WAR: The university of WAR

Chapter 4

TL notes: Sorry for the late chapter. This chapter was really hard to translate and I want to say thank you to exqalph03 for your first follow and first like and to Chiosa Ionut for the first comment. It really means a lot to me. And a big thank you to whoever that write a proper novel description for me in novelsupdate but there’s no normal school life in this novel though which is also one of the reason i chose to translate this. Anyway please enjoy the chapter

At a field inside the university.

While he"s walking quietly to the field, he can"t stop himself from sighing. He feels a bit lonely since he just left his room without knowing anyone here. When he got there, there are buildings all around the field. This gra.s.s field also has a small stage in the middle.

When he walked in, there"s around 400 people on the field. Some dresses strangely as if they"re in a fantasy world or something. Some of them are carrying heavy machine guns and there"re also people who"s a.n.a.lyzing their senior who"s watching over them. At the front of the row"s there are big signs that has fields written on it like fight and tactic, war"s resource management,  quartermaster, medical, war animals, military"s equipment engineering and another two signs which he couldn"t see.

"Maybe I am a bit shortsighted now&h.e.l.lip;" Said Ester.

"Hey little bro, which field are you in?"

Those words came from a young man who"s wearing casual clothes. His white hair and golden eyes that look like it could even shine in the dark. The most outstanding thing about him is that big sword on his back.

"Um&h.e.l.lip; I"m in the fighting and tactic field." Ester responds.

"Hmmm.." Those golden eyes look at him before looking at the chain around his feet with curiosity. "From the looks of yours, I don"t think you can stay with them and there aren"t only human in your field. There are also demons and half-angels there."

"You don"t have to worry about me. There are also a lot of girl there, maybe even a half of them" This freshman said while looking around him. He notices that there are some who looks back staring at him.

"I think you should go sit in the rows now. It"s almost time." The uppercla.s.smen said while still looking at the chain around his legs. "Ah. And my name is Lense Regios. I"m a junior studying in military"s equipment engineering field. Nice to meet you. If you have any problems with your weapon, you can rely on me."

Ester unconsciously frowned. Even though he looks friendly but those eyes that looked at him. They don"t say the same thing. "That guy is interesting." The chain said that with a small voice. "Even if that sword isn"t a living weapon but it"s not bad at all."

"Well. Let it be." He talks while pulling his leg to the rows.

"Did you gain some weight?" Ester whispered because he noticed that the chain"s weight increased by at least one-tenth which is a lot for Ester who doesn"t like exercising. If it"s not for his mother who ordered him to go exercise, he wouldn"t be able to even walk right now.

"Are you crazy? How can you ask women about their weight like that?" Said the chain. Even though she was the one who"s been increasing the weight.

When Ester sits down, everyone looks at him even if they are on different fields. It"s because first, there"s a lot of people who carry their own weapon around but there hasn"t been anyone who uses a chain to restrain himself here. And secondly, he is the last person to come.

There are also some of those engineer guys trying to a.n.a.lyze the chain. Ester looks at their PC which is transparent and very thin with jealousy because a lot of them are specially made.

What the heck?

He"s surprised because some of their PC which is already half way done is now error. Even though it"s very expensive but it couldn"t a.n.a.lyze the thing on his legs. After that all of them look at each other with a pale face even though Ester hasn"t done anything.

"Hey you. Yeah you with a chain around his legs. What"s that chain for?" A sound from a man who looks really sick. His dresses are so bad that he looks more like a beggar. And with a face like who"s addicted, Ester couldn"t say anything.

"Um&h.e.l.lip; You could say that it"s my weapon but I"m still not able to properly control it so I"m in this condition as you can see." He responded. Even if Tartarus is his weapon but she hasn"t even listened to him for once. She even killed him once.

"I"m Ester Devald. Nice to meet you."

"Brian Sixz." Said the beggar. Under his cloak that covers his face, there"s an eye with a red pupil in the middle of his forehead which his red hair is somewhat covering it. "As you can see, I"m not a human and I"m pretty sure that there are also lots of people who"s like me" He said while looking around him.

There are sounds of people around him which sounds like they are not in a good mood but Ester doesn"t pay much attention to it.

"I see. I hope that we can be good friends, Brian" He said normally. Ester himself is pretty confidence that people around him aren"t as scary as that rapier that stabbed him or that h.e.l.l room that he"s staying in. Even if it"s a dragon, he"s pretty sure that his room can easily deal with it.

"All right, attention. All undercla.s.smen." A girl in a miko uniform walks into the front of the stage. At her waist, there"s a black katana hanging there. She"s a really beautiful girl with those black hair and slender body.

"So please let me introduce myself. I"m Sasaki Ryoko. I"m a junior student and I"m also the President of the Student Council." She said it while looking at the freshmen. "Before anything else. Princ.i.p.al Lauren Aegis please come and say some words. Please give a hand."

*Clap Clap*

All of the students clap their hand for the cruel princ.i.p.al (in Ester"s eyes).

"Thank you, the Student President and the teachers. And welcome to the university, new students. I"m Lauren Aegis, your princ.i.p.al. I want to say some words about life in this university." The princ.i.p.al talks normally but everyone in the field can somehow hear what he said. "This year, our university will have some more new rules." Said the princ.i.p.al.

"For it to be more fu&h.e.l.lip; convenience to manage. Because our university is a war zone and there"s also magic barrier around here. There are events like camping people outside the infirmary or even waiting in the toilet to kill someone."

All of the students started to look at each other with fear.

"The new rules are that for those who kill others in the public without good enough reasons will be set a bounty and that bounty will be points for those who kills him. No more killing in toilet because we already have a virtual war on days off. So anyone who breaks those rules will be severely punished."

Why do you add those rules in the first place? It only just give them a bounty and that"s it&h.e.l.lip;. It doesn"t even do anything else&h.e.l.lip;.

"But" The princ.i.p.al quickly speaks up when he saw students already starting some plans. "If there"s any fights or war that"s not in the schedule, everything must not be seen by the teachers. For every time you are found out, you will lose 10% of your points."

"Are you training people to be a.s.sa.s.sins!?" Ester thought to himself. The princ.i.p.al is really a creative man after all.

"Students will be allowed to use weapons on days off like normal and for teachers who wants to go into battlefield." The princ.i.p.al winks to the teachers "You must come see me with a reasonable intentions or else I will cut your salaries but if it"s just self-defense then it doesn"t count." After he finishes the sentence, the eyes of some teachers has already shined even the kind hearted witch teacher.

"And the last thing. Welcome to WAR."

"Please Ms. Sasaki."

"Every students please stay in your seats." Those words are from The Student President but no one on the field pays any attention to it. Sasaki frowned before everything was stopped by just 2 words.

"Sit down." Killing intent gushes out of The President. People were sweating bullets and some even fainted.

"Haha&h.e.l.lip; That almost made me fainted. It feels like I just got slashed by a sword" Said Ester. "Hey Brian, Are you ok?"

He lightly pushes Brian beside him. His body falls down.

"Huh? He"s already fainted?" Ester holds his head.

Even though there are a lot of people who fainted. There are also some who still"s standing.

Hm? Most of the doctors didn"t fainted? Ester thought. Why"s that?

It"s not that strange. A lot of them have already dealt with other people"s death. Just some killing intents won"t make them fall. Tartarus explained

"Seems like you guys calmed down a bit." Said the girl who"s standing on the stage. "The next thing will be weapon choosing ceremony. The ones who"s still standing, please wake up those who fainted."

Ester reaches out his hand and pokes Brian "Hey Brian, wake up. It"s about time"

Other people are also in the same situation. I guess there"s only one way left. Hope this guy don"t use his skin to breathe. He squeezes the beggar"s nose. After some time when Brian face starts to change its color.

*Cough* *Cough* There are sounds of him breathing and coughing.

"Hey, what was that for? I almost died, d.a.m.n it." The red hair guy started to make some complaints. People around Ester who saw what he did started to do the same way.

Brian who"s waked up confused. He looks around and quickly remembers what happened.

"Um&h.e.l.lip; Sorry for the bother and thank you." He said with a low voice.

"Don"t mind it. Go attend the ceremony. I have something else I need to do." Said Ester while he was standing up.

"Where do you think you are going?" A girl in the same field as him speaks up. She has a beautiful blonde hair and a pair of sparkling red eyes. She"s wearing a black dress and from what he sees, she"s not in a good mood.

"I don"t need to attend the ceremony." He shrugged and keep on walking.

*Bang!!!* A sound of a gunshot was heard and a scratch could be seen on Ester"s shoulder.

"Don"t disrespect this ceremony!" She said with an angry expression on her face.

"Go ask the princ.i.p.al whether do I need to attend it or not." He said that while looking at princ.i.p.al who has a serious face but in truth he wanted to laugh so bad.

"Let him go. That"s my order." After those words end, the girl behind him put the gun away and sit back down. And the juniors who"s surrounding him which he doesn"t when did they do it also walk away.

"You can go back to your room now. There"s not much left to do now. Just come back around noon." Said the princ.i.p.al. Ester continues to walk back to his room which is really cool in other people eyes.

When he gets into his room.

"That crazy girl!!! How could she shoot me like that!? Scared the h.e.l.l out of me." He said that while inspecting his wound. "Ugh. It hurts. Why does it always have to be me&h.e.l.lip;"

"Isn"t it your fault? You said it like you don"t NEED to attend it and you know what? The people who succeed in a.n.a.lyzing me only shows that I"m a really high grade thing that restrains people. They might even think that you are a super dangerous monster. And you are so dangerous that even the principle himself personally controls you with me on." The chain said with a high-pitch voice as if she"s laughing at him.

"And you also said that you didn"t need to attend to ceremony instead of saying you can"t. Now it"s like you don"t need a weapon to survive here. They might even think of you as a genocider by now."

"Ahhh. Let"s forget it&h.e.l.lip; Even if I die, it doesn"t even matter that much. I just have to be more careful that"s all."

"Let"s explore the room." He said that while walking into the piles of books in the shelves because right now he still has a lot of time left. He found it strange that some of the books are still on the ground and some of them still have the burnt smell it had. This makes him really interested.

Ester picks up the book that gives off the burnt smell.


In a blink of an eye, fire starts to come out of the book right where he touched it.

"A dark blue flame, huh?&h.e.l.lip; It"s really similar to the key&h.e.l.lip; Wait, it"s burning my hands!!!" Ester tried to put his hands away from it but he"s still holding it.

"Try to think as if it"s not hot" Said Tartarus.

"Are you crazy? Can"t you see that it"s burning my hands?!"

"Do as I said." She speaks again but with more seriousness.

"Ok fine. You are not hot. This is completely normal. I don"t feel anything strange." He said while staring at the flame that is still burning his hands. The wounds that he got from the flame disappeared. It"s as if the flame is a part of him.

"I can read it now huh." He said while opening the book. And the hand that opens it gets engulfed by the flame once again but he tries to not pay much attention to it.

At the front there"s a word written by hand. Ocean textbook. [TL notes: I couldn"t translate the name to be as cool as the original. Sorry. ;w;]

Huh? You used illusionary fire to protect the book instead of water? Isn"t this book about the ocean?

When Ester started to read the book. He found out that its content is about history of the seas in this world. Both that he knows of and doesn"t. There are pictures in there, some are drawn and some were taken by camera. Right now the flame starts to spread more and more as if it tries to make him distracted but Ester is that kind of person who doesn"t pay much attention to the world when he"s reading so he doesn"t even see the flame that has already engulfed his body.

Hoh. This kid is even better than I thought. Tartarus thought.

After he finishes the book, the Sun is already above his head. The flame also disappeared. The things in his head right now are only about the thing he just read.

The sea near here is also written in the book. Some information about that sea are not completed although all other dangerous seas are filled with information. What is under that sea? Is there something there that even explorers don"t want to get near?

When he tries to put the book back where it was. The book suddenly changes itself in to vapors. It then goes right into his chest.

"Right now, that book has already count you as its owner. You can read it again whenever you want. With only just thinking, it will appear again." Tartarus said that while Ester was still looking at the shelves confused.

And I will also read it. Tartarus thought but didn"t say it out.

"Right now, let"s go back. I also got something to read now." Said Ester before walking out of the room once again.

Ester is now once again at the field. Others also finished what they are doing. Right now, they are forming some groups. Each group are about twenty to thirty people. He used some of his time before he sees the man that he"s been looking for.

"Are you forming a team?" He said that while walking toward Brian who"s with other people. Ester sees some people that from their appearance age-wise, they shouldn"t be in the university. But he keeps this question to himself because he doesn"t want more problems.

"You are finally here. Everyone has already from a group. Do you want to join? Other people don"t mind you joining in. Even though some are still scared of you."

If you asked me whether I want to join or not, of course I do but from what I heard there are a lot of people who hate me&h.e.l.lip; And in the group, there"s even that crazy girl who shot me before. If she doesn"t stop looking me like that, I think I might get killed by my own teammate&h.e.l.lip;

In that moment, Ester thought up something fun. That will also serves as his revenge.

"Sure, please let me join." He said that while looking at blonde girl. She also stares back at him.

"Ester Devald." He said that while pointing at himself. "Nice to meet you, everyone."

"Don"t you have a t.i.tle?" A man asked him. He wears a lab coat and a pair of gla.s.ses. He has black which was combed nicely and those things make him looks like a very well-organized person. "I"m Joshua Healer. I"m from the medical field and my t.i.tle is "The knives who can kill even the Sun". Nice to meet you" [TL notes: YES that"s his name.]

"Nice to meet you too. And about the t.i.tle, I don"t have one. But if there"s one then maybe it"s&h.e.l.lip;"

"Prisoner of the cursed building&h.e.l.lip;maybe?"

Some of them start to get pale. Even Joshua looks at him with surprised.

"Doctor, wizard, witch, thief, engineer&h.e.l.lip; didn"t think that we would even have a prisoner&h.e.l.lip; What did you do to get restrained like that?" That blonde girl who was quiet for quite a long time speaks up. In her red eyes, there"s a glimpse of interest.

"I was only just late on the register day." Ester said that with a low voice.

"What!?" He heard sounds of people around him.

"You only did that and you got punished this much?? And it"s even a high-graded one? Who ordered this?"

"The princ.i.p.al did it." He sighs once again.

After that words, everyone lower their guard while being around Ester now. But they get pale once again when they about the teachers who"s really strong but almost all of them have twisted personality. Even the princ.i.p.al also has a twisted personality.

"But I still won"t forgive that arrogant att.i.tude of yours." Said the girl.

I am the one who got shot though&h.e.l.lip; He said that in his mind.

"I"m Grace Walpurgis." She reaches out her hand to shake hand with him. "Hope you won"t get on my nerves again."

Walpurgis? Are you serious? Did I just mess with the daughter of a vampire mafia gang? Good job me.

"Pleased to meet you."

"And what does the chain do?" Someone asked.

"Um. It has tased me before. It even killed me once before by draining out my soul. It has also sucked my blood out too. And about the other thing I"m not so sure about it."  He said. The girl is really surprised by what he just said.

"How the heck did you survive all of that?" Grace gulped.

"It has already stopped for quite some time now. If it"s not hungry, it won"t do that."

After that, people start to introduce themselves to each other. Even though he can barely remember all people"s name in his group but he can almost remember all of their faces. Before they could talk about anything else, there"s a sound from the stage.

"Attention, this message is from the Student Council." Everyone"s now paying their attention to the same Student President who"s talking.

"Right now, we decided to change our schedule. From what we see, we found that you guys make yourselves acquaintance really fast. So we will change from lunch to virtual war test."

In that moment, everyone quickly bring out their weapons. Brian"s staff that was carved into a serpent-like, Joshua"s scalpel or even Grace"s gun but there"s only him who is standing still doing nothing.

"Please calm down." The president in miko dress said. "Right now, I want to clarify some rules because this is the first day that our cute undercla.s.smen have to fight in a war. The war area will be every buildings, every roads and the forest near the university. If you go out of those area, you will count as a deserter and will get shot by our snipers."

So there"s isn"t any safe places left huh&h.e.l.lip;

"Is there any places that I can even run off to??" He mumbles to himself trying to find a way to not fight with others.

"The end will be midnight of today. And your team will be your current team that you"ve formed. And whoever is the last to survive, you will get a reward from the teachers and the Student Council. And I will allow uppercla.s.smen to attend in this event because this will also be counted as freshmen initiation but if any of you get killed by the freshmen, there will be a very serve punishment waiting for you." The President said jokingly but for all of the junior, it wasn"t funny at all.

"The uppercla.s.smen please go and find your spot and please don"t kill them too quick." After they heard what she said the uppercla.s.smen use something like floating magics, a short-range teleportation device or just fly to their destinations.

"I will wait and see how many of you are left&h.e.l.lip;. Ah. I will also attend in this game." She said that while unsheathing her katana.

So the teachers are judges of this game huh&h.e.l.lip; Ester thought in his mind.

"So the freshmen initiation war. START!"