WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 45

Sal is still in a kneeling and bowing position thinking how should he get near to the magic circle and altar. With all the fighters guarding at the front row, it seems almost impossible although Dark Prince said that his existence is negative without his mask. Sal examine the magic circle carefully despite in a kneeling and bowing position, after examined the magic circle for a few minutes, he noticed that this magic circle is quite similar to one of the magic circle he knows just in a reverse direction, this gives him an idea...

Meanwhile, the corrupted dimension... Itsuki is now completely transformed into a sinister looking creature with white hair, grey skin, red eyes, sharp fangs and claws. Seito watching him trying to break through Chris"s binding spell with a slightly scared look. Every time Itsuki tries to struggle and break the bind, it caused some minor burning injury on him. "He is clashing with bind so badly, will this bind strong enough to withstand this impact? Or rather can Itsuki body withstand these damage? That Sky, what is he even thinking of leaving us here just like that." Yes, after Chris ran out of this current building, Sky chases out after him and leave Seito in charge of this current situation.

Outside the building, Chris is trying to track down the direction of the roar just now, and Sky is standing nearby watching him quietly and suddenly they heard another roar along with a sound of chains somewhere very near to them. "Chris! It"s from that building over there!" Said Sky while pointing at the tall building that is still functioning. "Yes, let"s go and have a look." "Wait! What are you going to do if we enter the building, it looks like the main base of a mysterious syndicate " "I have my own plan. For now let"s just find the source of the sound first." "Okay." So, they entered the building...

Null dimension... The High Priests stands around the sculpture forming a pentagonal star pattern, Sal raises his head a bit and looks at the priest"s movement anxiously. He is thinking of words from Dark Prince before sending him out for this mission. They have slightly discussed about the high priest before Sal sneaks into the place, they know that those who are able to reach the position of high priest among all those gospelers are supposed to be very powerful, sometimes even more powerful than an average Immortal. Dark Prince told Sal if he is so unfortunate to spotted one during the undercover move, try not to catch their attention if possible. "Try not to catch their attention? Ha! Not quite possible now, especially when there are five of them." he thought while touching the glove on his hand which he is ready to remove it anytime.

In the middle of the cathedral, the priests are performing the climax for this ceremony. They picked up the daggers which are on the floor around the sculpture and cut through their own palm and drip their blood onto the magic circle, the magic circle glows with a glorious red light but something is not right about the whole ritual ceremony. They noticed that only the magic circle is glowing but nothing is actually happening. The white robe men thought that the ritual failed, but a high priest with golden hair and a pair of gla.s.ses walk near to the magic circle and examined it a while and say: "The magic circle is reversed, someone must have changed it without getting notice." "This sounds a bit like the reversal magic of that wolf guardian." said another high priest that has a weird tattoo on his face.

"d.a.m.n! We thought we have done enough precautions and guards against them, those wimps from Kingdom!" shout a random nameless attacker. "Calm down, the wolf guardian is a very sneaky person, he can hide his presence perfectly in order to do something like this without getting notice." Said the golden hair priest. "Ah! He must be still somewhere in here. We need to find him before he gets away! " said the attacker. "That"s not necessary, the wolf guardian has a very unique magic and I can"t sense it here, which means he is probably not in here." said the gold hair. However, there"s one thing they don"t know, that wolf guardian is still inside the cathedral hearing everything they said in a kneeling position looking at his glove and glad that he changed his usual gloves to a more advanced type that can cover and seal off his magic perfectly.

*the usual gloves that Sal use is to control and balance out his magic, which means he can still use his magic quite normally even with the gloves, but the gloves he used now act as a magic seal and limiter, he can only use simple magics unless he removes his gloves.

"Everyone, rise up! There is still enough time left to redraw the magic circle, as long as we still have the sculpture, we are still in control of the bloodline of that Almighty Dracula, thus, the ritual will continue!" said one of the high priest to all the gospelers. "As if I"m going to let you do it again." Said Sal while slowly removing his glove...

Meanwhile, corrupted dimension. Itsuki"s condition is getting worse, he behaves even more aggressive than before, struggling and clashing with Chris"s bind so hard that it looks like the bind is going to break at any time...

Null dimension. Sal is taking off his gloves despite that without the gloves he might lose control due to his unique magic but he doesn"t really care if he loses control in this place since he is ready to get the whole place wipe up.

However, before he actually removed his glove and limiter, he sensed a very familiar magic. All of a sudden, the sculpture is engulfed by countless of b.l.o.o.d.y red rose petals...