What About Us Last Request

Chapter 28

Barry Jefferson16:21



-(Laughter)..I feel pity for that lady. Such a fine piece and all she has got; is YOU!!- He came in going for a clean stab. It was going to end soon if I would fought him with all my injuries. I needed to do it just right.

-(Sounds of efforts)

-For how long do you think you can keep up? Well I think I know; until we hear her crying.

-Maybe she will hear yours first. A little man"s man tears.

-f.u.c.king cu..whaa! Ughh(screaming in pain)!!

When you are fighting it"s reasonable to keep your head light. Prediction is at the core when the opponent is a loudmouthed ignorant. I was buying Layla as much time as I could so that she could escape through the little door as planned. I reckoned it had been more than enough time.

-C"mon, the knife play is over,- He became too obvious with his offence. The slashes became easy to evade. Followed by a simple lock I disarmed him.

-I WILL KILL YOU!!- Again he charged at me with all his strength with impressive speed.

-You d.a.m.n rat,- Even with the agility the I had already put some distance between us. That allowed me to move away. "Ahhh mothe...gah..."- Timing was good, so was my chance. I took it. Though my movement got slowed down with all the bleeding and scratches, I managed to put him out. A well placed kick on the head. The guy was knocked out with blood coming out from his ear ca.n.a.l. But I couldn"t afford to wait. I picked up the gun from the floor and rushed inside the cafeteria. All those people didn"t say a single word and kept staring at me.

Layla Roy

"Okay, okay. There"s the bathroom. Now for that door.."- There was n.o.body in there. "Final..what!? Come on! Open d.a.m.n it! OPEN!!"- The door was locked. I couldn"t get out that way. The footsteps became louder.

I knew he was going to appear any time now. "No, don"t do this to me."- I kept whispering while fighting against that door.

-Oh, you are here...I see. Just leave it. Come on let"s take a look at you.

-No. No. No!

-Don"t make me chase you again.

-Get away from me! No!

-Huh? You can"t seem to get out through there, can you? Alright, in that case I"ll have some time with you..starting with your..how about these beautiful lips,- It was finished for me. There was no chance of me getting out of his grasp.

-Tell me where"s the envelope? Where did you hide it?

-...screw you!

-I see. Okay but let"s play first. It"s called strip till she shows it.


-What"s funny??

-That name is just as ugly as your face.

-Still it"s not as bad as you are gonna get when I am done with you.


-You are giving me the envelope one way or another.

-Don"t touch me! No!!

-Stop being stubborn.


-Who? Oh that guy who you just kissed earlier. Such a cliche moment. I am more of a riveting story lover. Shame.
