WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 18 Sky"s Fiancée…Wait! Is this a Boy"s Love?

A few hours ago, at the airport, Chris and Seito is about to check-in, suddenly Chris pulled Seito as if he is frightened by something. "What"s wrong Chris?" "Shh…See that?" Chris whispered while pointing in a direction. "Oh! What a beautiful lady! Are you telling me you are scared of her?" "Seito-kun, that is not a lady! He is a guy!" "What?! Wait! You know her…I mean him?" "Of course I do, after all, he is…"

Chapter 18 Sky"s Fiancée…Wait! Is this a Boy"s Love?

Ben"s hospital, "Want me to help you to burn that a.s.signment?" "Ah! No! Just kidding." "So, what brings you here today, skipping your school again." "That school is really not an important thing. I"m more concerned about what is happening now in America." said Sky. "Yeah, it is quite a surprise for me too, never thought he will be found at that place." "So, Chris"s a.n.a.lysis does go wrong sometimes, I guess. But, anyway, I glad that "that" side of Chris had come back." "Me too. However, this seems to be the real reason for the mess that happened eleven years ago. I"m a bit concerned about it, first, Dracula"s body went missing…" said Ben "…Rrriingg.." Sky"s phone rang. "Ah! Why is he calling me?" Seeing the number that calls him, Sky answered with the speaker on. "Hi~ Darling~" "Uh… Please stop that, it"s disgusting, Blaze." "Aww, you are mean, darling. Stop calling me with that code name, it"s Maria, M-R-I-A." "Whatever, what are you up to." "Aww~ You are so cold~ You know, for some reason, I had come to j.a.pan." "What?! Hey! You should have informed me earlier!" "Ah! Don"t mind about that, you are at Ben"s place right?" "Yes…How did you know that?... Wait… Don"t tell me! You…"

Suddenly, the door opened, and a "pretty lady" with long bright red hair came in and hugged Sky with no warning. "Ah!... Stop… I"m suffocating…" "Ah! I miss you so much darling~" "Ugh... Stop that darling thing please, it"s disgusting!" "Hmm…Okie ~ And Ben chan, you are handsome as always don"t you?" said so, Maria switched his target to Ben. "Thanks, but please get your hand off of me. Thank you." "Aww… Hey! Where"s Chris-chan? I haven"t seen him for some time now." "Probably on the plane right now." "What? Wait! So it is him just now at the airport! How could he just ignore me like that?" "You should have known him better…Anyway, what is that "reason" just now that makes you come here all the way from London. " "Well…"

Maria tied up his long hair and start to act more "normal". "There is a certain quest from the quest board that concerned me a bit." "Quest?" "Yep, it is a quest from a teenager, requesting someone to end his grandmother"s life, saying that his grandmother is "feeding" with the family member"s life in order to extend her own." "Eh? Are you sure it"s not just another lousy reason for not wanting to take care of the elder people?" "At first I thought so too as it is indeed a common belief in certain Asian"s society that when old people reached a certain age, they will start "taking" the younger"s life in order to extend theirs, so I replied to the quest told him just send his grandmother to old folk home if he thinks she is troublesome." "Ugh…That"s a bit too realistic…" "Then I got a video call from the boy, here"s the record."

In the video record. "Ah! Finally! Someone is responding to my quest! No! Wait! Don"t cut off! Please hear me out! I have got proves that show my grandma is really extending her life by sacrificing ours. Look at this newspaper cut outs. 3 months ago, my mom pa.s.sed away after fallen from a small staircase, 2 weeks later, my uncle got killed in a car accident. 3 days ago, my little sister is diagnosed with leukemia…These can"t be just coincidence right? Sooner or later, it will be my turn, please help me! I don"t want to die!... Ah! No! My grandma is coming. Please! You need to help me!... Really? Ok! I will send you my address later, I have to cut off now! Bye!"

"That boy"s fear is not fake, so I went to the afterworld to see if I can find any information from En-chan." "You have met Enma?" Sky is excited when he heard about Enma while Ben starts to show a bit of interest in the topic. "Yes, but he is in his usual comatose state, don"t feel like want to disturb him so I seek help from Hangan, he shows me his book of life and death." "Found out anything?" Sky asks "Yes, we found out that the old lady is indeed having her life extended while her other family member had died prematurely." "This is weird, did Han said anything?" said Sky. "Well, he asks me to investigate this thing in detail so that En-chan will not need to trouble himself for that after he recovers from his coma." "Yeah, Han is sure very concern to his master eh?" "Anyway, before I came here, I had dropped by the boy"s house and sneaked in by disguising as a salesgirl, guess what I found." "Like I will know." "The moment I step into the house, I felt my life force is draining out. Then I do get a chance to have a short tour in the house, but before I could found anything, I got chased out by the father." "Wait! What do you mean by "draining your life force"? Are you alright?" "Ah~ you are worried about me, don"t you, darling?" "Please. I"m serious." "That kind of thing couldn"t harm me much, but I do need Ben to check out, what is exactly the reason for the loss of my life force." "Ah. Now you talk about it. I do found that your life force is indeed a lot lower than usual. At this rate, I really don"t think you will be perfectly alright." Said Ben after silently hearing all the conversation. "Uhmm…Actually, I felt kind of dizzy since just now. May I have a seat." "Ah! Shxt! Yes, please."…

Later… "I have detected some leftover magic trace from some outer force that is responsible for draining off Blaze"s life force, this type of magic will attract any life force nearby, thus slowly draining away from them. However, in Blaze"s case, in where as an immortal, he has an enormous amount of life force, the life force will be more easily attracted by that magic which will result in a great loss of life source. Although for immortal, their life force can be replenished after a certain period, but… If you are a normal human, you are really going to die, please be considering your own safety first before doing anything risky." said Ben "It"s not like I"m going to die, right?" "Yes, indeed you wouldn"t die, but if you loss more life force than that, I can guarantee you a hundred years hibernation, thank you." "Haha, sorry for that, Ben. Anyway, Sky, I think I"m going to live at your place for a while now." "Yeah, the guest room is empty, if not, Chris"s room is empty too, but you better don"t use his room." "Nope, I"ll be in the same room with you." "What?!?!"