right now." "That"s mean." "Well, just a small revenge… *smile*…Ah, suddenly feels sleepy, nap time." Said Chris while laid down on the tatami. "Ah…You…" "Eh? Ah! I forgot that you are here, you wouldn"t mind right?" "Of course I wouldn"t mind but aren"t you a bit too carefree? I"m a killer remember?" "Haha! You would not be able to do anything to me." "Why are you so sure?" "Three reasons, first, this is my mansion, with all my "servants" and of course the "house spirit", I seriously don"t think they will let you harm me while I"m in here. Second, you have yet to recover from your injury that day, I don"t think you will be that silly enough to pick on me with such a condition. Third, I know you might be able to kill anyone you want, but you would never harm me, as a loyal killer will never betray their owner." Hearing this, Ai-chan is shock and somewhat surprised and happy. "Master, you have gained back your memories?" "Only a small part of it…Hey! Do you know anything about the Kingdom, and am I related to it?" "I"m sorry Master, I don"t have any information about it, as I was in the capsule most of the time until I get s.n.a.t.c.hed by the "KILLER" group." "I see…uh…can you lend me your lap?" "Huh?" Without any warning, Chris lay down on Ai"s lap. "Hmm…hard, so it"s not you after all, have expected that anyway." Saying this, Chris closed his eyes and fall asleep, while Ai recalls the time when she first met Chris.

Many years ago, when Ai still a little girl, the scientist found that she has a special ability to open dimension portal, so they confined her and did several cruel experiments on her, as to the scientist, Ai is just a worthless clone/android, it is okay to do anything cruel to this artificial life just to get some new information, as she is just a worthless clone/android. All this torture leads Ai into a deep sleep, where she dreams of a man that keeps telling her if he can save her from her misery, he shall own her.

On that fateful day, Ai is tied up on an experiment platform with chain, the scientist is about cut open her alive, the poor girl has lost all the hope and about to give up and suddenly, blood splash on her face, not her blood but the scientist"s, it"s a group of masked men, and there is one with a cat mask, supposed to be the leader of that, he walks towards Ai, gently remove the chain. He took away his mask and smile, "As promised I have come to save you, now I shall be your master…Oh! And please don"t fall in love with me."…

Back to present, Ai looks at Chris who is still sound asleep, she smiled. "If it"s not you, I might have gone that day, I"m grateful, but don"t worry, I would not fall in love with you, my master."…