WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 84

"I was wondering what kind of reinforcements you are getting, a tennis club member? With smiley eyepatch?" said a muscular man with complete kendo protection equipment. He is the leader of an illegal organization known as sword gang. In his right hand is a bamboo sword, shinai, and in front of him are the injured kendo club members, that I still haven"t figured out the full name even after seventy-five chapters.

"You are Sky-sama"s friend. Chris - San!" said the spiky hair boy, Ryu. Yes, many things happened in these seventy-five chapters that Ryu is now in high respect of Sky, except for I haven"t figured out his full name.

"I seriously doubt if a tennis club member would know about kendo." said the Sword Gang Leader, in short SGL while looking at Chris who is still wearing the tennis club uniform and the smiley eyepatch on his right eye makes the situation even more awkward.

"Well, in fact I don"t. I know nothing about kendo. All I know is how to slay a person with a katana." said Chris with a rather provoking tone, while rejecting the shinai that is handed by Itsuki.

"No, I can"t use that since I am not here for kendo. Itsuki-kun, get that katana from the storage room, if he wants a fight so badly." said Chris in a sarcastic manner. SGL look at Chris with a doubting look before bursting in laughter.

"Hahahaha! This is interesting! This is the first time I"ve met someone as fearless as you! After I have that fight with this club chairman, I knew this place will be interesting!" said so, he handed over a full set of new protection equipment to Chris.

"No, I don"t need this, what"s the point of using a real sword if we need all these protections?" said Chris.

Hearing this, SGL was about to remove his protection as well. "No no no, I doubt if you want to do so, for your own safety, wear the protections please." said Chris, even more provoking than before.

"No, Chris-dono! This guy is much more stronger than before." said Ito... If you still remember him.

"Shh... The injured should stay quiet. So... Who"s the one that is in charge of their injuries? I"ll fight you all one by one... Wait, I don"t have the patience for that. You can fight me all at once, it"s really boring to just watch your leader fighting right? "said Chris with a provoking tone again. SGL look at Chris with a rather unbelievable yet sarcastic look before making a hand sign indicating three of his underlings to attack Chris. With real katana.


Underling 1 launch his attack in front aiming for Chris"s head despite Chris is not wearing any protection, however, he missed as Chris shifted to his right side in just a split second and whack his back neck with the shank of the katana that is still sheathed. The impact of the whack caused him to lose consciousness immediately.

"See? I told you I don"t know about kendo... Especially the rules." said Chris to the underlings 2 and 3 who was going to giving a.s.sistance to underling 1 before crushing their head really hard with the sheathed katana... Mmm, the unguarded spot...

Meanwhile outside the dojo, students and teachers are crowding outside watching the fight without interrupting them, some girls even wipe out their phone to record it while fangirling over Chris. In the crowd there is a gla.s.sed man and a lady who is also gla.s.sed.

"So... Grace, I guess I can really trust you about how alright he is right now huh?" said Ben to the lady with gla.s.ses.

"Yes, as you can see by yourself." said Grace, the college"s doctor.

"Ah... That person is really out of control sometimes when he is in perfect condition, I seriously can"t imagine how he was a week ago." said Ben while cleaning his gla.s.ses.


SGL launched attacks on Chris, each of the attacks has the perfect form, precision, and timing, but yet Chris is somewhat able to dodge all the attacks easily. Chris stared at SGL"s sword for a while before giving a despising look. Then he suddenly unsheathed his katana and cut his opponent"s katana into halves before piercing his blade into his opponent"s mask and stopped his movement before he totally pierced through his skull.

"That katana of you is suffering from your idiotic deed, instead of leaving her in a hand of someone as despicable like you, I would rather just destroy her for good." said Chris with a fierce leer.

"If you can"t even use your katana with single hand, don"t even talk about having a real fight... A real fight is much more wider than just forms and precision. You don"t even know how"s a "real fight" looks like." said Chris with a voice that only he and his opponent can hear.

"Now, I"ll let you decide to continue or not." said Chris while fiercely slashed the mask into halves and leaving a long slit on his opponent"s face.

SGL knows that if he chooses to continue the fight, that man in front of him will surely end his life without any mercy, so he kneeled down and bow to Chris as a sign on apologies before leaving the dojo with his underlings.

Then Chris picked up the katana he broke just now.

"So that"s the reason Sky wants me to help out huh? Although I was very certain that Itsuki is able to defeat them easily with his strength right now... Ah... Such a precious beauty, let"s hope you can be fixed again." Chris thought. Then he noticed the crowd outside the dojo. "Ah... I guess we are kind of doom right now." said Chris to Itsuki.


Later, Ben"s hospital. Chris and Itsuki somewhat got away from the mess and are now doing their group a.s.signment with Seito who is still not yet fully recovered.

"Chris-san, actually there is something I"m curious of..." said Itsuki.

"Just ask."

"I don"t get it, why do you let Sky-San went to the Mythical dimension with Ai... It seems a bit inappropriate." said Itsuki.

"I agree with Itsuki, you know it"s that Sky we are talking about, you need to at least to get someone who is more rational and mature to go with him, Ai-chan is certainly not a good choice." said Seito.

"Don"t worry, he is idiot only when I"m with him. Moreover, someone had been too close to Ai recently... And I"m not talking about Itsuki." said Chris. Then a red haired girl hugged and snuggle Chris from behind, her attire and behavior are a bit abnormal for her age, and she seems to be unable to speak but making some weird noise.

"Ah... Holly! I thought you are supposed to keep her away from disturbing our work!" said Chris a bit irritated.

"Aww... You are a bit too harsh to her. But I seriously wondering, what had Ruby-chan gone through that actually turning her to her current state right now?" said Seito while Holly lured Ruby out of the room with some shiny things. Chris sighed while recall what happened a few days ago...

"Uh... Is this what you mean by mentally unstable?" Chris asks Ben.

"Mhmm..." "But this is totally beyond of just "unstable" alright? She is like totally losing her mind."

"I have done a complete examination on her and doesn"t found anything wrong, everything seems to be just fine, maybe this is the side effect of the drug that turned her into a monster." said Ben.

"d.a.m.n... If she continues to be in this state, I wouldn"t be able to get anything out of her." said Chris.

"It seems like she will remain like this for quite some time. And Chris, although she might be quite useless for you right now, but still, she is a living person and not an item." said Ben which get a leer from Chris"s weak and tired looking eyes...