WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 99

That afternoon, Itsuki brought Ai to visit every single church they could find in the town, with Jason as the driver.

"Is this the church in your dream?" Itsuki.

"Uhm... No..." said Ai.

"I see... So it"s not this one either. Let"s get to the next one." said Itsuki while crossed out one of the church names in a list. This is the eighth Church they visited.

"Actually you don"t have to do this, Itsuki kun. It"s just a dream." said Ai, a bit guilty seeing what Itsuki did for her.

"Yes, maybe it is just a dream, but what happened to your hand is certainly not a dream, if we did not confirm the truth, will you be at ease?" Itsuki asks and Ai can"t answer his question, she just remained silent.


Elves Palace.

"So, what are you planning to do right now, Queen Elaine?" the King of the almighty Kingdom ask.

"Since this matter involved the violation of the Peace Agreement we make before, I don"t have the right to make any decision anymore, so it"s all up to you now, my friend." said the Elves Queen.

"Hmm... Is that so?" said the King, rather satisfied with her answer, then he turned to the ministers and officials who were against the Immortals just now.

"Oh well, if that"s what your queen said, I shall give you two options. First option, admit your deeds here and receive judgment from your own queen. Second option, I believe you would be interested in the special treatment from our "Discipline Committee" huh?" said the King, then they noticed some movements from walls and ceiling.

"Oh... I see, it"s the third option then." said the King as the wall and ceiling starts cracking...

Seeing the intruders break in through the wall, Queen Elaine is a bit shock while the King just remains calm or rather he found this as interesting.

"Queen Elaine, it seems like your security here is quite bad eh?" said the King with a teasing tone.

"But it"s not possible, I didn"t hear anything or sense anything magic from the intruders." said Queen Elaine.

"Well, me neither." said the King.

*take note that the Elves Queen has very sensitive six senses, that she can hear sounds from miles away, so even a slight movement outside the Palace should be able to be detected easily.

Suddenly, the ceiling falls apart, a huge boulder falls towards the direction of Queen Elaine, the King blocked it with a strong offensive barrier that corrodes anything that touched it from outside. Then a small group of horned elves jumped down from the ceiling followed a troop of Minotaurs that storm in through the broken wall. The horned elves seem to be not affected by the King"s barrier despite off having direct contact with it from the outside.

"Ah, so it"s horned elves. It"s a rare sight to see them in such a big number." said the King, rather amused than shock.

"Tsk... This is troublesome, hey, Athena chan, any suggestions?" said the King to Athena who had been clinging on him since the last chapter.

"Let"s have some tea and sweets." said Athena. "Hmm... I like that idea. Hey! You heard her." said the King to Sky, Terence and Sal.


Null Dimension, Itsuki and Ai walk into a church, it"s the fourteenth church they had visited. It"s an old-styled cathedral. The interior design is very luxurious yet vintage style, the whole place gives people a warm and nostalgic atmosphere, however, Ai seems to be feeling uneasy by the surrounding.

"Ai chan, what"s wrong? Is this the place?" Itsuki asks.

"No, but this place somewhat makes me feels eerie." she said.

"h.e.l.lo, is there anything I can help you with?" A nun walks in from the backdoor of the cathedral. The nun looks really beautiful and somewhat soothing...

Suddenly, Ai took out a dagger with her injured hand and charged towards the nun. Her killer"s instinct told her this lady in front of her need to be eliminated for good.

"Ai! What are you doing." said so, Itsuki blocked her dagger by grabbing it directly with his hand, blood drips out as he did so. The nun is shock and frightened by the scene and dropped onto the ground, slightly trembling.