WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 26 – Quest from the After World!

Later, Sky is having a phone call with Maria… "Are you mad?" "I was mad for a bit, but after meeting this sweet little handsome Seito-kun, I am so blessed! Now if you don"t mind, I"m gonna play with my dear Sei-chan…come on Sei-chan.. (in the background: "No!!! Help me…")….*click*…" "Ugh… he is mad… so mad…" "I guess I will buy some roses for him later…" "Chris, nice idea…"

Later, Sky"s house living room. "I see that you have been on your PC for the whole night, never saw you this hardworking before, anything interesting?" "Yes, this is the quest from Enma. Didn"t he tell you anything?" "No..."

Chapter 26 – Quest from the After World!

Days before… Sky and Maria are walking at some dim and deserted area, the surrounding is covered with a thin layer of mist, some weird and deadly sound can be heard occasionally… "Haven"t been here for years, still as sorrow as usual." "Well, this is the afterworld alright, but I do senses some unusual atmosphere if compare with that day…" "What do you mean? Blaze." "Stop calling me with me codename. I don"t know, just some weird presence." "Weird presence huh? I sensed that too…Let"s get to Enma"s place fast, this place is filled with a lot of dark presence." "Okay."

The Enma"s palace is located in the middle of that death town which is not far from Sky and Maria"s location. As they moved on by following the guide which is formed by some weird colored "fireflies", out of nowhere, two figures appeared and blocked their way. It two identical-looking guys, one wears white kimono and haori another wear black light armor.

"Are they the new Mujous?" "Probably, although I haven"t seen them that day." "They don"t look so friendly though." "You two there, where do you think you are going?" said the Black Mujou. "You guys must be the Mujou"s brothers right?" "Yes we are." Said the White. "We have got some invitation from Enmsama, so we will be heading to his palace, would you open up a way for us?" The Mujous look at each other for a few seconds, "We never heard that from our lord." Said White. "And you two looks suspicious!" said Black Mujuo while flashing out his colossal sword. "Yes, they indeed look suspicious, perhaps they are actually the sinners that just escape from the h.e.l.l, we cannot let these two get near to Enmsama ." said White with his whip.

"Sky, they don"t seem like letting us pa.s.s through just like this, I guess we will have to break through them by force." "No, Blaze, we ca…Blaze!!" Without hearing advice from Sky, Maria covered his body with flame and charged straight to the Mujuos, while the Mujuos had well prepared with their battle form. As they are about to reach each other, the attacks been blocked by a strong magic, it"s Sky, he stopped the attacks from both sides with just his right hand, although his hand bleeds because of the impact. The Mujuos flinched back as they feel that shocking huge amount of magic in one single handed block.

"Blaze, didn"t I ever told you not to be so aggressive? No matter how dumbxxs they are, they are still Enma"s underling!" "..Tsk…" On the other side, the Mujuos seems like trying to launch a powerful attack… "Stop it…You two…" A soft and weak voice coming from another direction, the Mujuos are shocked when they heard that voice, they quickly kneel down. Realizing who is coming, Sky and Maria kneel down as well…

A black-haired man wearing a black robe with silver lining is slowly walking toward them accompanied by a gentleman with gla.s.ses. That"s Enma, he has a pair of dark and blank looking eyes, you can see the heavy eye bags under his eyes, giving you a flail, weak and tired look.

"So, Chris asked you two to come for his stead right? Come with me…" Then, they followed Enma into a black mist…

Present, Sky and Chris are in the living room, examining the list given by Enma by comparing it with population distribution… "Why do I feel so familiar with this formation…Wait a second…" Chris opened another file using his own laptop… "Ah! It is the same!" "Chris?" Chris looks at Sky with a disturbed look.