War of the Supreme Mysteries

Chapter 37

From previous chapter,

I’ll change lily yao to their original name “Yao Li”. Yao Li was servant girl from previous chapter who Wu Dong Fang killed

And MC name from Donford Wu to “Wu Dong Fang”, obviously if you don’t know the MC name, you can considering to read another novel instead.

Yaara Ming to be “Ming Yue”, Ming Yue are MC girl, the female shaman who he was already sleeping with.

Mia Si to be “ Si Miao”,

h.e.l.lo Si Miao


Yao Li was dead, carrying away the joy that as if she could still be alive, to carry away the desire as if one day she will be able to live again.


Not long after, Wu Dong Fang turned away, walked to the front door of the room and opened it.

it is pitch black outside, he can’t see the situation out there, but he is certain that there are people in the dark out there lurking, monitoring his move


After opening the door, Wu Dong Fang sat back down at the table, holding up the pitcher and poured a gla.s.s of water, while waiting if there are people who come to clean up the corpse of Yao Li.


“Poor girl”, you can hear Yun Ping voice from the outside.


“Such a pity,” said Wu Dong Fang still not turned his head.


“Actually she still can be alive”, Yun Ping still can’t be seen.


Wu Dong Fang drank one sip of water that already cold, “You’re the one who drove her to her death”.

“We’re not necessarily going to kill her”, said Yun Ping.


“If she can complete the task, you not only will not kill her but instead you will take good care of her. Unfortunately she could not finish the job “, said Wu Dong Fang calmly.


“If you not touch her, we probably will not kill her” said Yun Ping.


“You definitely would have killed her, you’re not just going to kill, you will also do it in a way that is very cruel, you will torture her first until she died miserably” said Wu Dong Fang.


There are people who go into the house, they are not Yun Ping, just two servants of the inn and they lifted away the bodies of Yao Li, like lifting a sack of rice.


“Why we must torture her?” said Yun Ping as he stepped aside and give way to two servants who carry Yao Li corpse.


“Because no matter what she did to me, all because I refused her that causes all that happens, you will torture her in order to make me feel guilty”, said Wu Dong Fang.


Yun Ping kept laughing and laughing and said, “You can actually make sacrifices to save her”.


“It’s not because I don’t want to save her, she just don’t have any value to me that makes me don’t want to save her. It’s like Will you give warmth to any person in the street by digging graves for your own mother? “, Said Wu Dong while putting down his gla.s.s on the table.


“I would not” said Yun Ping with emotionless face.


“Then I would not too. Besides I don’t really know her too well” said Wu Dong Fang as he rose from his seat.


“You obviously can let us to kill her, why you have to do it yourself?”, Yun Ping stepped into, but not a going toward Wu Dong Fang, but walked toward the closet where wine that exist in the west room.


“She will die painlessly in my hand. When I refused her, I already knew that it would hurt her. Such ign.o.ble act like this how can I still need to borrow your hands to kill her? I just need to do the deed myself and pretend as if I’m innocent about that “, said Wu Dong Fang.


“Didn’t have a reason to feel responsible for your previous act?  Cruel, really cruel,” Yun Ping view directed to each keg of wine in wine rack, he realized that all the wine has been spent by Wu Dong Fang.


“Next time if there is a problem just comes to me, you do not need to sending bunch of women or children”, said Wu Dong Fang while vomited until his mouth full of saliva.


“Later, chances for us to meet also will not be much, pack your belonging, get ready to leave” says Yun Ping.


“There is no need to prepare, I didn’t have anything in here” said Wu Dong Fang while stepped outside of the house. After arriving at the front door, he realized that there were three men standing guard in the courtyard.


Yun Ping after get outside of the house while give keg of wine to Wu Dong Fang “this is my present to you”


Wu Dong Fang staring Yun Ping Furrowed his brow while hugging the keg of beer.


Yun Ping pointed his finger towards three mans that stand guard while laughing “we are all make a bet, I bet you would have killed her, you’ve made me win three houses!”.


Wu Dong Fang suddenly in a cold sweat, he had underestimate Yun Ping, really underestimate him.


“Senior brother, you were already plotting with him before, aren’t you?”, said one of them, these people if calculated based on the order of age, one of them who says before are approximately 50 years old, older than the age of Yun Ping.


“I didn’t coming in here for several days” says Yun Ping while raising his hand.


“Only you that had time to talk to him, you must be plotting with him to win this bet” said the other two.

“From beginning the one who want to bet are all of you, never mind then, I no longer want your house, just take him away.” Yun Ping says to three of them while pointed his finger to Wu Dong Fang.


When Yun Ping finished speaking, suddenly from around the body of Wu Dong Fang where he stands popping up a lot of rocks the size of a bowl that superimposed on each other to form a confinement of prisoners like a cage made of stone then shut Wu Dong Fang in the middle.


“Just let him takes the wine that I gave it to him”, says Yun Ping to all of them. After Yun Ping finished his speak, suddenly the cage stone is thrown upright into the air, this feeling like something was pushing the cage to the top, when the momentum is not there anymore, suddenly confinement of the stone fell again very fast, and it looks like will collide with the ground, once again suddenly cage stone was raised again to the top, then followed along with the three men drifted to the northwest.


A cold wind blew into his face. Wu Dong Fang could not open his eyes, but he still tried as hard as he could to opened his eyes, besides only can see the light of the stars in the sky he was not able to see clearly the situation in the vicinity.


The weather is very cold, his hair and eyebrows froze quickly, because he can’t see anything, he could not predict the speed his flight, nor can he predict where he was taken to. The only thing he can do was calculate, calculating how long he was in the air.


Twenty minutes to half an hour later, finally the three man directed the confinement stone to descend on the ground, Wu Dong Fang immediately directed his gaze downward, faintly he could see the land that surrounded by the sea. The approximately distances between north to south is around twenty kilometers, due to insufficient light in there he didn’t really know how actual the size. The only he know are the island is surrounded by water. There are only few trees and some building on this island and on the center, there is a mound that looks like a building that still not finished.


From the beginning he thought that they will take him to slave village, not island like this. While they lowered him quickly to the surface, he started to realize that the island is not natural island but rather an island that has been formed by humans, on the east flows an immense river, the river is extended from the northwest to southeast, you can see people who were digging a ca.n.a.l-shaped C around the island that divert some water flow of the river to protect the township.
The ca.n.a.l that surrounds the island on average has a width of approximately a dozen meters, in addition to the artificial ca.n.a.ls, there is no facility that could functioned for the defense, to the east of the main channel approximately about five to six kilometers of the ca.n.a.l walls there are relics of the city from the Xia dynasty, they can be seen clearly from the halls of the former large building.


There is a mountain in the north of the island and that was the only mountain on the island. Geographically that mountain was not really too high, but that allows one to see the whole situation on the island. the three native who bring Wu Dong Fang to this island was immediately escorted Wu Dong Fang to the front of one of the buildings that were on top of the mountain, the building may be regarded as a tower, stone tower three storey floor, surrounding the tower there are no lawn, only a dirt field that already covered by snow, there are no any plants on the surrounding, which can only be revealed is that the lawn was very s.p.a.cious.


Although the building is built in the shape of the tower, but it was bigger than the tower of wood or stone in general, the base level floor already takes place three “mu” (1 mu = 1/15 hectare size in China), currently the time approximately already at eleven PM, there is no light or noise whatsoever inside the tower.


After arriving at the ground floor, one of the three people who took him had walked into the stone tower, while two of his still on guard outside.


The locked cage stone had disappeared as soon as they hit the ground, Wu Dong Fang couldn’t indirectly stand up, the travel that approximately take half an hour earlier led him cold and stiff, he still can’t feel his body.


A few minutes later the men who had entered into the stone tower get out along with two others who nodded each other, then disappeared from view.


Wu Dong Fang was not too surprised by it, he had heard few rumors about how the greatness of those elders of the local shaman who mastered the science of flying and penetrate the soil, Those three people in fact do not disappear, they just uses magic to penetrate the soil in order to leave.


After the three men left him, Wu Dong Fang immediately put that keg of wine from his hand, and then do some stretching to warm his body again, then he realized one thing, the field was covered with snow that leave only footprints the man who go inside the tower and also footprints of two more, other than that he did not see any traces on the other.


This place is located not too far from the village, so the weather should still be the same. The lack of foot print on the snow shows that no one walked in and out from this tower stone.


People who live in this stone tower must be people who have authority in this island. It is not strange that these people isolated themselves from the crowd, the strange thing is, in this certain period of time these people had never been out of this tower. You can a.s.sume they have food in there, but what if they want to take a s.h.i.t, are they can do it too in there?


Wu Dong Fang observe the surrounding area carefully, because later on, the chance of him to be here again must have been very small, therefore he must took the opportunity to study this geographical on this surrounding area here very carefully.


Unfortunately because already mid night, the surrounding area was pitch black, so he could not see clearly to this area. He could only see that water on the west, north and south river are more darker than the water in the east. This condition indicates that the river is in three directions are separated by the same irrigation from the main river.


Five minutes later, there is someone who came to the front of this stone tower. Turns out someone who came are a man that approximately fifty years old with average build, the face are not too weird and wore a shaman robe. Due the lack of light, he can’t see clearly the color of that robe and level of that shaman.


That shaman walked to the front of the stone tower and then bending over to give his respect to the tower. He then turned and looked toward Wu Dong Fang, a few seconds later he turned and walked back, saying, “follow me”.


Wu Dong Fang hugged keg of wine while walking follow the shaman from behind, the mountain roads were narrow and rough, snowy and full of gra.s.s, shows that this road is not a road frequently traveled by people.


After few minute walk, Wu Dong Fang and the shaman arrived in a field on the slopes of the mountain, the rear door of the field is a mountain road they walked before, north to south narrow, east to west area, the distance between the east and west more than seven to eight kilometers, not so many houses, there were only about six or seven houses, the distance between the houses one and another was far enough.


Within the field stood fourteen people, two people each per group, in every group there is one shaman and the other one hold a torch. If you look at the way they stand, the people who hold a torch was similar to the officers in the military.


Because the sufficient light, Wu Dong Fang can observe the surrounding area more clearly, from the seven shamans who he observed, there are two female shamans who wore a mask on their faces. Despite wearing a mask, he can vaguely know the female shaman that stood at the left side.


His heart is curious, so observed her more carefully this time, and at the same time, the female shaman carefully observed him too. From the way the female shaman eyes shook with radiance, looks like she was also surprised to see him.


“That was” Wu Dong Fang Frowned. He recognized that shaman, she was the female shaman who got caught when a.s.sa.s.sinate the babies at Ming Yue village. He can recognize her because she was Si Miao who he released half year ago. Beside her eyes, the most important is her posture was different from the average shaman, her head was bigger than average woman.


Because the sufficient light, he can see clearly that male shaman who bring him here was wearing blue robe. The shaman was considering who will take him from now on.


Si Miao wanted to walk to the front, but before that Wu Dong Fang hurriedly asked “can you submit me to the female shaman only?”


A shaman who wore the blue cloak instantly stand still and silent, after that he pointed to a male shaman who wore a black robe, “I submit him to you”.