WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 49

In front of the duos is the Head Priest, an Ex Archangel Michael. "So what are you doing here? I thought you are supposed to be at the null dimension for some important rituals." Said Sky with a slightly provocative tone. "Actually I was at the ritual, but I owed someone before, so in order to repay him, I switched with him, moreover I"m not interested in that ritual or rather I disagreed about that ritual at first." "Ah... That guy." Said Sky while glared at Chris for a while, and Chris turned away avoiding eye contact with him.

Meanwhile, null dimension... Harold is still getting tied up tightly by Dark Prince"s "bind", Raphael and Seraph, the tattooed priest is walking towards them, Sal saw them and get into a "ready to fight". "Sal, stop whatever you are trying to do right now, do you forgot the reason we are here? And Athena... Stop poking Xenoo"s head." Said Dark Prince who is slightly annoyed by Athena who is behind him and poking Xenoo"s head who is unconscious due to the attack from Harold just now. "So you are that Dark Knight from the Kingdom? I have heard a lot about you before from my brother, never thought that I will meet you here at this type of atmosphere... Anyway, could you please put him down?" said Raphael while giving Dark Prince a rather sarcastic smile.

"Well, I"m not even interested in this thing here, so..." Dark Prince snaps his fingers and Harold falls onto the ground as the binds vanished. Then he looked at Sal and Athena, "The operation is completed, let"s go." Actually Sal is a bit unhappy to leave with the unfinished fight but he is don"t feels like disobeying Dark Prince"s order, so he steps away from the cathedral after giving Harold a hard leer. However it seems like Sal isn"t the only one that is not satisfied with this result. "The fight is not over yet!" The angel who has just fallen to the ground charges directly to Dark Prince... But before he could reach him, Dark Prince swings his finger a bit, Harold suddenly crashed to the wall heavily forming a big crack on the wall, then they just walk out as if nothing ever happens. At the other side, Raphael looks at them and smiles. "Kingdom huh? Interesting."

Corrupted dimension... "But that still doesn"t explain why are you here right?" Sky asks. "Well, there"s something I"m more concerned about here compare to taking control over the bloodline of Dracula. I found that someone from our place had been secretly doing some weird experiments here, so I"m here to investigate." "Such a coincidence, we are concerned about that issue too." Said Chris who has been quiet since just now while putting Ruby down and set a barrier around her.

"Oh? That explains about the mess we are having at here. Ah! That girl is an experiment subject right? Can you leave her to me? She will be a good clue to find the mastermind of all these disgusting things." "Too bad, the answer is a no." Said Chris. "Is that so?"

Then, at a lightning speed, Michael dashed towards Chris but instead of reaching Chris, he clashed with Sky who is guarded in front of Chris, the huge impact from the two caused a strong wave that brings up the sand and stones from the ground into the air. "Oops! This is not good, Michael -kun, if you want to pick up a fight, I couldn"t just let Chris have all the fun right?" Said Sky while turning around looking at Chris. "Hey Chris! Since this is a rare chance, can I go crazy a bit?" "Do as you like." said Chris without even looking at the two.

"Yosh!!" Sky grabbed his crystal for a while and it glows, as the crystal glows, Sky"s "magic seal" seems to be released and his huge amount of magic blasted out causing a slight distort in the atmosphere... "Hmm... This could be a bit troublesome." said so, Michael remove his robe showing his torsos covered with all the weird patterned tattoo which are used as a magic seal. Half of the seal glows with white light and disappears...