WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 95

Gospeler"s hideout.

"So... Now we just need to get some children from different nations and races in order to start this ritual." said Raphael

"And do not forget about the medium that will connect them all." said the lady.

"We will need your help in that, Your Highness."


Dimensional Library. Sky and Terence(Dark Prince) are having some discussions with a map in front of them.

"According to Lady Liliana, the Minotaurs were been "invited" by the Elves, but I found out that the Queen of the Elves had been in bad terms with the Minotaurs, just like the Kingdom. So I seriously don"t think that she will be inviting those beasts to Her land to violate the ladies of Her own type." said Terence.

"Could it be that the Minotaurs were never been invited by Her Majesty?" said Sky while examining the map.

"Although this possibility is valid, but as we all know that, Lady Liliana is not the type of person that will lie in this matter." said Terence.

"Well, it is also possible that the Minotaurs were invited by the elves indeed and without the permission of the Queen." said Sky.

"I have been thinking about that as well, but if it"s really that case, it means there are traitors in the Elves Kingdom. However with the Queen hating the Minotaurs so much, how do they sneak into the Holy Land and smuggled out that precious gem without getting noticed? As I remember, Her Majesty is actually collaborating with other clans to prevent the invasion from Minotaurs." said Terence while pointing two places that are at two different corners showing the far distance between Elves Kingdom and Minotaurs Realm.

Sky stared at the map, and thought for a while.

"Hmm... There is actually a blind spot. Aside from the sub clan that I destroyed that day, the realm of Minotaurs are widely and loosely distributed around these areas." said Sky while circling out some small areas on Minotaurs Realm with his magic.

"If the Minotaurs from here *pointed at one of the circle* followed this route, they"ll not be able to be spotted as the whole area is a huge desert, which is also the route Ai and I pa.s.sed through that day without getting noticed by other people." said Sky.

"Yes, but you do realize that the particles in Rainbow Lane are fatal to the Minotaurs right? And the route you pointed just now need to pa.s.s through the Rainbow Lane, which is also another reason why that route stay unguarded since they know the Minotaurs would not be able to pa.s.s through the Rainbow Lane. " said Dark Prince.

"Yes, that"s true. However, Ai and I do traced the sign of Minotaurs in Rainbow Lane, which means it is possible that they had found a way to pa.s.s through it without getting harm by the special particles in Rainbow Land, and I suspect all the weird occurrence we saw in Rainbow Lane are related to whatever they did to make it possible to pa.s.s through." said Sky. Hearing Sky repeatedly mentioned Ai, Terence is a bit unhappy.

"So in order to investigate what happened, we need to meet that betrayer in the Elves Kingdom, and based on the route I mentioned earlier, I believe they are supposed to be at this area." said Sky while drawing another circle on the map, at the Elves Kingdom. Terence thought for a while.

"Hey, are you so close to her? That girl named Ai." Terence ask.


"Never mind."


Two weeks later. Mythical Dimension. Sal and Athena are observing a city of Elves Kingdom from the sky, riding a blue dragon while hiding in a fake cloud.

"Hey Sal kun, don"t you think it"s unusual to see Te chan and Sora chan working side by side." said Athena while pointing at Sky and Terence that dressed up like merchant and mixed into the crowd.

"From what I know, this operation is too complicated and important that no mistakes will be tolerable. So, Terence would need the help from Master Vlansky in order to get things done properly. Most importantly, this is the order from the King." said Sal.

"Hei-chan? But why isn"t he joining us?" Athena ask.

"Well, I can"t really answer your question, maybe His Majesty just wants to forcibly make them reconcile with each other." said Sal.

"But I seriously can"t see any sign of that from them." said Athena. Yes, the atmosphere around Sky and Terence is really tensed and "cold".

"Or probably His Majesty just doesn"t bother to get Himself involve in this matter." said Sal.

"Mhmm... That"s more likely what Hei-chan will do." said Athena.

The two continue to observe the town, suddenly they found something unusual, something that isn"t supposed to exist in the Elves Kingdom. Nope, not Minotaur.

"Sal kun, look! Over there! That"s a... Slave?" said Athena.

"Yes, but what"s wrong with that slave... Wait a second, that"s an elf, right? Why would an elf with high dignity become a slave? This is unusual." said Sal.

As the two were discussing about the slave elf, Sky and Terence noticed him too, in fact, instead of a single elf, there"s a whole group of elves slave. Terence gives a hand signal to the two hidden in the cloud, telling them they are going to follow those slaves to found out what happened.


Meanwhile, Stevenson College. Itsuki and Ai are having their lunch at the school cafeteria, Seito who had fully recovered from the slime parasites is busy with an important speech so he did not join them. In the cafeteria, there"s a group of students discussing about the new temporary cafeteria staff, the previous cafeteria staff had been taking leave since months ago.

"Ah... I really miss Mr. Nakamura. He is more friendly and generous than those old ladies."

"Yes, at least his hands weren"t shaky."

"True! Whenever that lady shakes her hand, the meat on the spatula will "accidentally" shake off "a bit"."

"Ah... I wonder what happens to Mr. Nakamura, he had been gone for months."

"I heard that his face was badly injured due to an accident."

"Aww... I hope he can come back soon."

"Hmm... Why I never met that kind of situation before?" said Itsuki. Ai stared at Itsuki for a while before looking at a piece of extra meat on his plate, then she s.n.a.t.c.hed that piece of meat from him without any warning. "Ah.. *laughed out a bit *... You could just say you want it, I don"t mind sharing it with you." said Itsuki with a gentle smile. Ai ignored him and continues eating her lunch. Suddenly she heard a voice calling her in her mind...