WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 70 - The G.o.d and The Angel.

This is a legend from a few thousand years ago, there is a land far away from humanity. It"s a place stained with blood, filth and "sin". People stealing and lying in front of other"s eyes, men and women getting drunk and fully naked under daylight, brothers raping sisters, children feasting on parent"s flesh. The land is despite by "G.o.d", although the "G.o.d" had tried to change it for countless times but failed. All the people he sends there is either getting murder or having a change of heart joining the dirty deed of people in that land. The G.o.d is so disappointed at the people in that land, after they continued with the filthy life for many years, The G.o.d decides to give up on that dirty land.

Ever since then, the land starting to dry up, crops refuse to grow, the animal starts migrating out from the land, but the people in that land is still acting so foolishly without even care about their situation, only after they had totally run out of all the resources, they start to realize the severity of the phenomenon.

Humans are an extremely weird creature, when the "G.o.d" still watching over them, giving them a comfortable life, they never know to appreciate, they continue to do things that are despised by "G.o.d". Only when they are forsaken, they realize they need the "G.o.d".

On that dried up land, altars can be seen along the side of dusty streets, flies are flying and feasting on the offerings which start to rot. People hopelessly looking at the altars, a hungry little child ran to the altar, he grabbed the offerings and start eating it but end up getting beaten up to death by an adult who is equally hungry but still putting back the offering to the altar, then he starts looking at the dead body of the children... The people on the forsaken land did not realize that there"s some "superior being" watching them from the air, smirking...

Years have pa.s.sed, the angels that are in charge of that area start to feels that the "punishment" for these filthy people is too light, they decided that they will cleanse the place for good...

Chapter 70 - The G.o.d and The Angel.

"So we can safely a.s.sume that without the supervision of their "G.o.d", the angels are acting on their own will and pa.s.sed "judgement" on that land huh?" said Sky with a slightly despising look. "Mmm... If that"s the case then everything starts to make sense now, this explained where did those slime parasites which are not supposed to be appearing in this dimension come from." said Chris while still reading the report. "But now the parasites have spread out from the forsaken area, are the angels just going to do nothing about it?" "Well, I believe you understand those angels well, they wouldn"t really mind for some extra sacrifice as long as they reached their goals." said so, Chris put down his tablet and pick up Marumaru who was snuggling him since just now.

Chris played with Marumaru the ragdoll cat for a while before continuing his sentences. "To make things worse, those angels have a really high level of influence among all the higher beings, although some people like those independent Special Human organizations or any similar parties are capable of solving this issue... Oh, wait! Maybe it"s too hard for them. But what I mean is that even if they are capable of, they wouldn"t dare to do it because of the influence from the angels... Ah... Her paws are so soft... " said Chris while squishing Marumaru"s paws. Sky looking at Chris slightly irritated but soon he noticed that Byako is walking towards him, in his cat form of course. Sky softly patted Byako"s head and continue his conversation with Chris. "Is that mean no one will actually bother about this calamity?" Sky asks. "Well, not really..." said so Chris give Sky a weird smug.

Meanwhile, Gospeler secret base. The four high priests are having a round table conference without their leader Michael. The atmosphere in the room is really dense and heavy as if something big is going to happen. "Master Raphael, is it true that Master Gabriel, the ultimate Archangel is behind this disaster?" Seraph, the priest with a tattoo on his face asks Raphael. "Well, although my brother is a bit unreliable sometimes, but I choose to believe him instead of someone that snitches on others for his current position." said Raphael while adjusting his gla.s.ses a bit. "So, are we going to do anything about it?" Seraph asked again. "No, we don"t want any extra troubles, and most importantly we don"t need to waste any effort on this trivia matter which has nothing to do with us. I believe there"s a party that can handle this matter better than us." said Raphael while picking up a book prepared to smack on Harold who is viewing some pictures of girls in swimming suits. "Master Raphael, are you talking about the Kingdom?" said Seraph while pulled away Jerome who was sleeping the whole time from getting accidentally getting smack by Raphael. "Yes, since it"s one of the few parties that is not afraid of the celestial power." said so, he smacked the book hardly onto Harold"s head...

Sky"s house... "Oh wait! If it"s the deed of angels, does it mean that this time the devils will actually help out? Since they hate angels so much." said Sky in a rather excited tone. "I guess your head is too sleepy to think properly... Why do you even think those devils would actually want to save their easy prey?" said Chris with rolled eyes. "Ah... It"s true." said Sky with an awkward smile. "It"s really late now, let"s go to bed, we will talk about it tomorrow when your head is less sleepy." Then Chris walk up the stair with Marumaru on his arm and Byako following his legs.

"Ah, this guy really good at attracting cats huh?" Sky mumbled on his own and then he saw Chris turned around and look at him. "I left my pillows and blanket in your room since last night, so... I"ll be sleeping in your room again today." said Chris. "Oh okay!" said Sky in a rather happy tone.