WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 55

A year after Sal getting his name... "Sal-kun, where were you just now? Why are you escape the training again? Te-chan is super angry and scary." said Athena with a slightly angry tone. "Skipping the training once a while isn"t a big deal right? As long as I don"t get into a rampage, it shouldn"t be a problem. Ever since His Majesty placed this seal on me, it didn"t happen anymore." said Sal while showing Athena a magic seal on his arm. "Is that so? Then why am I seeing you getting tied up by Te-chan"s shadow bind last week?" "That was an accident, and he overreacted. Lady Athena, can you stop talking about him?" said Sal a bit annoyed. "I don"t understand why you don"t like Te-chan, although he doesn"t look like a gentleman but he is actually a nice person." said Athena. "Snap out of that topic... Anyway, is Vlansky-sama back yet?" "I haven"t heard anything about that, so probably not. Sal-kun, you really looking forward to that quest don"t you?" "Of course I do, His Majesty said that if I"m able to complete that quest, he will give rank and t.i.tle to me." "And you can"t go without Sorchan, but why don"t you ask help from Te-chan? He also has permission to act as your guide." said Athena but getting ignored by Sal.

Actually, Sal did not hate Dark Prince, he actually really thanks to him for taking him out from that prison, but Dark Prince overly strict att.i.tude to Sal makes him feels that he didn"t trust him at all, but Sal did not know that Dark Prince is stern and strict to everyone else and some incidents do worsen that misunderstanding. For example, that accident mentioned by Athena, Sal was actually trying to use his dark magic to balance out the atmosphere in that area, but due to lack of control, his dark power leak out causing himself to be a bit unbalanced, and Dark Prince who afraid that Sal might be losing control again, bind him with his shadow bind.

Another reason for Sal to have conflicts with Dark Prince is because of his low self esteem and bad social sense. Although he is out of that prison and his power is under control, but in this whole year, only a few persons that gain Sal"s trust and respect. Athena, the first person that actually talk to him and became his friend, the King who gives him a name, that idiot Duke with the name of Vlansky who helped him in his first quest and of course Dark Prince. This unique relationship caused Sal to appreciate as well as expecting more from them. Thus, Dark Prince"s cold and stern nature does hurt Sal a lot. Sal feels that he need to prove to Dark Prince that he is able to keep himself in control properly, that quest given by the King gives him a good chance to do so.

That is a Platinum ranked quest, which also known as King Quest, is a super difficult quest that can only be done by those with the rank of Baron and above. But despite of these, the King decided to give Sal an opportunity to do the quest with a high ranked official with at least a Count rank. If he can complete the quest, he will be given a Baron rank with the t.i.tle of Wolf Guardian. Since Sal is bad at socializing, he can only ask either that idiot Duke or Dark Prince who is a "Marquis", but Sal doesn"t want to ask help from Dark Prince, so he will need to wait for the Duke to return from his current mission.

However due to several complications, the Duke is not able to complete his mission in the estimated time, instead, another high rank official is back. That dangerous serpent with the codename of Number 4.

That is the first time the cub who is yet to grow into a majestic wolf met that serpent who is destined to betray that G.o.dly White Tiger.

"So you are that candidate for the Wolf Guardian? Never expect you to be so young." That"s what he said when he first met Sal. "You know, those two are not the only candidate that can be your guide." The serpent is slowly luring that naive cub. "Ever think that why the King gives you such an opportunity? That"s because he expects you to fail the quest." The cub slowly approaching that dangerous serpent... "I can help you to complete the quest and bring out your full power." Just a few more steps. "I"m not like those hypocrites... So, do you accept my offer?"...

That day was a chaotic day for the Kingdom, the King just came back from settling a big mess in a certain dimension, injured and exhausted, but still scrolling through his tablet to see all the reports and news in the Kingdom while accepting treatment from Ben. "You are a bit too ruthless this time. Those dragons... There are thousands of them! I seriously don"t even know what is in your mind when you doing that." Said Ben while treating the King"s injury, yes, he is one of them who dare to be this rude to him. "Ben, you are overacting, I"m still in one piece right? See?" said the King which Ben reply with a long sigh. Then Dark Prince walks in with some urgent reports. The King who is obviously not expecting to see him at that time is a bit surprised and asks: "Terence, is that idiot back from the mission already?" "I haven"t heard anything about that, My Lord." "If he is not yet back, then..." the King look at tablet and scroll through it again before showing a slightly astonish face. "Then... Who is the one that accepts this Yggdrasil quest with Sal? Maria and Lex are at the Alliance right now, so... Wait! Satoshi! Show me the recent portal access list!" said the King to his servant. "Here"s the list My Lord." Then the King examines the list with Dark Prince. "Number 4, Sal is with Number 4 right now! What did I told you that day?!" The King shouted at Dark Prince, while Benjamin trying to calm him down as he is still treating his injuries. "I"m sorry My Lord. I seriously have no idea that he is interacting with Number 4." "d.a.m.n! This situation is too dangerous to let it just like that, Terence, go to the Yggdrasil right now before it"s too late, I"ll get there after I contacted that idiot, we need his crystal in case anything happens." "Yes, My Lord."

At the Yggdrasil, Sal had successfully dig out the polluted core of that Mythical Tree who was in a monstrous state just now, his right arm is slightly injured by the tree. Number 4 standing at a distance and smirk...