Watch Yourself Go By

Chapter 13 morning, the day of the show, was one of those days that nature often bestows on Brownsville: not the fleck of a floating cloud in the firmament above. Even the winds slept that they might not ruffle the tranquility of the scene or Alfred"s tent.

Lin was greatly disturbed over the opening in the tent. She declared: "Every dadratted, stingy critter in the neighborhood would jes" stan"

outside and peek in fer nuthin"; and jes" to think, we got all the other places kivered only that plague-goned old hole right by the door."

When Win Scott arrived with the white linen sheets, Lin was greatly surprised. She feared they were not come by honestly. The boys a.s.sured her they had borrowed them, promising to return them as good as they came.

Lin was finally persuaded to tack and sew the sheets on the tent. When completed, she surveyed her work for a moment and said: "We"re all hun-ki-dora now"--a slang phrase in those days signifying "all right."

Jeffries Commons swarmed with children. So impatient was Alfred to open the circus that he refused to eat dinner. Lin fetched him a pie which he devoured as he worked.

Win Scott was the door-keeper and treasurer. Lin had a wordy war with the treasurer soon after the doors opened. Willie Shuman, who was lame, wanted to sit on the treasurer"s seat, a soap box near the main entrance. Win objected solely on the grounds that real shows did not permit patrons to sit where they pleased but made them stand around. Lin secured another soap box and Willie was given the kind of seat he desired "up high," as Lin expressed it, "so n.o.body could stan" in front of him."

Lin insisted on counting the receipts several times while the audience was a.s.sembling and when they reached sixty-eight cents, she concluded it was too much money to entrust to any one connected with the show.

Emptying the pennies in her pocket, she pinned it up, remarking: "Ef there"s no trouble comes up about them there new linen sheets, we"ll give another show tonight. I hev all the lights hangin" in the cellar ready."

The ghost seen the night before had been the talk of the town and that it disappeared on the old commons near the tent was whispered about among those in attendance at Alfred"s show. Lin heard whispers of the reports and somehow she could not entirely dispossess her mind of the idea that the new linen sheets were connected in some way with the ghosts. However, so deeply interested was she in the manifold duties she had imposed upon herself that ghosts and linen sheets were, for the time, forgotten.

Sitting on a soap box holding two children on her lap, so they could see it all, Lin was calling on Alfred to come back into the ring and repeat a twisting about trick he had just performed. Lin said the children wanted to see him do it "agin."

Encores were numerous from Lin, no matter whether the major portion of the audience desired them or not; if the children expressed a wish to see any feat repeated Lin simply commanded that it be done and if the performer hesitated to take a recall, Lin sat the children off her lap and marched the performer out and compelled him to comply with the children"s wishes.

Although it was balmy spring, there was a tinge of chill in the air that touched one. Many of the boys were compelled to undress to don their costumes, and Joe Sandford"s costume especially was not conducive to comfort and warmth.

Alfred had strongly impressed it upon all who partic.i.p.ated in the performance that they must have real show clothes. Many and surprising were the costumes. Tom White"s father had been a member of the Sons of Malta. Young White wore his father"s regalia, a cross between the make-up of Captain Kidd and Rip Van Winkle.

Joe Sanford"s costume made Alfred slightly jealous. Lin had trimmed the garments loaned Alfred by Mrs. Young. She had made him a body dress from an old patch quilt, the figures worked in yellow and red. Yet the colors were not as bright as those in the costume of Joe.

It was spring time, house-cleaning and wall-papering time. Mrs. Sanford, being of an inventive turn of mind, collected the wall paper, particularly the red border paper. Fashioning a suit out of the paper, she pasted it together. The costume was after the style of Napoleon, as we have seen him in pictures. Joe was without clothing of any kind except the pasty wall paper suit, stripes on the trousers running up and down and on the jacket encircling. As Joe walked about the dressing room to keep warm the paper suit rustled and swished. He was the admiration of all the performers.

Although Joe was not to appear until later he insisted that he be permitted to perform his feats at once, that he was almost frozen. Lin was advised of this fact and said: "Oh, well, let him do his showin". Ef he ketched cold he would hev the tisic, (phthysic)." Joe was subject to this affliction.

Joe"s part of the performance was hanging on a horizontal pole a little higher than his head, skinning the cat, then sitting upright on the bar, clasping his knees with his hands, revolve around the pole. Joe had performed this feat a thousand times. But he had never attempted it in a show costume constructed of wall paper.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Joe"s Wall Paper Duds]

The wall-paper suit began to give along the pasted seams even while Joe was skinning the cat. Lin said afterwards: "He was so durned skeered and a wheezin" with the tisic he didn"t know whether he was a-foot or a-horseback. I seed the rips openin" every time he stirred."

Joe was evidently uncertain as to the strength of his show clothes.

Despite a parting of seams he squirmed upon the horizontal bar, gripped his knees with his hands. Thus doubled up the strain on the wall paper was greater than ever. Joe ducked his head forward. The first revolution, the greater part of the wall paper suit was scattered over the saw-dust ring. Joe started on the second revolution but when he got under the bar he hung there swinging backwards and forwards. Lin said: "He jus" clung thar doubled up like a toy monkey on a stick, jus"

swinging like the pendulum of a stoppin" clock."

The red flowered belt and a sort of collar around the neck remained. Joe had on very white stockings; however, they only reached below the knee.

As he had lost his hat at the beginning of his stunt he was almost devoid of clothes. The vast audience giggled and shouted "accordin" to their raisin"" as Lin expressed it afterwards.

Joe, through shame or stage fright, made no effort to release himself.

The situation became embarra.s.sing to the few grown ones present. Mothers took occasion to look down at their children, smoothing their hair or straightening their clothing. The big girls looked another way but the greater part of the audience yelled with delight.

Lin "jus" couldn"t stan" it any longer." Dropping the children, she rushed to poor Joe"s rescue. She was compelled to unclasp Joe"s hands from the bar. In his fright and confusion he had a vise-like grasp on it. In the position in which he hung his face was hidden. Lin said that "his old wall-paper duds was all off him" and she reckoned "long as his face was kivered he"d hung thar "til he fainted or fell."

When Lin stood the poor fellow on his feet after relieving him from his perch, he was confused. Instead of going into the dressing room where all the boys were yelling with laughter, poor Joe ran out of the tent across the commons and crawled into Jeffries" coal house.

The door-keeper, Win Scott, hurried his regular clothes to him, but Joe left for home and never thereafter did he essay to become an actor.

Every child carried home as a souvenir a remnant of Joe"s wall-paper show suit.

Meanwhile, Alfred was changing the clown suit for Lacy Hare"s military uniform in which he always appeared as Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone.

Someone called to him: "Alf, here comes all yer grandpap"s family."

Alfred peered through a hole in Mrs. Evans" rag carpet and his blood froze in his veins. Heading the procession was grandpap, wide flowing, white collar, hat in hand. He appeared to Alfred an avenging nemesis.

Following closely, came Uncle Ned, stern, and solemn Aunt Sarah. Cousin Charley and old Tommy Moorehouse brought up the rear of the advancing column.

Alfred felt the tent swaying as if in a gale. The tent swayed again. Lin sat the children down quickly, "thinkin" it was some of the tarnel brats that had pestered the show tent ever since Alfred started it." At the door she came face to face with the angry grandfather.

"You"re more to blame than the boy" was all Alfred remained to hear.

Half naked, half dazed--for Alfred feared his grandfather"s wrath greatly--down the big hill the boy fairly flew, through the Jimson weeds, their p.r.i.c.kly pods stinging his bare breast and arms until the blood flowed. Nor did he slacken his pace until the old coal road was reached. Then along the dusty road to Krepp"s coal bank; into the dark tunnel penetrating the hill, nor did he stop until so far under ground that the opening to the coal mine, although large enough to admit a horse and cart, appeared to the sight as a ring of daylight no larger than an eye.

Realizing that the white and red clown paint Lin had smeared on his face would be difficult to explain to the miners should he encounter them, Alfred endeavored to remove it by washing it with the yellow sulphur water standing in the cart tracks where it had dropped from the damp sides of the old mine. He only spread it with the yellow water; his face presented a sight similar to an Indian"s in full war paint.

His fears subsiding, he retraced his steps towards the entrance. The opening darkened and he could discern a figure standing out against the sky beyond.

Hastening on he whistled shrilly. The answering whistle he recognized as that of his treasurer, Win Scott. When they met, Win gave Alfred the particulars of the wrecking of the tent by Uncle Ned and imparted the information that all Grandpap"s family, with the linen sheets, had gone home excepting the grandmother, and he had a message requesting that Alfred come to her at once, with the a.s.surance that he would not be punished.

The grandmother had frequently interceded in Alfred"s behalf and he was greatly pleased to receive her message. He felt so good over the turn of affairs that he could scarcely walk up the long hill so weak was he with laughter over Joe"s wall-paper circus clothes, nor did his good humor forsake him until they approached the spot where the tent, the work of many weeks, lay on the ground teetotally wrecked.

Win gave Alfred a graphic description of Uncle Ned"s wrecking of the tent, the escape of the audience, of Lin"s offering to pay for the sheets and her subsequent anger. Lin endeavored to appease Uncle Ned"s wrath. "But the more she talked the wuss he raved."

When Alfred entered the kitchen, Lin"s face was still red from anger and weeping. Looking angrily at Alfred, she began:

"Why did ye run? By golly, I"d stood my ground ef they"d all piled on me. Ef it hadn"t been fur grandmother, I"d licked Ned myself."

Alfred explained that if he"d been dressed he"d stayed, but being "mos"

naked he jus" knowed Uncle Ned would pull the tent down caus" he always wants to tear things up by the roots. I didn"t want to be ketched naked like Joe."

At the thought of Joe"s mishap his laughter broke out again. Lin"s good nature began to a.s.sert itself. Suppressing her smiles she placed her fingers on her lips which implied silence. Jerking her head toward the sitting room door she informed the boy his grandmother was "thar waitin"

fer ye," adding: "Ye needn"t be skeered, she"s got more religion and more sense than the whole caboodle of "em put together. Go on in."

Softly approaching the door leading to the room he heard voices, his father"s among them. He was half inclined to flee again. Timidly rapping on the door he heard footsteps leaving the room. Lin took him by the arm and led the boy into the large room.

It was growing dark. His grandmother sat alone. They halted in front of the gentle lady, Lin addressing Alfred in an encouraging manner, said: ""Al-f-u-r-d," tell grandmother the truth. Don"t stan" up and lie like Cousin Charley does, caus" he allus gits ketched up in it."

The boy looking into the kindly face of the quiet old lady felt no fear; however, his shame was most intense. Drawing the abashed boy nearer to her, she put her arm about him, softly saying: "I greatly fear you have been led by those older than yourself to do things you would not have done had you had proper advisors. I fear you will get into serious trouble if you do not follow your father"s and mother"s advice. Now, Alfred, listen to every word grandmother says to you. You will not be punished for taking the sheets more than your conscience reproves you.

You are a good boy and everyone loves you. It is only your father"s love for you that influences him to be severe with you at times. Your playful spirit, your mischievousness leads you into many actions that pain us all greatly but I am sure you do not intend to be bad. You are not vicious, only mischievous. Now tell me, Alfred, who prompted you to take the linen out of the chest?"

"No one. I was all to blame. Lin has sixty-eight cents and I have nearly three dollars Uncle Joe gave me and I"m going to give it all to Uncle Ned to pay for any tearing of the sheets and Lin will wash and starch them. They"ll be as good as new."

With this speech the boy broke down completely. Kneeling, he buried his face in the old lady"s lap. She stroked his head gently, and in a tone more soft and quiet than heretofore, she asked the contrite boy if he was aware of the reverence in which the family held the linen contained in the old chest.

The boy a.s.sured her that he supposed the old chest and its contents were cast off or unused articles the same as other goods stored away in the garret.